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Pakistan to Test Long Range Missile- Informs India

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Thanks,you like my sense of sarcasm.

It's nothing to get worked up about. We don't know what type of missile it is or if one will even be launched. No need for internet sarcasm.
Dear Pakistanis,

No need to respond to Indians and their indigestion. We already have our scientists to speak for us.


Islamabad, July 10 (IANS) The failure of Agni-III reflected 'incompetence' of the Indian missile designers and planners, said an eminent Pakistani scientist.

They would need to go back to the drawing board and take two to three years, unless 'they borrow something from abroad,' said Samar Mubarikmund, chairman of Pakistan's National Engineering and Science Commission (Nescom).

Claiming that Israel was involved in developing India's missile programme, Mubarikmund said Pakistan, which had an 'indigenous' programme of its own, retained superiority over all others in the South Asian region.

Mubarikmund told The News Sunday that the circumstances narrated by the Indians for the failure of the missile test were 'not acceptable.'

The Indian missile met a disaster as it could not attain the altitude where the first stage is over or the second is even ignited.

He disputed the Indian claim, saying that with the range of 3,500 km, the missile had to go above about 800-900 km while the second stage had to be ignited at 28 to 30 km.

'If the missile fell from the height of 12 km, it establishes that either it's motor rocket, the basics of the missile proved failure or the guidance and control system was faulty. In both the probabilities, Indian technology has been exposed in clumsy manners.'

'It is interesting to watch that Indian missile programme that was initiated by French and US assistance and later New Delhi also borrowed Russian technical support has been facing tragedies from the beginning,' the newspaper quoted him as saying.

The newspaper also quoted from official sources to take pot shots at Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

'In fact he (Manmohan Singh) attained high moral ground for his country just to provide cover to constant failures of his country's scientists engaged in developing long-range missiles and they were hesitating from testing the missile,' the sources said.

Pakistan is still maintaining its superiority in missile technology in whole South Asia as it has successfully tested number of missiles with various ranges including Shaheen-II that has the range of the 2,500 km with all remarkably accurate parameters.

These parameters proved in the presence of international neutral empires when the missile hit the target to extent of centimetres accuracy in the Indian Ocean, the sources said.
Did that eminent Pakistani scientist come to know of the disasters of his missiles only after Mr. Musharraf had exposed or was he told to check the parameters of the missiles until its stationary???
hmm well i have waited for this alot and its great if it happens since i dont know waht we will tell the world our one announced enemy is covered who is this missile for. the world will ask this question and we cant say well they did it we had too also. wow this is becoming a little troll fest would like some credible news related to this topic alone and the first post was right

I was talking about JF17,Al khalids,al zarrars,k-8 etc..They are all either pakistani versions of chinese systems or joint ventures where china is major technology provider.

umm this is very offtopic:offtopic:
So it takes 5 days to bring a Shaheen 3 out of the silos ???

Rumors getting materialized. It could be Shaheen III but what about TIPU rumor?
Going buy this pattern of rumors about Thunders, air defence system and other defence related rumors etc etc and now Shaheen III, TIPU could well be a reality too.
Everything is ready, just waiting for right time to let the world know what we are capable of.

Oh man................! what about Stealth Thunders!!!!!!!!!!!!
Might be Shaheen 3 or Shaheen 2 with extended range.

shaheen 2 with mirv seems very possible and would prefer this over an extended range since. but you know extended range would still be hard ot explain this to the world when will this be tested anyway
Guys, leave this India vs Pakistan nonsense. Let a discussion ensue with peace.

Missiles and peace?

Hmm. Ok.

But shouldn't Bhartis back up their sweeping allegations of Pakistan receiving technology and copying designs?
Any credible source?Does not look right - When we have India under our missile range there is no reason whatsoever to test MRBM.
How is pakistan able to induct its missiles with one test while for all other nations it requires many trials..?

By just copy pasting technology. Happy now? Now move on. :coffee:
No we dont consider indian variants of SU-30 (Mki) or T-90 (BHISHMA) as indigenous even though every parts are produced in india with our own added inputs.
As for Al khalids:MBT-2000 / Type 2000 Main Battle Tank
Al zarrar is an upgraded version of chinese type 59 tanks.
Al-Zarrar - Army Technology
Anyway all thats off topic..You were avoiding my question in your pictorial reply.How is pakistan able to induct its missiles with one test while for all other nations it requires many trials..?

Im talkin abt the modernisation of AZ,the main gun,armour,IBMS,laer suite,FCS etc all Pak made minus the ukrainian engine n sights,... while AK was built on the chasis or basis of a T-98 still has no chinese component... prove me wrong... while just look at ur lca,dhruv everything is imported frm russia,usa,swiss,israel etc... but lets stay on topic.
I hope this is true. The economic cost of such a expensive missile, could only benefit the India economy, especially with India now getting the MFN status, we could with better supply of electricity sell more goods to Pakistan.

And as Pakistan just wants bombs and nukes, this can be win win for both nations.
I hope this is true. The economic cost of such a expensive missile, could only benefit the India economy, especially with India now getting the MFN status, we could with better supply of electricity sell more goods to Pakistan.

And as Pakistan just wants bombs and nukes, this can be win win for both nations.

ummm i do you know that army operates under a budget and yes even our army under musharraf and kiyani budget was really reduced. our main problem in the guy in ur avatar. so when you test its economical we test we r destroying ourselves what a great perception
Google Maps Distance Calculator

From Pakistan's farthest point, Israel is already covered as it is less than 2500 km.

No its not. Probably you mistook "miles" as "Kilometres" .... Israel is about 3,500 km away. A 4,000 km range missile will completely cover entire Middle-East , including Israel.

Also , long range Pakistani missiles can give Arabs an umbrella-cover over the entire middle-east ;)

But as the news from some bhart is ... Its not Shaheen-III but Shaheen-II (Probably with some modifications)..
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