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Pakistan to push for AH-1Z Viper sale.

Its a HELICOPTER my grandmother can fly a helicopter

The fact we are , licking US copter's windshields, political pressure nothing more

1- Chinese HELICOPTER is "FULL" of goods , and gadget and EXACTLY what we need
2- Russian Helicopters are also lethal , a bit old but will get the Job Done
3- Turkish helicopters are alot of political wrangling but will get job Done

We just need to Buy ... and no more delays , because delays cost lives, when lives are lost Nawaz sharif flies off to UK or he creates a committee for investigation

once again then why bother asking for the AH-1Z then??
I would think the top brass would know what's best for Pakistan.
pakistanis "unfortunately" can't buy.

Pakistan has always been ready to cough some money when pushed to it. Take T-80s, Agostas, etc, for example.

1- Chinese HELICOPTER is "FULL" of goods , and gadget and EXACTLY what we need
2- Russian Helicopters are also lethal , a bit old but will get the Job Done
3- Turkish helicopters are alot of political wrangling but will get job Done

Because Zulu's are pretty good, they are basically Apaches in Cobra's airframe. I am sure we are looking at other options as well.
Pakistan has always been ready to cough some money when pushed to it. Take T-80s, Agostas, etc, for example.

Do check as to how much of this cough was our cough, and how much was the financing/loan by the supplier.

cough cough!

bhai jaan

Russia and China too are opportunistic (if not more) compared to USA.

I don't know why we think calling another country "brother" really turns that country into a fluffy doll that one could carry around.

you are not alone. All our media has this type of robot statements about other countries.
marey Bhai.
I unlike most of the posters am of an age where we have come to realize through some very hard lessons from the school of life that there are no permanent friends just common interests. The issue with Pakistan is we have a history of befriending regional powers to go and sit in the laps of distant powers which has resulted in pretty expected results. At the moment what we need to learn is how to stand on our own two feet without support from anyone. For this we should avail all opportunities that come our way and utilize them to our advantage and not get utilized instead. Our leadership has repeatedly shown their incompetence and impotence in this matter. This matter needs both brains and bronze.
Rest I dont have much to add to this debate.
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once again then why bother asking for the AH-1Z then??
I would think the top brass would know what's best for Pakistan.

Ignore that "leftist" post. hahaha.

There are many vocal marxists/ leftists in Pakistan who would not hesitate for 2 sec before dissing USA and US military supplies to Pakistan. They will bring up China, Russia etc. as those two were the mainstays of leftists in Pakistan during the glory days of communism.

Thank you.

p.s. In Pakistan no one likes to be called marxists or leftist, instead they label themselves as "islamo-socialists". I on the other hand call a leftie, well, a leftie.
Why can't pakistan ask their chinese brethren ? I have seen chinese members claiming their own home made apache ! What was it ? WZ-10 ?
..... The issue with Pakistan is we have a history ... to go and sit in the laps of distant powers which has resulted in pretty expected results.

Bhaai jaan,

Regional powers cannot open their markets of our exports. Even if they do, money we earn is paltry compared to what we get from exporting goods and services to "distant powers" aka EU /USA/UK>

Please do not keep our nation in the dreamy world of "regional powers".

Its the regional powers that messed up our backyard first and then us.

Not the distant powers.

please update your database.

Thank you.

Why can't pakistan ask their chinese brethren ? I have seen chinese members claiming their own home made apache ! What was it ? WZ-10 ?

a) the stuff is still in R&D
b) China is not willing to dole out billions off dollars to pay for our defense services / contracts.

However Pakistani leftists media will never accept this clear reality and continue to beat the drums of "Russian brethren, and Chinese brethren".

But then, leftist media does what it is supposed to do.

I am sure you know some of those leftie media types in USA too.

Bhaai jaan,

Regional powers cannot open their markets of our exports. Even if they do, money we earn is paltry compared to what we get from exporting goods and services to "distant powers" aka EU /USA/UK>

Please do not keep our nation in the dreamy world of "regional powers".

Its the regional powers that messed up our backyard first and then us.

Not the distant powers.

please update your database
thank you
Whether the distant powers did it last or regional powers did it first is irrelevant. Our current problems stem from the actions of our distant friends. The fact remains that all powers are expansionist by nature. The question is not one of assigning sides but to utilize all available resources to ones benefit without befriending anyone.
In the context of our current debate the US does not appear to be too receptive to our needs NOW and the red bear is. We can Institute set up of ancillary facilities much more effectively than with the Zulu which is nothing like the Cobras that we currently have.
I must say that the use of selective quotes is a very old way of carrying out a debate. Look at the whole post in context and then respond which is a fair way of debating.
Also I have chosen to disregard your last remark which is not worthy of a response.
pakistan should buy some zulu's as a stop gap and go for either t129 or wz10 as russians cannot be fully trusted because of indian ties
Bhaai jaan,
However Pakistani leftists media will never accept this clear reality and continue to beat the drums of "Russian brethren, and Chinese brethren".

But then, leftist media does what it is supposed to do.

I am sure you know some of those leftie media types in USA too.


True ! I won't comment on russians as they are currently in a mode where they can do anything just to spite the west. As for the chinese, don't let the online noise fool you. China still has vast swathes of countryside relatively 3rd world and still untouched by its neck breaking growth rate. So fundamentally China will always be inward looking for coming decades.

Even if i concede the debate wether china is a real friend to pakistan, it is still debatable if china is backing pakistan just in spirits or goodies as well.
True ! I won't comment on russians as they are currently in a mode where they can do anything just to spite the west. As for the chinese, don't let the online noise fool you. China still has vast swathes of countryside relatively 3rd world and still untouched by its neck breaking growth rate. So fundamentally China will always be inward looking for coming decades.

Even if i concede the debate wether china is a real friend to pakistan, it is still debatable if china is backing pakistan just in spirits or goodies as well.

Moreover Pakistani doesn't give any geographical edge to extend Chinese sphere of influence.

But the same is quiet the opposite when it comes to USA.

It is just an equation of interests.

that's all.
Do check as to how much of this cough was our cough, and how much was the financing/loan by the supplier.

cough cough!


You talk big, do you have proof that Pakistan have never purchased equipment on its own money or able to pay credit through which military equipment is purchased?? Have you ever worked in Defense Production Ministry or MoD or Procurement Department?? Please provide Ministry of Finance reference that Pakistan have purchased all military equipment on aid??
You talk big, do you have proof that Pakistan have never purchased equipment on its own money or able to pay credit through which military equipment is purchased?? Have you ever worked in Defense Production Ministry or MoD or Procurement Department?? Please provide Ministry of Finance reference that Pakistan have purchased all military equipment on aid??

Yeah I agree. Its the Indians who keep telling this lie and then Pakistani members without using something called brain just keep parroting it.

We have bought all F-16s through our own money. And most of other equipment too. But the F-16 deal stands out because of so much publicity and controversy around it.
Even if i concede the debate wether china is a real friend to pakistan, it is still debatable if china is backing pakistan just in spirits or goodies as well.

There is no such thing in international politics. But as situation is, Pakistan and China both greatly benefit from each other's friendship. Pakistan militarily, and China in future economically through Silk Road.
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