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Pakistan to sell beer to india

yaar drink kerny waly kisi ko kya nuksaan kerty hai? i think drunk are better then hateful mullah corrupt politicians suicide bombers killers .i feel better after drink but never ever harm someone never fight or shout on someone .i buy whine by my own money after i work hard and earn this money i have right to spend it as i like .:argh:

Imran bhai Botal bhar ke thanks aapko :toast_sign:
well being a connoisseur of beer (no one else agrees with me on this point though:D) would love to taste Murree Beer . fingers crossed .
Genuine question, If Alcohol is "Haraam" then money earned through it should be "Haraam" too.

As if we declare something bad evil we can't earn by selling that evil. :devil:

Congratz people. Veeru has accepted Islam. :tup:
yaar i don't know whats the issue here lolz drink 4 pegs of black label and enjoy light classic music eat dinner and sleep its haraam ??:partay:
actually sir in old delhi theirs a saying "par updesh kushal bahutere" in english its very easy to lecture some one but anyway they think alcohal is haram but what about stealing,laying and having bad thoughts about someone elses women ..?anyway thanks for your true post.
BTW these companies has licenses to produce many nice brands of world such as black red blue labels and other scotch

Scotch whiskey can only be produced in scotland - and nowhere else....

Roll back your words above...
good thing, happy with increasing trade, cut the crap about bringing Islam into this Veeru.
Scotch whiskey can only be produced in scotland - and nowhere else....

Roll back your words above...

as i read last week they import unmetured whiskey and meture it here and then fill .for black label its its 100% they produce it here its on there site few months back. BTW yaar these three are better then nothing :P

World news

Islam and Black Label hit brewery

Pakistan's one legal alcohol maker hedges by adding soft drinks to its Gymkhana whisky

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Rory McCarthy in Rawalpindi
The Guardian, Saturday 22 July 2000 00.28 BST
Article history

Business has always had its hazards for Minoo Bhandara, selling beer in an Islamic country where alcohol is formally banned. But lately sales at Pakistan's only brewery have fallen badly.

Since military officers seized power in October the few remaining licensed alcohol outlets in the liberal streets of Karachi have been closed.

Now there is just a handful of places left in Pakistan where the Murree brewery's beer and spirits are on sale - though that is not to say Pakistan is dry.

"Of course there have been very many vicissitudes," Mr Bhandara said as he chewed a handful of dried lentils washed down with a Murree pilsner.

"What we make in a year now is a pittance. Most European breweries make this much in a week."

Operating at half capacity, the brewery is producing 2.8m pints of beer a year.

Mr Bhandara sounded oddly nonchalant, but perhaps he could afford to be: Cindy, his company's non-alcoholic beer, remains a best seller.

And although the sale of spirits - brands such as Gymkhana blended malt whisky, Beehive brandy, and Silvertop gin - is down a quarter on last year, drinking continues behind closed doors.

The company was set up in 1861 to brew beer for the British empire's thirsty soldiers. In modern-day Pakistan, 97% of the population is Muslim and officially forbidden alcohol.

But Islamic law is not the only thing driving Mr Bhandara's sales down.

The snob factor can also hit domestic products: the drinks cabinets of the middle classes in Sind and Punjab often hold the preferred tipple of the elite, Johnnie Walker Black Label scotch. It costs £50 on the black market.

"People get worked up at the Friday sermons in the mosques. There is a certain hypocrisy here," Mr Bhandara said.

He is Zoroastrian Parsee, so exempt from the alcohol ban, though most of the workers in the plant are Muslim.

Even the head of state, General Pervez Musharraf, whose official residence sits across the street from the brewery, is known to enjoy a drink or two after a long day at military headquarters.

The general may be a moderate but there is a large and vocal group of Islamic leaders who do not look kindly on the Murree brewery.

Under the 1978-88 rule of General Zia-ul Haq, an observing Muslim, the brewery was briefly shut.

The current corps commander for Sind, Lieutenant-General Muzaffer Usmani, known as a strict Muslim, is thought to be behind the closure of the off-licences. Religious parties are clamouring for a pure Islamic state.

Now the Murree brewery is going into soft drinks. "We live one day at a time, but we are preparing for the day when we might not have alcohol around," Mr Bhandara said.

Nevertheless, he is launching a new blended scotch, a 12-year malt, and Millennium Beer, which packs a powerful 8% alcohol level.

"Pakistanis don't drink beer for the taste," a Muslim worker at the brewery said.

"They drink it to fly like kites."
as i read last week they import unmetured whiskey and meture it here and then fill .for black label its its 100% they produce it here its on there site few months back. BTW yaar these three are better then nothing :P
dint get this part
as i read last week they import unmetured whiskey and meture it here and then fill .for black label its its 100% they produce it here its on there site few months back. BTW yaar these three are better then nothing :P

Scotch is not a scotch if it is not aged at least 3 years (its a law), then, its matured in Oak barrels.

for black label its its 100% they produce it here its on there site few months back.

Somebody is fooling somebody here, albeit dont know who. Since its not possible.
Just like Heinekin beer - only brewed in Holland and nowhere else.
JW black label made in Pakistan = Rolling my Ash off ;)
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