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Pakistan to raise 12,000 Marines in a new branch of Navy

Yes. Is there a Indian Sikh Regiment hiding there, Somali pirates, TTP opened a naval arm, OBL swam back there and has set up a AQ base?
all these are not present in many other countries so no country should have defence facilities ....
Never in the history [insofar as I am aware] has Pakistan ever been faced by a need for LCM's.
LCM is just a mean of Transport I have shown you why this mean of transport is needed
Indian's are effectively checkmated by our nukes.
Does Indian thinks in the same way as your are portraying IF not then what your are saying is not completely true ..... their limited war doctrine is the the clear evidence of this
No war with India would last longer then 14 days before it comes to a ceasefire or goes nuclear.
it depends what would be the nature and intensity of war ....

BTW do you know the duration of Kargill war .... which was limited by nature ???
What I do know is that large part of Balochistan is policed by levies.
Because of the political reason not because of lack of resources even in Perviaz Musharaf era 95% of Baluchistan was converted in to A area but its our very own Democratically Elected Pee Pee Pee which revert it back
but the proof of pudding is Balochistan itself.
what proof .... ????
do you know currently Baluchistan is more peaceful than Karachi and most parts of Punjab ....???
Can one of you hotshots explain why Iranians have Balochistan, we have Balochistan.

they have that part of Baluchistan from centuries even before the creation of Pakistan so what is your point here .... ???
Baloch are mostly Sunni.
and how does it related to us and Pakistan Marine force ...??
Yet. Yet Iranian Balochistan compared to our Balochistan is haven of peace? How so? Why are there no Yahoodi/Amriki Khulbashavans roaming around in Sistan Va Balochistan planting bombs every day?
yaap this is the reason Iranian are losing their security personals regularly in that part of Iran ...??
The reason is simple. Despite Iran having more issues in their province deployed far more resources. Investment, police, security etc
Again wrong reason their side appear more stable as Iranians have kept the Tribal Sardar in check
and dreamed of having epic sea battles when that is never going to happen.
OK IF we accept this logic we should just abolish the entire Navy ....
in fact why we should stop here why not abolish the entire defnce forces of Pakistan as we have atomic bomb this will set our priorities right .... ???

Dear in what sense acquisition of limited number of LCM is equating to the dreams of having a sea battle ... ??

Can you purpose any other cost effective mean of transport to carry tropes to those tiny yet resource rich islands .... ??
Why not? If your grill doesn't cut it, just add a hot-dog counter.

In my opinion, and I am not an expert, unless Arm chair experts count for anything:

A. Pakistan Navy only needs to defend 700 km (430 mi) of coastline. The main security threat being the Indian Navy, with main objectives being keeping open the vital access provided by sea and the maintenance of supply routes and trade, and communication lines.

B. Pakistan is not a global maritime world power that needs a large force to patrol the high seas or oceans. Our resources would be better spent on modernizing our existing fleet, India already has the numerical advantage, in my opinion, we should be trying to bridge the gap in terms of technological advancements.

C. A high proportion of future conflict is likely to occur in, or adjacent to, our zone of maritime influence, therefore, there is no need for an expeditionary force to establish beach heads or excursions deep in to enemy coastal areas. In any future conflict, PN would never be expected to land and secure any areas on Indian territory. Patrolling, and other localized operations can be conducted by the Coast guard.

D. We need to concentrate on having the maritime environment and infrastructure that provides critical access for joint (read; China) assets to influence our political and military objectives during conflict. The conduct of a wide range of maritime security and international engagement is not a requirement.
I think you miss the thrust of my [frustration] argumant. My point is it is high time Pakistan and Pakistani's moved away from a militaristic mindset. Nobody can harm Pakistan except us. Nukes pretty well guarantee that. If they don' what was the point of "eating grass". Or was that excuse to eat even more "grass"?

The fact is Pakistan can never match India in conventional war. With a population resource base of nearky 7 times greater Pak will always face devastating odds. So can we forget about this toys for boys fetish. The arena where we need to focus is on education, poverty, economic and social equality. Housing, our streets, our schools, our environment or female education, our maternal welfare etc On the external front we need to fight and prevail against India in 'soft power'.

Bangladesh, yes swamp Banglas have or are about to overtake Pakistan. Think about that. 160 million Banglas crushed on bit of sinking delta mud on the Bay of Bengal have caught up and are racing ahead. serious questions need answering and some deep introspection.

Soviet Union imploded not because lack of LCM's or tanks or jet fighters ....

BTW do you know the duration of Kargill war
We began it. It was not 'war' but more of itch on Mushraf's a*ss that cost lives of many brave men. If Kargil had turned to conflict along the international border it would have not lasted more then 14 days. Besides anything we would have ran out of cooking oil ... and roti.

PN relates to the coast and has been dormant since 1971 if not 1965. I agree though that forces on LOC need everthing and should be always kept beefed up.

The main security threat being the Indian Navy, with main objectives being keeping open the vital access provided by sea and the maintenance of supply routes and trade, and communication lines.
Disagree. The main security threat is anaemic public finances and nobody paying taxes. For a Indian naval blockade to work [not that we fcukin export much] it would need few weeks if not months. By that stage war would be over or we would have mushroom clouds over South Asia.
I think you miss the thrust of my [frustration] argumant. My point is it is high time Pakistan and Pakistani's moved away from a militaristic mindset. Nobody can harm Pakistan except us. Nukes pretty well guarantee that. If they don' what was the point of "eating grass". Or was that excuse to eat even more "grass"?

The fact is Pakistan can never match India in conventional war. With a population resource base of nearky 7 times greater Pak will always face devastating odds. So can we forget about this toys for boys fetish. The arena where we need to focus is on education, poverty, economic and social equality. Housing, our streets, our schools, our environment or female education, our maternal welfare etc On the external front we need to fight and prevail against India in 'soft power'.

Bangladesh, yes swamp Banglas have or are about to overtake Pakistan. Think about that. 160 million Banglas crushed on bit of sinking delta mud on the Bay of Bengal have caught up and are racing ahead. serious questions need answering and some deep introspection.

Soviet Union imploded not because lack of LCM's or tanks or jet fighters ....

We began it. It was not 'war' but more of itch on Mushraf's a*ss that cost lives of many brave men. If Kargil had turned to conflict along the international border it would have not lasted more then 14 days. Besides anything we would have ran out of cooking oil ... and roti.

PN relates to the coast and has been dormant since 1971 if not 1965. I agree though that forces on LOC need everthing and should be always kept beefed up.

Disagree. The main security threat is anaemic public finances and nobody paying taxes. For a Indian naval blockade to work [not that we fcukin export much] it would need few weeks if not months. By that stage war would be over or we would have mushroom clouds over South Asia.

Have you been to Bangladesh?
Bangali are true nation, they consider themselves as one quam, one nation.

Our army, agencies, politicians and political system have divided us. We are divided based on religion (Sunni and Shia, and within Sunni, Barelvis, Deobandi, Sufis and AlheHadith), based on ethnicity, based on language. Our politicians have destroyed our countries for their own political gain.
Look at our financial situation..
Our banking sector
our e-commerce
our restate sector (illegals allotment of land)
our transportation system (our neighboring countries have subway system from 80s and we are still have railway running from 80s design)
look at our sports (Polician are even trying make illegal money from sports. No new high capacity stadium built in last 30 years).
We didn’t promot sports like Football (soccer), Baseball, MMA, tennis, table tennis, Olympic sports, etc. we don’t have high quality sports Channels.
We have too many garbage news channels...
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I think you miss the thrust of my [frustration] argumant. My point is it is high time Pakistan and Pakistani's moved away from a militaristic mindset. Nobody can harm Pakistan except us. Nukes pretty well guarantee that. If they don' what was the point of "eating grass". Or was that excuse to eat even more "grass"?

The fact is Pakistan can never match India in conventional war. So can we forget about this toys for boys fetish. The arena where we need to focus is on education, poverty, economic and social equality. Housing, our streets, our schools, our environment or female education, our maternal welfare etc On the external front we need to fight and prevail against India in 'soft power'.

Bangladesh, yes swamp Banglas have or are about to overtake Pakistan. Think about that. 160 million Banglas crushed on bit of sinking delta mud on the Bay of Bengal have caught up and are racing ahead. serious questions need answering and some deep introspection.

Soviet Union imploded not because lack of LCM's or tanks or jet fighters ....
bhia what you are not getting is that Pakistan is not making extra expenses on defence and our economic conditions are not bad because of defence expenditures, its our civilian institutions which is causing harm to our economy.

For example can you name me any new sector of economy initiated after Pervaiz Musharaf government ....???

Those B@s**** who came to rule us after him didn't even manage the existing sectors of economy well just read the historic records of different sectors of economy specially energy sector, or read the records of loss making institutions of Pakistan specially from 2000-2007 and than from 2008 to 2018. This 2008-2018 was our second lost decade after first lost decade of 1989-1999 and guess what same parties were ruling the country at that time too

so plz stop following these arguments initiated by those who don't have any knowledge about Pakistan economy.

Secondly don't give the example of BD or any other country, non is existing in a region which is having wars since 1979 but we are, yet we are still supporting not just our own population but a very big chunk of Afghan population plus 8-10 million other illegal refugees of different ethnicity from other countries of subcontinent.

So plz If you want to talk about social and economic conditions talk we social and economic arguments and DATA don't just cast blame on other sectors.

We began it. It was not 'war' but more of itch on Mushraf's a*ss that cost lives of many brave men. If Kargil had turned to conflict along the international border it would have not lasted more then 14 days. Besides anything we would have ran out of cooking oil ... and roti.
again a simple question what was the duration of Kargill war ....???
PN relates to the coast and has been dormant since 1971 if not 1965. I agree though that forces on LOC need everthing and should be always kept beefed up.
All of Pakistan foreign trade is dependant on sea routs so you think this sector does not require security to safeguard our ECONOMIC INTEREST .... this is known as sea blindness

every penny spend on naval defence is actually directly related to economic security
All of Pakistan foreign trade is dependant on sea routs so you think this sector does not require security to safeguard our ECONOMIC INTEREST .... this is known as sea blindness
Look at Bangladesh. On top of my head they export nearly twice more then Pakistan. $21 billion versus $35 billion. Nearly all of Bangladesh is on the coast. I have not checked but find out how much they spend on the navy to 'safeguard' their exports compared to us. The only way to 'safeguard' is avoid war with India or having 'Kargils'.

For rest I will reply when I get time.
Look at Bangladesh. On top of my head they export nearly twice more then Pakistan. $21 billion versus $35 billion. Nearly all of Bangladesh is on the coast. I have not checked but find out how much they spend on the navy to 'safeguard' their exports compared to us. The only way to 'safeguard' is avoid war with India or having 'Kargils'.

For rest I will reply when I get time.
Are we BD ....???
India is our National security grantor ....???
Kargil is the only thing happened b/w India and Pakistan ... ???
there is no other issue ....???
And since 1947 PN has done fcuk all to protect Pakistan. PAF and PA have fought and defended the country [although even PAF at times has taken time out] but PN. Wtf?
and whose fault is it that the PN has done nothing? its the fault of the great field marshal ayub khan the dumbass, and others who used to think like him. woefully under equipped, it was unable to defend the coast from IN's attack, and to keep the lines to east pakistan open, all because the defence was dominated by the army, and people who clearly thought like you. and as far as i remember the army hasnt won any wars either 71 onwards.

also, it was paf that refused to help the navy, when it was under attack, and then bombed pn's ships when they did decide to grace the sea with their presence.

the PN, in the end, knowing full well that they will lose, still went out to fight, whether it was in ghazi or in obsolete rust buckets without adequate air defence that got hit by indian missiles.

and on that topic, the navy wasnt even informed about bombing of iaf fields on 3rd dec. the CO of hangor claims that just before that a sizable in fleet had left harbour, and was within range, but since the navy didnt know what was to happen, they were able to sail away unscathed. again, certainly not the navy's fault.

Yet Iranian Balochistan compared to our Balochistan is haven of peace? How so? Why are there no Yahoodi/Amriki Khulbashavans roaming around in Sistan Va Balochistan planting bombs every day? The reason is simple. Despite Iran having more issues in their province deployed far more resources. Investment, police, security etc.
Todays's news: 20 irgc soldiers (iranian soldiers, in case you are wondering) killed in a suicide bomb attack in sistan-balochistan province.
I think you miss the thrust of my [frustration] argumant. My point is it is high time Pakistan and Pakistani's moved away from a militaristic mindset. Nobody can harm Pakistan except us. Nukes pretty well guarantee that. If they don' what was the point of "eating grass". Or was that excuse to eat even more "grass"?

The fact is Pakistan can never match India in conventional war. With a population resource base of nearky 7 times greater Pak will always face devastating odds. So can we forget about this toys for boys fetish. The arena where we need to focus is on education, poverty, economic and social equality. Housing, our streets, our schools, our environment or female education, our maternal welfare etc On the external front we need to fight and prevail against India in 'soft power'.

Bangladesh, yes swamp Banglas have or are about to overtake Pakistan. Think about that. 160 million Banglas crushed on bit of sinking delta mud on the Bay of Bengal have caught up and are racing ahead. serious questions need answering and some deep introspection.

Soviet Union imploded not because lack of LCM's or tanks or jet fighters ....

We began it. It was not 'war' but more of itch on Mushraf's a*ss that cost lives of many brave men. If Kargil had turned to conflict along the international border it would have not lasted more then 14 days. Besides anything we would have ran out of cooking oil ... and roti.

PN relates to the coast and has been dormant since 1971 if not 1965. I agree though that forces on LOC need everthing and should be always kept beefed up.

Disagree. The main security threat is anaemic public finances and nobody paying taxes. For a Indian naval blockade to work [not that we fcukin export much] it would need few weeks if not months. By that stage war would be over or we would have mushroom clouds over South Asia.

We first need to get rid "Zaid Hamid" and "Bin Qasim" larpers from our society for that to happen
Disagree. The main security threat is anaemic public finances and nobody paying taxes. For a Indian naval blockade to work [not that we fcukin export much] it would need few weeks if not months. By that stage war would be over or we would have mushroom clouds over South Asia.

Lol I should have clarified. India is the biggest external enemy, internally it's Pakistanis.
Because dumb Pakistanis think in terms of "Zaid Hamid" and "Bin Qasim" we wuz figting SOVEITSS AND SHITTTTT NOW WE HEROS OF ISLAM NOW SIT BACK WHILE WE DO NOTHING BUT BANT


We can’t play down the threat posed by India, especially after the Afghan fiasco.

We need to walk forward, internal development in one hand and defense in the other.

The existential threat to Pakistan is real and we need to be ready. Our Navy is our weak point.
We can’t play down the threat posed by India, especially after the Afghan fiasco.

We need to walk forward, internal development in one hand and defense in the other.

The existential threat to Pakistan is real and we need to be ready. Our Navy is our weak point.

No doubt about that but we have internal threats in Pakistan there is to many bloody snakes in Pakistan sadly and our incompetence WTF is wrong with our Police in Pakistan why they dont they patrol or get trained right Iran which is heavily in danger than we are has better policies that target snakes and domestic terror inside we f...cking suck








@Indus Pakistan @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
We can’t play down the threat posed by India, especially after the Afghan fiasco.

We need to walk forward, internal development in one hand and defense in the other.

The existential threat to Pakistan is real and we need to be ready. Our Navy is our weak point.

Internal threat is greater than external threat. Nawaz Sharif already provided nuclear secrets to India and Zardari is willing to dismantle nuclear weapons if USA bring him in power.
Army is also at fault, they allowed these morons to destroy the country and Army watched because they were getting free bones and land from the government.

No doubt about that but we have internal threats in Pakistan there is to many bloody snakes in Pakistan sadly and our incompetence WTF is wrong with our Police in Pakistan why they dont they patrol or get trained right Iran which is heavily in danger than we are has better policies that target snakes and domestic terror inside we f...cking suck








@Indus Pakistan @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

We have ghost employees in every institution. I’m sure are tons of them in Police. Sar e Aam did a good show on Karachi police.
Government need to install CCTV cameras in every police station.

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