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Pakistan to test-fire Italian Spada 2000 in 2010

would it match with SPYDER, I mean whats is specifications if anyone could explain...
i wanna know is this system is mean for encountering medium to high altitude flying object . because pakistan air defence system lacks in that area if it is than am among those who are anxiously waiting for the moment.
would it match with SPYDER, I mean whats is specifications if anyone could explain...

Spada specialty is multi role SAM meaning it can detect and shoot down cruise missiles, AGM, UAVs, and aircrafts.. and SPYDER specialty is anti-aircraft though with more accuracy..
Spada 2000 Advanced Air Defence System, Italy

High supersonic
Radar Range
Radar Tracking Capability
100 targets simultaneously
Detection centre - 2, 3 or 4 firing sections, each with 2 launchers - 6 ready-to-fire missile per launcher
Missile Guidance
Semi-active radar homing
RAC-3D radar
Air surveillance, detection and tracking

The Spada 2000 is an all-weather, day and night, highly automated, air defence system developed by MBDA (formerly Alenia Marconi Systems). The system has quick reaction time and requires very few operators to man the system. The unit can operate independently or can be integrated with national air defence centres. Spada 2000 is in production and in service with Spanish Air Forces.

The system provides air defence missile coverage of 2,000km². Target detection and tracking range is up to 60km and the missiles can intercept crossing and approaching targets to a range of 25km. The kill probability is high, even against highly agile crossing targets. The system can engage up to four targets simultaneously with Aspide missiles.

Spada 2000 is modularised and integrated into sheltered units, which provides a high tactical and strategic mobility. The system consists of a detection centre and either two or four firing sections, each section equipped with two missile launchers. Each missile launcher has six ready-to-fire Aspide 2000 missiles.
Detection centre

The detection centre contains mission planning capability allowing fast and precise effective deployment of the weapons. The centre is fitted in a hardened shelter with an RAC-3D radar installed on a hydraulically operated mast on the roof of the shelter. The shelter houses the system's operating centre, including the voice and data communications suite.

Auxiliary equipment in the centre includes a global positioning system, a north finder, air conditioning and power supplies.
RAC-3D radar

Aspide 2000's radar is the Selex Sistemi Integrati (formerly Alenia Marconi Systems) RAC-3D, which gives three-dimensional volumetric air surveillance, detection and tracking. The system has the capacity to track 100 targets simultaneously within a range of 60km.

The radar is capable of operating in hostile electronic warfare environments and is robust against clutter interference and electronic countermeasures. The radar features emission control, jamming location, random frequency agility and coded waveforms. The radar's erectable antenna is up to 13m in height.

Operations centre

The operations centre is manned by two operators for mission planning, system deployment and management during combat operations. The computer displays the air threat data in 3D coordinates.

The system tracks, identifies and prioritises the targets and assigns the firing sections to the priority targets. The targets can also be assigned to other anti-air weapon systems. The system is able to coordinate up to ten small anti-air weapons deployed within a 10km radius.

The operations centre can be connected to a remote upper level air defence command centre.

Firing section

The firing section consists of the tracking and illumination radar, the control unit and the missile launchers each with six ready-to-fire missiles. The radar carries out target acquisition, tracking and illumination functions for missile guidance.

The control unit is managed by a single operator. The unit controls all the functions from target designation to missile launch and target intercept and operates in manual or automatic mode.


The communications suite includes the data links between the detection centre and the firing sections and also internal and external secure voice communications.


The Aspide 2000 missile is an upgraded version of the Aspide surface-to-air missile. The missile is capable of engaging hostile attack aircraft before the aircraft can release airborne standoff weapons. The Aspide 2000 is also capable of intercepting air-launched missiles once launched. The upgraded missile uses an enhanced single-stage rocket motor which provides increased missile speed, higher lateral acceleration and effective range.

The missile is also in service with the Italian Air Force and the Royal Thai Air Force as part of the Oerlikon Contraves Skyguard air defence system.

The high-thrust single-stage solid-propellant rocket motor provides high supersonic speed and high agility to intercept manoeuvring targets. The guidance system is semi-active radar homing.
Image of the Spada system firing a rocket

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Spada 2000 is an upgraded version of the Spada air defence system with increased firepower and range.
Spade missile in factory setting

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The Aspide 2000 missile uses semi-active radar homing and has a range of 25km.
Spada 2000 system launching a missile from ground station

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The Spada 2000 system can engage up to four targets simultaneously with Aspide 2000 missiles.
Spada 2000 missile firing over sea from land setting


SPADA 2000 is an advanced, ground based missile system capable of operating in dense ECM environments to provide all weather, day and night area defence against combat aircraft and incoming missiles.

It is a development from the original Skyguard/Aspide system and now benefits from the increased engagement range of the powerful ASPIDE 2000 missile as well as the increased detection range and track management capabilities of the new Detection Centre.

SPADA 2000 is integrated within a shelter system allowing for both tactical and strategic mobility, including air-transportability from a C130 transport aircraft. The basic configuration of the SPADA 2000 system consists of a Detection Centre, two Firing Sections (expandable to four) each with two Missile Launchers. Each Missile Launcher houses six ready-to-fire ASPIDE 2000 missiles.

The operational performance of the ASPIDE 2000 missile allows it to engage air threats at ranges well beyond other VSHORAD missiles and engage attacking aircraft before they can release their standoff rocket-propelled missiles or intercepting these missiles once released. This upgrade of the original ASPIDE missile embodies the latest electronic features to improve its guidance characteristics and effectiveness in heavy clutter and ECM environments. ASPIDE 2000 is compatible with all systems currently using the ASPIDE multi-role missile by the simple application of a cost-effective modification kit. Similarly, all existing ASPIDE multi-role missiles can be retrofitted to the ASPIDE 2000 configuration with only marginal costs. Logistic support remains unchanged.

Characteristics of the ASPIDE 2000 missile

Intercept Range:…in excess of 20 Km
Speed:……………High Supersonic
Guidance:………..semi-active radar homing

Programme status

First configuration SPADA systems were delivered in the late 1980s to the Italian Air Force and have since undergone a modernisation and improvement programme.

First phase system improvements (SPADA 2000) started in 1996 and concluded in 1999 with delivery to the Spanish Air Force where the system is now in service. In 2003, second phase improvements (SPADA 2000 PLUS) to the launcher, C2, FCC and radar commenced and have now been completed.

SPADA 2000 is in service with the Italian and Spanish Armed Forces and has recently been ordered by an export customer.


Spada 2000 Ground based air defence missile system

10:17 GMT, February 19, 2009 The Aspide 2000 missile has set yet another exceptional record in its long career. During an air defence exercise that took place at the end of January 2009, the Amoun battery of Kuwait’s Air Defence Brigade carried out five Aspide 2000 missile launches against a series of air targets simulating different types of attack scenarios. All of the launches were successful and all five targets were destroyed, either by direct impact or as a result of the warhead exploding within a miss distance of well below one meter. The launches were performed in different weather conditions (day and night) and showed once again the absolute reliability of MBDA’s Aspide 2000 missile.

As a result of this exercise, the Aspide 2000 was able to establish an absolute record in terms of percentage launch success, establishing a success rate exceeding 97% from over 600 missiles launched around the world. With over 5,000 missiles having already been produced, Aspide is now experiencing a new dawn in its latest “2000” version.

Ing. Fabrizio Giulianini, MBDA’s Executive Group Sales and Business Development Director and MBDA Italy Managing Director, said “This latest achievement of the Aspide 2000 missile has confirmed its operating effectiveness and its design strength which has allowed us to renovate the system without any issues of note. Furthermore, this success also confirms that good system and technological choices were made from the very beginning. This exceptional result will give further impetus to the export activities involving this missile, which, as well as being deployed on the Skyguard/Amoun system, is also used on many other systems such as Skyguard El, the naval Albatros variant and the Spada AMI. Aspide 2000, the latest version of the Aspide missile, as well as being deployed in the Skyguard Amoun, is also used in the Spada 2000 Plus system”.

The Spada 2000 Plus system is a ground based air defence missile system designed to protect vital assets from different types of threat such as fighter and bomber aircraft, cruise missiles, helicopters and UAVs.

The Spada 2000 Plus is characterized by a high degree of modularity and flexibility, based on ISO standard modules.

Each system section comprises a Detection Center and up to four Firing Sections, each one comprising a Fire Control Center and two Missile Launchers each equipped with six missiles. The Spada 2000 Plus system is also capable of integrating V-SHORAD weapon systems and can operate autonomously or can be integrated within a higher level defence network or architecture.

defence.professionals | defpro.com

Congratulations to Pakistan. There are so many missiles now, I really get confused.
Spada specialty is multi role SAM meaning it can detect and shoot down cruise missiles, AGM, UAVs, and aircrafts.. and SPYDER specialty is anti-aircraft though with more accuracy..

:hitwall: what is Spada a missile shield too? That's too much ;). I bet you it can't shoot down missiles.

SAM = for aircraft. Not missiles.
We need to change this name from SPADA to SPARTA

:hitwall: what is Spada a missile shield too? That's too much ;). I bet you it can't shoot down missiles.

SAM = for aircraft. Not missiles.
It's not just a SAM but complete air defence system.

The Aspide 2000 missile is an upgraded version of the Aspide surface-to-air missile. The missile is capable of engaging hostile attack aircraft before the aircraft can release airborne standoff weapons. The Aspide 2000 is also capable of intercepting air-launched missiles once launched. The upgraded missile uses an enhanced single-stage rocket motor which provides increased missile speed, higher lateral acceleration and effective range.
:hitwall: what is Spada a missile shield too? That's too much ;). I bet you it can't shoot down missiles.

SAM = for aircraft. Not missiles.

It would be better that before you post about something, do read the posts above and see whats written in them or Google about the things which aren't here or about which you don't know.

Correct me if i am wrong but "inaugurating a complex", doesn't that point to the fact that this system may eventually be produced in Pakistan ?.
In any case the Italians seem to have acquired a taste for Pakistan's defense industry, Midget Submarines, Griffo Radars, Falco UAVs and now this awesome news.
Correct me if i am wrong but "inaugurating a complex", doesn't that point to the fact that this system may eventually be produced in Pakistan ?.
In any case the Italians seem to have acquired a taste for Pakistan's defense industry, Midget Submarines, Griffo Radars, Falco UAVs and now this awesome news.

Its for the maintenance and other stuff. I believe training will include in this facility also.
I have a question.

How much successful is anti-ballistic missile against ballistic missile? Dose India or Pak have anti-ballistic missile?
I have a question.

How much successful is anti-ballistic missile against ballistic missile? Dose India or Pak have anti-ballistic missile?

Pakistan has none, India is making one. And as for their results, success rate isn't 100% in the test launches by the ones who are trying to make them, many failures and many success results, my personal view is they will perform 50-50, may intercept, may not. Not entirely reliable the current generation, future may become 100% effective.
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