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Pakistan to let Americans and Afghans transit through Karachi

Let's hope they leave asap

One way exit. We should facilitate with a smile on face.

These bast**** will get away with anything as they always do.
It's really disheartening to see poor Afghans suffer... by U.S., by, Taliban, by Pakistan..... by the whole world.

I would prefer a U.N. led presence. U.S. should be the last before India to have presence here. I guess they do have a huge presence even now. One needs a large consulate to process all the politicians and generals families visa applications.

The French and Brits are now proposing some sort of UN zone in Kabul. These bastards just don't want to leave.

It is imperative for Pakistan, Iran, China, Russia and CAS to take ownership.

Random: Pakistan helped Belgium use evacuate using our airport. Last flight was on Wednesday night I think.


Random: Pakistan helped Belgium use evacuate using our airport. Last flight was on Wednesday night I think.

View attachment 773980

The Belgians had multiple flights through Islamabad.

1. Why is the Western media not reporting Pak assistance?
2. Why is the Pakistani media and government not being transparant? The assistence is shrouded in secrecy.

This looks like the similar BS we have seen in the past 20 years. All agreements made between a few parties in secrecy without the people of Pakistan knowing the full details.
Yesterday i saw a news in which it was said that now they wont be taken to karachi but keep them in Islamabad and from there they will exist for Qatar

Qatar and UAE. Two opportunist nations that would walk over the dead bodies of Pakistanis.
The French and Brits are now proposing some sort of UN zone in Kabul. These bastards just don't want to leave.

It is imperative for Pakistan, Iran, China, Russia and CAS to take ownership.

How pathetic is the mainstream media which everyone on this forum quotes … these presstitutes have no balls to perform real investigative journalism to report on the deaths by gun fire from the watch towers … this is a straight case of “war crime” but no one will speak; I am so ashamed of the role played by China, Russia,Iran and Pakistan just acting as spectators while the blood is spilled of innocent people in their neighborhood… there has to have a limit a war torn country’s people can bear … there differences and behavior with Pakistan is a different thing but at the end of the day they are mazloom and miskeen facing the wrath of not ONLY the super power but also it’s allies while all of its so called concerned neighbors who act like the most worried about its internal situation and wanted the benefit of the peace are just eating halwa from sidelines…it reminds of the hadith mubarak which basically point out to a time when Muslims are in huge number but just like the jhaag on the surface of water … while at the same time the enemies will compete among themselves to see who will first attack on them … same way they did from the watch towers …
resistance lasted 380 posts.

its a whopping 378 better than in 2001.
WHY do we have to help them?.........why can't india or another country help them?.........why does Pakistan have to be the baby sitter of the world............ :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
From what I heard, Pakistan was advised by one of it's very close allies to not let India have this huge propaganda opportunity against Pakistan.
All these EU foreign ministers coming to Pakistan to thank GoP for its assistance while Biden being the head of state of the most important country in this fiasco seems to have made this an ego problem.
All these EU foreign ministers coming to Pakistan to thank GoP for its assistance while Biden being the head of state of the most important country in this fiasco seems to have made this an ego problem.

It is personal/ego from Joe Biden - there is some history between Pakistan and Joe Bidens "bad experience" with Pakistan - was alluded to in an interview by someone from a think tank in Pakistan (not Moeed ) and Joe has rep for "not forgetting", what ever that means ..
It is personal/ego from Joe Biden - there is some history between Pakistan and Joe Bidens "bad experience" with Pakistan - was alluded to in an interview by someone from a think tank in Pakistan (not Moeed ) and Joe has rep for "not forgetting", what ever that means ..

LOL I love it how Joe is acting this way. More than Trump Joe has proved to be a stubborn old bastard. Do we care about his phone call? LOL Heck no. Do we appreciate his decision to move out of Afghanistan and hand out India the death sentence? Of course we do.

I would love to see the disgraced faces of two epic losers today. Bush jr. and Obama LOL These guys must be reeling. What a humiliation for the architects of the Afghan war.
Apparently ferried from Sargodha to Masroor AB

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