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Pakistan to let Americans and Afghans transit through Karachi

Borders are completely safe | جھوٹا پروپیگنڈا کرنے والوں کو وزیر داخلہ کا کرارا جوا
he did not. Pres Trump offered to be an arbitrator (meaning that his decision would have been final which means that Pakistan could have lost AJK and GB) whereas PM khan wanted him to be an intermediary (meaning a go between, a moderator during talks)

batman either need to learn the English language or he knows the language but he's blinded by hatred.

do yo you know why Pakistanis loose case during arbitration? because they don't understand the nuances of the language. even though on paper it is their official language yet they never learn it properly.

@LeGenD @AgNoStiC MuSliM @waz @krash @SIPRA

Exactly... That's why I asked him for proof. His Imran Khan phobia causes him to blame Imran Khan for Global Warming, the Chernobyl accident, Challenger Disaster, World War I, II, Gulf Wars, the Israeli-Palestinian crisis,
... Etc. Etc.

As him to substantiate.... He runs off like a Hindutva disinfo rat....
Some very valid points raised in this program:

1. The persons will be now processed within Pakistan and then transported to other Countries. so there is a very likely possibility that some of them due to various reasons will be declined, what will be their fate, how many of those will remain in the Cities of Pakistan...will that pose a security risk to Pakistan?

2. All border fencing done so painstakingly to prevent "security risk" to Pakistan are nullified IF agents, terrorists in disguise of refugees and or "temporary transit passengers" will (God Forbid) assimilate in big Cities and then create havoc.

3. Did Pakistani establishment thought out ANY plans to thwart the dangers mentioned in above two points....?

Some very valid points raised in this program:

1. The persons will be now processed within Pakistan and then transported to other Countries. so there is a very likely possibility that some of them due to various reasons will be declined, what will be their fate, how many of those will remain in the Cities of Pakistan...will that pose a security risk to Pakistan?

2. All border fencing done so painstakingly to prevent "security risk" to Pakistan are nullified IF agents, terrorists in disguise of refugees and or "temporary transit passengers" will (God Forbid) assimilate in big Cities and then create havoc.

3. Did Pakistani establishment thought out ANY plans to thwart the dangers mentioned in above two points....?

Simpel or complicated ? Simple No !
Does not matter how much arrogance they show towards us, or hate us or whine about us, ALLAH makes them come to us seeking our help time and again. They couldn't go to Iraq without our help while we were under sanctions, they couldn't leave Afghanistan without our help while we are under sanctions.


US and Allied forces have asked Pakistan for help in the evacuation.
Does not matter how much arrogance they show towards us, or hate us or whine about us, ALLAH makes them come to us seeking our help time and again. They couldn't go to Iraq without our help while we were under sanctions, they couldn't leave Afghanistan without our help while we are under sanctions.

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Sir, this gesture will NOT change an iota of difference in the "thinking process" or objectives towards Pakistan by the west.

Pakistan have lost 70K+ lives in WOT version 1.0 and you still hear DO MORE; Pakistani economy have lost billions but you still get sanctions, you were deliberately kept in FATF Grey list and not to mention stricter conditions from IMF etc

Why did they picked Karachi? The govt shoukld provide them access to Ex Shamsi Airbase. We have quite a history with U.S. afterall.

Everyday, the govt lets its people down... and military leadership literally lets its soldiers down.

Why did they picked Karachi? The govt shoukld provide them access to Ex Shamsi Airbase. We have quite a history with U.S. afterall.

Everyday, the govt lets its people down... and military leadership literally lets its soldiers down.


In hindsight, if this route is setup for departure we should turn a blind eye.
Yesterday i saw a news in which it was said that now they wont be taken to karachi but keep them in Islamabad and from there they will exist for Qatar

These bast**** will get away with anything as they always do.
It's really disheartening to see poor Afghans suffer... by U.S., by, Taliban, by Pakistan..... by the whole world.

I would prefer a U.N. led presence. U.S. should be the last before India to have presence here. I guess they do have a huge presence even now. One needs a large consulate to process all the politicians and generals families visa applications.

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