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Pakistan to train Afghan military officials

Some Afghan military officers to get training in Pakistan

It is better in the present situation around borders for keeping joint local forces to curb the terrorism. The question of worry is , the Afghan army does not have any Pushtun ethinic recruit in it. The afghan army is consisting of non-Pushtun mostly the clans who were against the well being of PAKISTAN in the past and were deadly supporters of Ahmad Shah Masood. Be that.... the decision of an instituion is always welcome as it would have been taken in the interest of the Institution.
an interesting and pleasing paradigm shift.....

hopefully through increased trade and military cooperation (people to people ties already exist to quite a large extent) --- any misconeption or mutually shared 'suspicion' can be erased. Slate clean, time to gather the shards and make sense of the past 9-10 years.

We have so much to gain from a stable Afghanistan. They need us, and we need them.
A Pakistan which is being taken advantage of means we will take all action to ensure that we, as stakeholders, will not tolerate indian bullshit.

put bluntly.


But you have to tolerate Indian bullshit. US has to tolerate Indian bullshit too. India put it quite bluntly that US and Pakistan will have to tolerate Indian bullshit. US agreed, Pakistan is still in denial.

Here's what MMS said on April 12, 2010.

India would play role in Afghanistan 'with or without US'

Amid talk of the US looking for a strategy to exit Afghanistan, India on Saturday made it clear that it would continue to play a role in the war-torn nation "with or without America" as it has crucial stakes in the stability of country on its periphery.

"We will play a role in Afghanistan with or without the US because Afghanistan is in our immediate periphery and we will do all to protect our periphery," sources said.

here's US statement on June 4, 2010.

US backs India's role in Afghanistan

Affirming US commitment to India’s emergence as a global power, a senior American diplomat Wednesday lauded the growing Indian activities in Afghanistan to stabilise the war-torn country.

“Of course the United States is committed to make progress in Afghanistan. But, we also highly value India’s role in building economic and social opportunities in Afghanistan and see India’s continued involvement there as a key to country’s future success, and not part of its present problems,” Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns said ahead of Indo-US strategic dialogue. Burns views on India’ s role in Afghanistan are in sharp contrast with those of Gen. Stanley McCrystal, the commander of U.S.-led NATO troops in Afghanistan.

We all know what happened to McChrystal!
We all know what happened to McChrystal!

My my, what a case of connecting something extremely coincidentally. You do realize that what happened to him had absolutely nothing to do with this? He said Pakistan had legitimate concerned about Indian involvement - did anything happen right after when he said that?
My my, what a case of connecting something extremely coincidentally. You do realize that what happened to him had absolutely nothing to do with this? He said Pakistan had legitimate concerned about Indian involvement - did anything happen right after when he said that?

You misunderstood me. I'm not saying he got sacked as a result of this. I'm saying he's no longer in charge.
what makes you think the taliban are representatives of the pashtoons? pashtoons have the largest role in present gov compare to the other ethnic groups. The so called NA is also in opposion, not in the government.

where did i equate talibans with pashtuns??????
If the officers are already being trained in Turkey and India, I don't think it is wise to send them to Pakistan as well, all three of these militaries have their distinctly different tactics and this can lead to a split on how the officers want to engage the Taliban. Which would be disastrous for the WoT.
where did i equate talibans with pashtuns??????

yes, i shouldnt have mixed up your post with the posts of other guys. you didnt mention the taliban. but pashtons are there in the gov as much as the other ethnic groups, as a matter of fact they might have more officials, ministers, governers and other ordinary workers compare to their size of population. although if we think to bring the level of pashtoon officials to the time of the taliban, then that will not help anyone. afghanistna is the home of everfybody and we all should have a share to serve our country.
Karzai himself has called the ''taleban'' his brothers and is genuinely hoping to build a consensus among all factions and tribes.

In other words, he's awoken from his 8 year sleep :):)


All sounds will be made that seems convincing to the pakistanis that it is not losing to India on this front. It is in the Interest of US/Karzai/India to make pakistan believe that Aal is well, wrt Afghanistan and Indian involvement.

A disgruntled pakistan will not serve the purpose of US, as I have mentioned before. And it is unlikely that US will be passive regarding the interets of its strategic ally (Bharat).

Its interesting to see karzai "awakening" so suddendly to employ a pardigm shift in his approach. :lol:

As far as the bolded part is concerned, well you must remember the relevance of the phrase , "hindi chini bhai bhai" :lol:

All sounds will be made that seems convincing to the pakistanis that it is not losing to India on this front. It is in the Interest of US/Karzai/India to make pakistan believe that Aal is well, wrt Afghanistan and Indian involvement.

A disgruntled pakistan will not serve the purpose of US, as I have mentioned before. And it is unlikely that US will be passive regarding the interets of its strategic ally (Bharat).

Its interesting to see karzai "awakening" so suddendly to employ a pardigm shift in his approach. :lol:

As far as the bolded part is concerned, well you must remember the relevance of the phrase , "hindi chini bhai bhai" :lol:

We are sharing a long border with Afghanistan and we have friends there, no matter what the US/Afghanistan's Puppet govt/India do to show us, we know what is the real situation in there, you guys may try to show the world that all is well, but we know how well it is in reality.

And as for US, so far whatever they have done to serve their own purpose/concerns and its strategic ally Bharat's at the expense of Pakistan,it has not worked, nor it will in future, as Pakistan knows what to do. One of the reason why the Bharat' PM shows his Pakistan phobia on every forum and then in his historic visit to KSA, he has to again ask the King to use his office with regard to Pakistan, well that is more then enough to show that all is not well and India is very much worried.

Anyhow, if you guys want to keep thinking the opposite just like posted above by you, no worries, we won't stop you from thinking that.
^hope this is true, because the afghans are being 'pulled' from all sides - iran, russia, india, china, and now pakistan - they have to now 'decide' what is in their best interest, and pakistan shd facilitate that (which unfortunately in the past has not been the case) - internally the afghans must accept a larger 'role' for the pashtun populations and the influence of the northern alliance of tajiks, uzbeks, hazaras etc must be 'capped'.

There has to be balance in power to have check on the Pakistani hating NA and the Pushtuns with eye on Pakistani territories .
We are sharing a long border with Afghanistan and we have friends there, no matter what the US/Afghanistan's Puppet govt/India do to show us, we know what is the real situation in there, you guys may try to show the world that all is well, but we know how well it is in reality.

Your argument is nothing but an optimistic presumption.
quite realistic as well, unless you can refute it

the way things are unfolding before us, it seems things may turn out in our favour. Will require careful prodding and careful maneuvers, based on what others do.

i see a lot of paradigm shift compared to early 2000s
Date Posted: 08-Jul-2010

Jane's Defence Weekly

Afghan army accepts Pakistan training offer despite initial concerns

Farhan Bokhari JDW Correspondent - Islamabad, Pakistan

Afghanistan has accepted Islamabad's offer to train Afghan army officers. This apparent fulfilment of a key objective put forward by Pakistan's army has been welcomed by Pakistan's defence minister.

Defence Minister Chaudhary Ahmed Mukhtar told Jane's : "We are the best equipped to deal with the needs of our Afghan brothers. There are similarities in language, culture, but - more importantly - our army has had vast experience in campaigns on the kind of terrain which is relevant to Afghanistan."

Officials at Afghan President Hamid Karzai's office in Kabul confirmed on 1 July that they would send their army officers to Pakistan for training purposes.

The Afghan acceptance followed an initial offer made by Pakistan Army Chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani in January that renewed Afghan concerns over Pakistan's military seeking to regain control over key elements of Afghanistan's internal affairs.

The Pakistan Army is accused by many Afghan politicians of engineering the rise to power of the Taliban, who ruled in Afghanistan from 1996 until late 2001. However, Western defence analysts say that in the past six months Pakistan's army has rapidly emerged as the principal guarantor of a future security regime in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, amid signs that the US will begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan by mid-2011.

A Western defence official in Islamabad told Jane's : "Pakistan is gaining confidence as Western armies lose a growing number of soldiers in Afghanistan. As the principal ally of the US in the region surrounding Afghanistan, Pakistan is an emerging future lynchpin for a security arrangement. If Pakistan continues to demonstrate that it is playing a positive role, it will continue to benefit from closer ties [with the Western alliance]."

However, other sources struck a cautionary note as to the extent that Pakistan would retain its ties to Islamic militants. In the past, Western officials have criticised Pakistan's army for sponsoring certain Islamic militant groups, notably those active in an insurgency in India's predominantly Muslim state of Kashmir.
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