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Pakistan to use force to stop violations of its territory

Pakistan to use force to stop violations of its territory

Pakistan's interior minister said Wednesday his country may use military force to stop violations of its territory.

“We will not allow anyone in any case to interfere in Pakistan's territory and if this continues, we will adopt all the set measures including military action,” Rehman Malik told reporters. “I assure you we are quite capable of defending our homeland.”

Malik said he was referring to two incidents of aerial engagements from the Afghanistan side into Pakistani territory by helicopters with the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force over the weekend, in which dozens of suspected militants were killed in what Pakistan said was its territory.

Islamabad strongly protested the action and sent a demarche -- a formal protest relayed through diplomatic channels -- to NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

“These incidents are a clear violation and breach of the UN mandate under which ISAF operates. The said mandate “terminates/finishes” at the Afghanistan border. There are no agreed “hot pursuit” rules. Any impression to the contrary is not factually correct. Such violations are unacceptable,” said a statement from Pakistan's foreign affairs ministry on Monday.

“ISAF/NATO has been asked not to participate in any military action that violates the UN mandate and infringes upon Pakistan's sovereignty. In the absence of immediate corrective measures, Pakistan will be constrained to consider response options,” the statement continued.

Malik said Wednesday that Pakistan has protested the action to Afghanistan as well and will also voice its concerns to the United States.

tehran times : Pakistan to use force to stop violations of its territory

This message is not for NATO or :usflag:, this message intends for Pakistani people
The main problem lies between coordination of Pakistan military and the democracy representatives.

If Pakistan is not ready to allow the attacks on militants on its soil then it should stop its involvement in the war on terror. Getting paid on one hand and not willing to cooperate to the full extent on the other hand will make things more complicated.

Pakistan should stop its involvement in this war on terror, if it feels its sovereignty is being damaged. You need to let go of the gains of being a partner in the war! I think that Pakistan on one hand wants the money for cooperation and on the other hand fears ... backlash from people for allowing attacks on its country. Because of this policy, things are going to be messy in future. It relations with international countries will be damaged of this double standards continue.
Okay Mister BB, as your emotional countrymen are shouting 'no NATO transit', they have no idea of the consequences of it. Yes, the U.S. did say (TODAY) that they have alternative routes--Will they go for it?--I do not think so, not at least for sometime--

We know the consequences but we also know the consequences of allowing NATO transit at this point of time.
The main problem lies between coordination of Pakistan military and the democracy representatives.

If Pakistan is not ready to allow the attacks on militants on its soil then it should stop its involvement in the war on terror. Getting paid on one hand and not willing to cooperate to the full extent on the other hand will make things more complicated.

Pakistan should stop its involvement in this war on terror, if it feels its sovereignty is being damaged. You need to let go of the gains of being a partner in the war! I think that Pakistan on one hand wants the money for cooperation and on the other hand fears ... backlash from people for allowing attacks on its country. Because of this policy, things are going to be messy in future. It relations with international countries will be damaged of this double standards continue.

Most of us don't want no hand in this war.

Sure, the consequences may be tough when we quit at first, but China has industrialized and they can give us competent weapons as well as allowing us to build our own industry.

The rest is to the government, which is too corrupt to do anything now.
If Pakistan is not ready to allow the attacks on militants on its soil then it should stop its involvement in the war on terror. Getting paid on one hand and not willing to cooperate to the full extent on the other hand will make things more complicated.

Pakistan should stop its involvement in this war on terror, if it feels its sovereignty is being damaged. You need to let go of the gains of being a partner in the war! I think that Pakistan on one hand wants the money for cooperation and on the other hand fears ... backlash from people for allowing attacks on its country

Love your style, it's direct, uncomplicated, terribly appealing -- it's the substance that can do with some refinement though.
Then what about the mutual agreement on Hot Pursuit upto 6 Miles inside Pak territory from the border
Its time Pakistan shows some sovereignity. On one side, US takes a free ride (raid?), under the pretext of WOT, other side, China is allowed to eat up its resources. Time to wake up bros.

Getting paid on one hand and not willing to cooperate to the full extent on the other hand will make things more complicated.

:-) buddy there's nasty term for accepting money and loosing your dignity.
Von Hölle;1171054 said:
What is the difference between result of a drone strike or a heli incursion for eliminating militants ..they both serve the same purpose...which is allegedly killing militants ..either both should stop or both should be allowed?

you wanna find out the difference between the two ?? just ask your indian govt. to try one of them across your border and then wait 'n watch what happens next ..:sniper: after all you indians were going for some so-called surgicaL strikes against your self-proposed militants targets just after mumbai drama :azn: :pakistan:
Why India think that there can be a limited war inside Pakistan and now US thinks the same.

(PPP government may go alone with it) what PPP did in 71 war was to weaken Pakistani Army and in present time after limited war ,no one can stop them from surrendering to all the Indian and US demand e.g. like open route to India to Afghanistan from Pakistan etc, to end the war PPP will play the surrendering card as they did in 71. .

With weaken Pakistani Army, PPP will have open playing ground to rule and then they will make India their big brother as its being going on in Bangladeshi.
Why India think that there can be a limited war inside Pakistan and now US thinks the same.

(PPP government may go alone with it) what PPP did in 71 war was to weaken Pakistani Army and in present time after limited war ,no one can stop them from surrendering to all the Indian and US demand, to end the war PPP will play the surrendering card as they did in 71. e.g. like open route to India to Afghanistan from Pakistan etc.

With weaken Pakistani Army, PPP will have open playing ground to rule and then they will make India their big brother as its being going on in Bangladeshi.

Yes, Pakistan Army is an adopted institution. I have one line which can answer your fixation--NRO--Who gave NRO? Mr. Zardari?, Rehman Malik?, Baber Awan? MUSHARAF?

Ohh, I am really sorry for my actions, says Musharaf--
PPP and India both consider Pak Army as their obstacle to power in the country or region.
Both want its power to be cut off with the help of US for future of Greater India in the region.
So, who brought PPP on the table? Who tried to play the political card? Army came to organize free and fair elections after the NS brothers, right?

Who made NS and his party? Who made PML Q?

You can go on and on and on

Politicians are corrupt and so are the generals.

You know, politicians need political workers AND army needs people like you---ARMY IS THE BEST--HAIL ARMY, HAIL GENERALS--

Pakistan tujhe salams contributed in destabilizing Pakistan as politicians did!
PPP and India both consider Pak Army as their obstacle to power in the country or region.
Both want its power to be cut off with the help of US for future of Grater India in the region.

Ohh my god--my heart melted--generals, what do you need? Please tell us--

Your future seems bright to me, trust me--However, I am not sure if your country will retain the same geographical map.
Blame should be shared equally!

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