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Pakistan to take US into confidence on PM’s Russia visit

If as you claim you have deep relations with the Ukraine then surely you should be visiting them in their moment of trial.
Instead you are visiting Putin which clearly signals offering Putin some vague moral support.
He never said we have relations with Ukraine, its just we have defense dealing with them in past and present, if Russia invade or a pro Govt comes into power we have to make sure the defense relations remains.
You can bet your bottom dollar, there will be so-called Pakistanis here that will defend this move. The US is the biggest superpower, hence Pakistan should always seek approval.

Due to Ukrainian crisis, it’s best that we let USA know about the visit to Russia.
Uncle Sam has control or has influence over many things. They can influence IMF and FATF, also USA is Pakistan’s biggest trade partners.
Pakistan will never have independent foreign policies as long as we are under the control of IMF. Unlike other countries, we don’t have a choice to default on our loans so we have to play nice.
This is how lowly servants and slaves behave
This is power of a superpower. Forget about Pakistan even 1.4 billion emerging supapwas like India fall in line when Uncle Sam bats a eyelid. Tell me how much oil do you buy from your Iranian friends lately???
Oh hope for Pakistan's sake that Pakistan's Foreign Office is up to the task. I hope the reports coming out so far about Pakistan siding with Riyadh-Najd Regime against and now "checking in" with Washington DC, on our Prime Minister's trip to Russia, are all rumors and lies. I truly hope that Pakistan's Foreign Office has not committed such blunders.
Pakistan's regional headache is getting worse. we have an unstable Afghanistan with desperate Indians taking advantage of the sufferings of desperate Afghan people , we have the Arabs going ballistic over Iran and pushing Pakistan to take sides, Indians creating instability in IOK and provoking Pakistan into war against India as Indians sponsor terrorism in Baluchistan through Afghanistan, China readying to invade Taiwan which will automatically put Pakistan in the cross wires for economic sanctions and vexed internal loser political parties striving for corrupt monetary gain through political upheaval as Pakistan's economy improves and money becomes available for grabs. Imran Khan's only hope for survival is to start a crusade against the corrupts and flush them out of the country or into jails. A clean Pakistan will be a successful one, a corrupt diseased Pakistan will ensure another generation of suffering Pakistanis. The path is unknown ahead, Pakistan needs to tread ahead carefully. One mistake and we could be in a full blown regional war worse than Afghanistan. We need to know what is being discussed on our behalf and the people's voices need to be heard at the national stage.
Pak and US military ties are nowhere near as you describe. The Americans initially banned military exchange during Trump era. The entire US establishment blames the Pakistani military for their failures. Top US military generals accuse Pakistan for US failures during hearings in broad daylight. If anything, Pak US military ties are non-existent today. The US has chosen the Indian side and Pakistan has chosen China.

The minute interaction between Pakistan and the US is nothing more than formality. Those who keep harping about US Pak bhai bhai need to update software. It was over during Bush and Obama era. It is over today.

Dalit yaar, SQ8 is correct.
Mil to mil relationship between US and PK is stronger than people think.
Yes the Executive comes and creates these momentary issues, but even throughout those issues the two sides maintain a very strong link.
In the 90s over a longer stretch that link was beginning to dilute slowly. But the US made up for that during the first two decades in the 2000s. They have had a huge amount of exchange programs and have interacted, trained and cultivated relationships at many levels. Whether it is good or bad for Pakistan is another topic, but no one should be under any illusion that PK and US military to military relations are strong and the US continues to invest in that.

Another country where they are strong is Saudi. There too people dont realize how wide and deep the relationship is.
Till recent I would even say that US / PK military relationship was deeper than even that with China. However in the last two decades that lean is beginning to tilt towards China. If the US does not do anything to stop that slide, I think in another 10 years the US would have lost that relationship to China. The shift is happening fast. However China has changed considerably too in the last 2 decades. The China of the 70s,80s and 90s is not the China of today. Today's China is very coin operated and nothing in that relationship is free. Nothing. China has made most things available to us, but all come with a price, and that is usually at a good commercial rate. In the past China would give us massive subsidies on goods, not anymore.
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It's perhaps US's last chance to reset and create a cordial relationship with Pakistan else there maybe permanent disengagement and detachment of US from the region. US has retreated to an established position in the UAE who are on a temporary high very much like Lebanon before civil war broke out. From this foothold it would be interesting which way the US will expand their grip. By the mid 2030s when most cars will be electric in the US, Europe. China and the value of oil would be diminished it would interesting to see if the US abandons or remains entrenched in the region.
IK wants to go to Russia, but he then sends his ministers to shoot off to US to explain to US as to WHY he is doing it, and Mr Bajwa then shoots off for an "official" visit to US !! YOU JUST CANNOT MAKE THIS STUFF UP -- it is just ludicrous !!! :lol:

Is Pakistan fuelling​

a Taliban takeover?​

We all know the 'infamy' of Pakistan taking US dollars and arms but also continuing to support the Afghan Taliban against US interests. Sometimes when needed countries go against the wind - if it suits their vital interests. You see that with Pak policy toward Afghan Taliban over last two decades which flew smack against Washington's wishes.

So yes, you might have gone against Uncle Sam over Ukraine so did Pakistan at a far higher cost price in Afghanistan. But that does not change the fact that when Uncle said cease buying Eye-Ranian il you guys obliged.
Why ??
I mean why would you go out of your way to take US into confidence when IK visits Russia.
There isn't a single leader of the tiniest weakest country in the whole world that would go around saying it is going to take the US into confidence after a visit to Russia.
I mean this is a president who has not even bothered to call IK on the phone and yet you go around cravenly to the US about your visit of your own volition taking the US into confidence !!!!!!!!!!! when the US does not give a flying fig about the visit

This is how lowly servants and slaves behave
Optics of international relationship. "We sent an envoy all the way to US to explain why our PM is going to Russia and we have no/intention to undermine your interests in the region." After this no one can turn around and say "we warned you and you still went". Optics are the essence of creating narratives and narratives guide international relations. Will it change anything -NO. BUTwe want to keep this slate clean to avoid any lack of support from the US.
Why ??
I mean why would you go out of your way to take US into confidence when IK visits Russia.
There isn't a single leader of the tiniest weakest country in the whole world that would go around saying it is going to take the US into confidence after a visit to Russia.
I mean this is a president who has not even bothered to call IK on the phone and yet you go around cravenly to the US about your visit of your own volition taking the US into confidence !!!!!!!!!!! when the US does not give a flying fig about the visit

This is how lowly servants and slaves behave

Why your *** is on fire? You thought only you can play this submissive diplomacy?
Master is calling the shot.
When one is hand to mouth then so-called geopolitical leverage goes for a toss.

PM’s visit to Russia ill-timed​

The bottom line of this visit will be a blow to Pakistan’s reputation​

By Jan Achakzai
February 14, 2022

Prime Minister Imran Khan is going to visit Russia at a time which is probably not a suitable moment.-File photo
Prime Minister Imran Khan is going to visit Russia at a time which is probably not a suitable moment.-File photo
The late Gen Zia-ul-Haq visited Iran just a few days before the Shah of Iran was ousted by the Ayatullah Khamenei-led revolution to show solidarity with the Shah.

The above line only drives home one message that untimely diplomatic adventures are not new in Pakistan's history.
Had Liaqat Ali Khan simultaneously visited Russia when he visited the US, Pakistan’s history would have been different today and probably even better.

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Coming to the point that Prime Minister Imran Khan is about to undertake a very important visit to Moscow.
It comes at a time when the US and Russia are locked in a bitter standoff since the Cold War over Ukraine. This could spiral into a conflict any time if diplomacy completely fails. Europe (US camp) and Eastern Europe (Russian camp) are trying to avoid being caught in the crossfire.
Prime Minister Imran Khan is going to visit Russia at a time which is probably not a suitable moment.
Here is another paradox Pakistan is facing today. Led by PTI, a minority party government sitting at the helm with the support of allies gathered by powerful quarters took this decision for the nation.
The most prominent aspect of this visit is that Russia did not invite, rather an invitation was sought. And more so in an environment where Putin has already called PM Modi to express gratitude for India’s support to Russia in the UN Security Council — a temporary position India has because the diplomatic consensus in Islamabad had voted for Delhi to be so.
Interestingly, Russia didn't seek our support, nor did the US stop us from going to Moscow. Is it Pakistan's irrelevance or a clear reading of the US that we will come back from Russia empty-handed and will beg for financial concessions from Washington in forums like IMF, FATF, etc, from a position of further weakness?
And why Russia is not going to give us anything? It is because India’s first prime minister did not decline the Russian invitation to visit and also due to presence of many Indian students in Russia as well as the US. And Russia losing India for the sake of Pakistan’s support is not an option. Pakistan's support comes at the cost of frequent requests for aid and loans.
Additionally, Moscow will not appease Pakistan at this juncture as doing so will offend India. Russia needs Delhi's support more than anything else since the Biden Administration has boxed President Putin in a difficult situation in the Ukraine crisis.
And we are offering needed support along with a request of one billion dollars. We are with Russia on the Ukraine crisis. But the question is what the government brings to the Russian table apart from moral support — help in the form of troops, technology and finances? The answer is a big No.
So the experienced wrestlers do not get into a fight where disgrace is imminent.
A suggestion to the PM and both its de facto and de jure diplomatic team is to read what the government’s NSA wrote in a document namely National Security Policy.
What one gets out of it is that we will focus on our economy and won’t do any adventures anymore.
Mr. PM pls follow your NSP and avoid another Liaquat Ali Khan moment in Pakistan's foreign policy. While, the cost will be heavier for the country's interest, it will be crushing for your image.
The bottom line of this visit will be a blow to Pakistan’s reputation. We have fewer options and we will look “optionless” after this visit.

Not everyone seems that keen having looked beyond the immediate feel good for IK
COAS is on the way to USA right now , as per FlightRadar
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