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Pakistan tops worst list for religious freedom.

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Actually it is news - or at least it should be -- Pakistani should be held to their own standards, is this an acceptable standard? Perhaps Pakistanis cannot muster shame anymore

there must be a treshold for everything..it must not seemed to be routine.hence.and unfortunately thats what is happening.if i was not wrong there is already a discussion started in pakistan for the protection of their minorities..lets hope people become more serious regarding this issue.the shear numbers tells us..there is an unprecedented change in ur demography since independence..how are things now??
good thing that pakistan is in top position...
there must be a treshold for everything..it must not seemed to be routine.hence.and unfortunately thats what is happening.if i was not wrong there is already a discussion started in pakistan for the protection of their minorities..lets hope people become more serious regarding this issue.the shear numbers tells us..there is an unprecedented change in ur demography since independence..how are things now??

I hear you but there isn't one in Pakistan - It's a cowed beaten country - it may even have died in 71 but does not know it, that army died in 71, that's for sure, the honor lost in Dhaka will never be regained - and the nation has done little but lose honor ever since.
I see positive development in the fact that most posters dont see it as ameekan-joos conspiracy to malign pakistan. Things will get better if people accept existance of problem than instinctively being defensive.
I hear you but there isn't one in Pakistan - It's a cowed beaten country - it may even have died in 71 but does not know it, that army died in 71, that's for sure, the honor lost in Dhaka will never be regained - and the nation has done little but lose honor ever since.

Cowed, yes, but beaten? No. Not yet.
I hear you but there isn't one in Pakistan - It's a cowed beaten country - it may even have died in 71 but does not know it, that army died in 71, that's for sure, the honor lost in Dhaka will never be regained - and the nation has done little but lose honor ever since.

and whom would u say should be blamed for this unfortunate condition of pakistan??
Are European countries giving rights to Muslims ... Thn why France banned Hijab .. :unsure:

how about minorities in your country....care about them first before thinking about European countries
how about minorities in your country....care about them first before thinking about European countries

You should also shut your mouth .. and better care about your part ..
and whom would u say should be blamed for this unfortunate condition of pakistan??

Army, No one more to blame than the army - It is the duffer Army - A golden opportunity to create a Pakistan that works, an Army that thinks, an economy that produces prosperity, a State that enables it and distributes it - instead we what they call islamization, and now the sweet fruits of that Islamization in the form of sectarianism, insurrection and terrorism, seeking even more of that Islam stuff (better than any other high) -- I don't know whether you read it or not, Kiyani's speech on martyrs day is worth reading, especially his pleading with the Talib to spare his officers and their army.

What a disaster, I mean honestly, such a huge failure - I think by the time thi duffer army is done, if there is anyone who even uses the word Islam and is not lynched, I would be surprised.
Are European countries giving rights to Muslims ... Thn why France banned Hijab .. :unsure:

Well, they allowed construction of a mosque meters away from the site of 9/11 attack by Islamist terrorists.. What bigger proof do you want ... ? you on the other hand, dont even allow ahmadis to call their place of worship as a mosque.. Think about it...
Army, No one more to blame than the army - It is the duffer Army - A golden opportunity to create a Pakistan that works, an Army that thinks, an economy that produces prosperity, a State that enables it and distributes it - instead we what they call islamization, and now the sweet fruits of that Islamization in the form of sectarianism, insurrection and terrorism, seeking even more of that Islam stuff (better than any other high) -- I don't know whether you read it or not, Kiyani's speech on martyrs day is worth reading, especially his pleading with the Talib to spare his officers and their army.

What a disaster, I mean honestly, such a huge failure - I think by the time thi duffer army is done, if there is anyone who even uses the word Islam and is not lynched, I would be surprised.

but the some of the recent polls showed that people especially youth favour a martial law and more so a sharia..isnt that the ground situation??
Is this even a news?

Isn't it Just Obvious! Just compare the % of minorities in their country since Independence till now!
Hope you know the difference between Religious and Sectarian violence. !!

sect is a subgroup of a religious, political or philosophical belief system, In case of pakistan sect refers to subgroup of islamic religion. Hence the sectarian violence (shia, sunni, ahemadiya,) and other kind (hindus, christians) in Pakistan can be attributed within the context of religious violence. If I'm mistaken please do elucidate .
Pakistani US Ambassador is charged with blasphemy law? wow...I missed that bit.
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