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Pakistan to let Americans and Afghans transit through Karachi

Iranians never opposed USA in Afghanistan, they won't oppose a retreating America in Pakistan.
Would they tolerate them on their border which is right next to their strategic port of Chabahar?
Actually we will not be asking for anything in return. We are against that relationship, the decisions we took say the same. We want trade and a dignified relation not Aid anymore.

Going extremely negative will play into the hands of our enemies. One needs to learn to protect its interests, live in a dignified way and maintain basic form of relations at the same time.

They asked for airbase we denied them as it was against our national interest irrespective of consequences be it FATF hypocrisy or child soldier list drama. They asked for help in evacuation we agreed as it is in our own interest.

There is nothing they can do more from karachi airport that they can not do from karachi embassy, irrespective of the argument that this is not their intent.
you are clearly underestimating our capacity for begging dude!
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I am sorry and I apologize before hand for saying what I am about to say, especially to those who are arguing that US troops in Pakistan quasi stationed or small footprint permanently stationed is no big deal.

Foreign troops in Pakistan, is a big deal.

No independent and sovereign country, that wants to stay free, will ever allow another country's soldiers within its borders. You allow any complement you set a precedence and it becomes permissible and acceptable. For a people who just went through years of colonialism I would have thought we would have learnt this lesson and it would be seeped into our core. But I guess I am wrong.
Anyone who supports lynching in our super emotional society should be lynched.
Because they were tolerating theme on their trade routes to Western Afghanistan, which always had historic Iranian influence.
They also tolerated US invasion of Iraq.
Point is Iran wouldn't bother us, if they're well aware that Americans are leaving for good. Gwadar would just be a transit.
I mean they did it in Jacobabad, so I don't see why Gwadar would be any different.
Jacobabad already had a runway and apron that was large enough to accommodate the planes, Gwadar does not.
Jacobabad already had a runway and apron that was large enough to accommodate the planes, Gwadar does not.
We'll build one then... Current airport of Gwadar is 6500ft, we need to add another 3500. It's definitely do-able.
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