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Pakistan - Turkey (PAC-TAI) Collaboration for NGFA-TFX 5th Gen Aircraft l Updates, News & Discussion

It will be up an running soon.. Just like how some less informed naysayers were saying the UAV won't see the light of day but it is already here now.. By the way it is indeed a 5th gen unmanned fighter

US has claimed that they have stolen tech, but that just some low grade platform . But then there after the Americans have gone strict with them.

And I guess you haven't read my post at all.
US has claimed that they have stolen tech. There after the Americans have gone strict with them.

How can you steal tech there is one way to make engines just like there is one way to back shoes.. You make it and it is yours..

F35 has bad reviews and some countries want to return it all together like South Korea and Japan.. The one Turkey is building is newer and more modern... The believe that someone has monoploy over tech is major fallacy.. Intellectual property is accessable and everywhere
How can you steal tech there is one way to make engines just like there is one way to back shoes.. You make it and it is yours..

F35 has bad reviews and some countries want to return it all together like South Korea and Japan.. The one Turkey is building is newer and more modern... The believe that someone has monoploy over the tech is major fallacy.. Intellectual property is accessable and everywhere

Which engines are they using for their 5th gen fighter?
Which engines are they using for their 5th gen fighter?

Indigenous engine will come on that.. Don't ask questions you don't even know what it means..

Turkey is the only country that has actully produced a 5th gen unmanned fighter and you question them in making a manned one?

The only country that has used laser beams in actual war..
As far as I remember both India and Turkey dont have confident to build its own next generation fighter. Basically it is KFX/IFX program that inspires them both

I still remember when Indonesia has already been working with Korea in KFX/IFX program, India is still with SU57 program that is called as NFGA something

called as NFGA something - You mean Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA)

FGFA - it was started sometime in 2007-2008, and canceled somewhere in 2018.
MCA, Renamed - AMCA ... it is parallelly started somewhere in 2011-12.
I doubt Turkey will be able to design their own powerplant, unless until they partner with GE and US will not give the turbine tech to Turkey.
The negativity of the Asians is so well ingrained that now it's genetic...
People like you said that about jf17. They said China cannot produce and now Turkey...funny
Watch this.. This happened few weeks ago... This was a historic moment when an unmanned 5th gen fighter jet took to air... Kizilelma is a reality

I doubt Turkey will be able to design their own powerplant, unless until they partner with GE and US will not give the turbine tech to Turkey.

Turkiye has already single crystal turbine blade and bliks technologies

Coming to their TFx stealth fighter, they have failed in developing the turbine engine and now using GE F110 for their TF-X program.

Greek troll Foinikas's false flagger account lying to deflect the facts

Turkiye has already developed gas turbine engine ( TS-1400 turboshaft Engine )

and Turkiye has started developing TF-6.000 , TF-10.000 turbofan Engines to power KIZILELMA

and TEI says we have technology to develop 35.000 lbf turbofan Engine to power the TFX Fighter Jet

step by step ..
first 10.000 lbf TF-10.000 turbofan engine to power KIZILELMA
then 35.000 lbf turbofan Engine to power the TFX Fighter Jet

There is a difference between a UAV and a medium weight multirole stealth fighter.

1 -- KIZILELMA is not UAV ,...... but unmanned stealth Fighter Jet


KIZILELMA : 14.7 m
F-35 : 15.7 m




F-35A : 15.7 m
KF-21 : 16.9 m
F-22 : 18.9 m
SU-57 : 20 m
TFX : 21 m
J-20 : 21.2 m

TFX ( MMU ) Fighter Jet

-- BEOS ( FLIR and Targeting System )
-- IRST ( Infrared search and track )
-- DIRCM : Infrared counter measure
-- GaN based AESA Radar with 360 degrees situation awaraness and tracking
-- FSS : 360 degrees situation awaraness + UV solar blind MWS
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Indigenous engine will come on that.. Don't ask questions you don't even know what it means..

Turkey is the only country that has actully produced a 5th gen unmanned fighter and you question them in making a manned one?

The only country that has used laser beams in actual war..
Ever heard of LM RQ170 or Sukhoi S 70 Okhotnik or Dassault nEURON or Ghatak?

They all have flown and being further upgraded.
Did u read the article b4 you posted that they cannot make the engine...it tells u
Stop acting like a Turk, you should know that they are using GE engines and persuading Americans for the JV, earlier they tried with EJ2000. None showed any interest.
While General Electric did not openly express interest in the TF-X project, its local partner Tusaş Engine Industries (TEI) announced that it will participate in the engine development phase. On 11 June 2018, TEI General Manager Mahmut Faruk Akşit said that they proposed a mature engine for which they had completed a commercial proposal for the infrastructure of sub-component tests for the compressor. He emphasized the advantage of GE engines over its competitors stating that they have significant OEM support whereas the collaboration between other companies were yet to thrive. TEI committed to submit all intellectual rights to the government.[30] In October 2018, local media reported that an unknown number of initial production fighters will be equipped with General Electric F110 engines until Turkish Air Engine Company (TAEC)[31] finalizes the local engine.[32]

On 14 March 2022 Kale & Rolls-Royce re-started the progress of developing an engine for the TF-X program, stating that the previous disputes between the companies have been resolved and that the first prototype's of the TF-X will use the F110 engine.[33]

On 5 March 2022, İsmail Demir, undersecretary for Defence Industries, in a television interview Demir said the government would now negotiate a possible engine deal with Rolls-Royce. “We had some issues [with Rolls-Royce] before,” he said. “These have been resolved. I think we are ready to work together.”[34]

As of 31 May 2022, Rolls-Royce does not seem to engage in the development of an indigenous engine for TAI TF-X program yet as Turkey has sent Rolls-Royce a request for proposals and still waiting for the British engine maker’s assessment and reply. İsmail Demir, undersecretary for Defence Industries, said "It is imperative for us that the engine be produced in Turkey … that Turkey should possess intellectual property rights".[35] His statement implies that the same dispute over intellectual properties of the engine which previously stalled the negotiation between Rolls-Royce and Turkey back in 2019[36] remained unresolved.

As of 2 June 2022, unknown number of General Electric F110 engines delivered to TEI as the first batch according to the agreement between Tusaş Engine Industries (TEI) and General Electric that comprises delivery of 10 engines in total.[37][38]

On 2 July 2022, Defence Industry Agency published the invitation to tender for the domestic development of the engine to be used and İsmail Demir, undersecretary for Defence Industry Agency, stated that TRMotor, which is a subsidiary of TEI, has submitted its proposal and Turkish Air Engine Company (TAEC), consortium by Kale Group and Rolls-Royce, will submit its offer soon.[39]
Stop acting like a Turk, you should know that they are using GE engines and persuading Americans for the JV, earlier they tried with EJ2000. None showed any interest.
Stop acting like a dumbass Greek and read the article b4 asking the dumbest questions.
Again dumbo if you read it tells you when and why they are using f110? Duuuuhhh
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