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Pakistan tries to poke its nose into Doklam

So for now send ur NSA and SS to beg China to calm down or humiliation is ur destiny

Going to beg for mercy to foreign capitals is a old PAKISTANI trick

Nawaz in 1999 in Washington.

And we HEAR mushraff ran to Beijing

Typical cowardly acts.

DO YOU SEE INDIA RUNNING .............. NO ..........india is the aggressor ... INDIA is bullying CHINA

NOT china bullying INDIA

LEARN the FACTS first
This is ur lame thinking that we are not match, we shovel ur cold start capture ur monkey eliminate ur proxy u are not what u think u are. And yes we will die for WHT we stand for and make sure u won't be able to see next day if u make any funny move.
So for now send ur NSA and SS to beg China to calm down or humiliation is ur destiny.

Pakistan stopped being a match to India few decades ago. There is no quantitative or qualitative equivalence between the two countries. Even with cow dung/cow urine/hanuman army, India is far ahead.

Sending envoys to beg is a Pakistani tactic. India is yet to do that. But you are right, always a first time.
Not my point ... every Civilization throughout history has been at the receiving end in one form or another... so India needs to stop pretending like Muslim invasion of india was unique. Yes, from a Hindu point of view it was an aggressive invasion... from a Muslim point of view it was liberation and freedom... depends who you ask... no right or wrong here.
Let's stop it here bro,I don't even remember where we started .I have got another interesting topic to discuss.
NEW DELHI: Amid the Sino-Indian military standoff near the Bhutan-China-India tri-junction, Pakistan high commissioner Abdul Basit met the Chinese ambassador to India Luo Zhaohui. In what further raised eyebrows among Indian authorities, after his meeting with Luo, Basit was also learnt to have a sought a meeting with Bhutan's ambassador to India Vetsop Namgyel.

Top diplomatic sources confirmed to TOI that Basit called on the Chinese ambassador on Wednesday. They also confirmed that he was likely to soon meet the Bhutanese ambassador.

TOI has learnt that the situation at Doklam, where Indian troops have physically prevented the Chinese from constructing a road, was discussed in the meeting.

Basit is learnt to have wanted to discuss the situation with the envoys of both the countries. Basit has completed his tenure as high commissioner here and is expected to return to Islamabad next month.

Beijing is currently actively engaging the international community to drive home its point that it is India which is the aggressor at the Doklam plateau which is disputed between Bhutan and China. Unlike any other border transgression in recent times, the Doklam stand-off has even seen the Chinese embassy under Luo actively engage the Indian public to expound Beijing's position.

Political counsellor Li Ya recently released a video to address the concern of "some Indian friends".

More than a month into the "eyeball to eyeball" standoff though, it is still not clear how it'll all end as China publicly insists on an immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Indian troops. India has so far not engaged with foreign missions the way Beijing has. Or even if it has, it is not saying so. Until Wednesday, even the Russians had not been briefed about the situation.
Indian officials have warned against warmongering in the media but the fact is that it is the Chinese state backed media which has taken an unusually strident position on Doklam. They have also sought to exploit India's vulnerability in Kashmir by talking up the threat to India from Pakistan.
A noted Global Times columnist wrote recently that the India's logic in stalling Chinese road construction at Doklam could also be used by a "third country" to enter "India-controlled Kashmir" if it received a request from the Pakistan army. Basit's meeting with Luo may further fan that sentiment.

Despite the remark by Indian Army chief Bipin Rawat that India is ready for a "two-and-half front" wars, the government will be mindful of the threat from Pakistan in case there indeed is a flare up at Doklam.
dont worry about Pakistan
send your team to China and hope they dont drill you too much
That is what happens when you have imitating US Governance system and military rule in your country .
Stupidity has no bounds. So would be safe to India mimics western democracy system.
You're more stupid than I thought

So any plans of doing something different from what you guys are already doing for the past 60 years ?. Also on the diplomacy front below is a small proof about your good diplomatic efforts
You could suggest me. I am thinking of hurtng modi and co where it would hurt him most
dont worry about Pakistan
send your team to China and hope they dont drill you too much

China claims we are already inside China with our troops. So, can we expect some drilling soon?

Indian govt or media are not the ones chest thumping and saying we will defeat China etc etc. It's the other way around.

We know we will get drilled if we attack China, hence we have no intention of attacking them.
Similarly, we all know who will get drilled in case China attacks India. For all the posturing, ground realities are what they are due to the geography between the two nations.

If India & China had a similar border to what India & Pakistan have, the story would have been much more in favour of China. Alas it is not so & China is desperately trying to reduce that significant bottleneck by building infrastructure and occupying land which does not belong to them.
Going to beg for mercy to foreign capitals is a old PAKISTANI trick

Nawaz in 1999 in Washington.

And we HEAR mushraff ran to Beijing

Typical cowardly acts.

DO YOU SEE INDIA RUNNING .............. NO ..........india is the aggressor ... INDIA is bullying CHINA

NOT china bullying INDIA

LEARN the FACTS first
Lol living in lala land keep living. U call india bully lol add dog with it hahaha.
Nigg3r you should be more worried about shyt hitting the fan in tamil nadu.

"yana appi poo kutty".. phurruir

My state is Kerala not Tamil Nadu.
And your post is reported

This is ur lame thinking that we are not match, we shovel ur cold start capture ur monkey eliminate ur proxy u are not what u think u are. And yes we will die for WHT we stand for and make sure u won't be able to see next day if u make any funny move.
So for now send ur NSA and SS to beg China to calm down or humiliation is ur destiny.

Yup ,Wasted money for some non existent doctrine ,arrested a innocent guy onky because of his military background .
This is the maximum you can do .That is why we said we wont take you seriously never ever

India always talk in point of strength and Chinese invited us

Stupidity has no bounds. So would be safe to India mimics western democracy system.
You're more stupid than I thought

You could suggest me. I am thinking of hurtng modi and co where it would hurt him most

Not one nation .But several nations even from USSR .
Our Constitution was written with that policy.Accepting good from all nations.
Our governance is also based on that
Constitution tailored for us
I do realise Hindus normally are darker than Muslims and their features look different. It seems if caste is applied, Hindus would be lower caste.:lol:

Anyway, strategically, India just gave us the excuse to have joint military operations with Pakistan. Previously, we tried our best not to get involved in Kashmir conflict to maintain peace but now the policy is gonna change.

Where did you get the 'realization'? :lol: Rather, a true Muslim would consider people of no faith, atheists, the lowest of the low...and that's what most Chinese are... remember the CCP order of no religion?

And do something about Doklam before you even think of Kashmir..it's a far greater challenge. :)
My state is Kerala not Tamil Nadu.
And your post is reported

Yup ,Wasted money for some non existent doctrine ,arrested a innocent guy onky because of his military background .
This is the maximum you can do .That is why we said we wont take you seriously never ever

India always talk in point of strength and Chinese invited us

Not one nation .But several nations even from USSR .
Our Constitution was written with that policy.Accepting good from all nations.
Our governance is also based on that
Constitution tailored for us
Waisted money on our defence good for us :).. India sud raiz this monkeys issue in UNO or security council I wanna see how india gonna bring him back they way ur gov claim. Cuz this so called innocent monkey gonna be hanged.
Waisted money on our defence good for us :).. India sud raiz this monkeys issue in UNO or security council I wanna see how india gonna bring him back they way ur gov claim. Cuz this so called innocent monkey gonna be hanged.

That rich comes from Switzerland :sarcastic:
With a lots of money :lol:
Where did you get the 'realization'? :lol: Rather, a true Muslim would consider people of no faith, atheists, the lowest of the low...and that's what most Chinese are... remember the CCP order of no religion?

And do something about Doklam before you even think of Kashmir..it's a far greater challenge. :)
Just an observation in my head which I didn't really care to ponder on until recently. I realize among my Tamil colleagues, the Muslim guy was the fairest and the features are different, abit like mixed Arab and Indian. Then when I check out Hindi actors, most of them are Muslim. This disproportion of Muslim actors tells you something, they are mostly from Central Asian ancestry.
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