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Pakistan to spend Rs40 crore to display 500-foot flag in Lahore

Good luck changing the flag repeatedly. At that height it will get damaged by high winds . Even the 1 one in Delhi faces the same fate I think.
Why not use stronger materials? If it is made of carbon fiber or fiberglass, it will be practically indestructible. Airplanes are made of carbon fiber. Cars are made of fiberglass.

Planes are NOT made from carbon fiber, they are made from Aluminum
No need ...

Keep your rehtoric in check

People and their Leader Imran Khan

Resist this Military

Resist the servants of Military
I feel this is how the criminals on top launder money.. create high budget often useless projects as fronts. In actuality a small percentage actually goes to the project. Most of the money is kicked back to foreign bank accounts
Look at it as glass half full: building a 500-foot tower, may be with a 100 ft flag on it, is quite an engineering challenge. With lessons learned, other engineering projects like bridges and dams may be undertaken.
R u asleep?
No; just trying to make lemonade out of lemon.
What yiu dont understand is...pakistannis run by chutiyas and you applying logic and common sense doesn't work where everyone from bottom to the top is no 1 harami. So wake the f up and stick the lemons where the sun don't shine and start again
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