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Pakistan to let Americans and Afghans transit through Karachi

Afghan Civilians and Contractors (ISIS/Blackwater) should not be allowed to transit in Pakistan. Unarmed US/NATO soldiers shouldn't be a problem.
Ideally, your right, should be in an out of the way place. But it seems they want it near an embassy or consulate for visa processing.
They do have embassies in middle east
.Qatar , Kuwait and many other nation ..we are already vulnerable and not good in providing security ..this will make our people target of terror ..and I don't think they will leave soon ..
Someone said it there rightly
..they only alliance we are true with is US..we are always available to serve them like a loyal servant ...
It's better to serve them and demand money atleast ...kch faida to ho qoum ko..already we fought there war and made more then 70,000 dead.i hope US don't intend to have another war in this region otherwise we will once again be there to serve them

Absolutely not kah ka itna shor dala then again as usual u turn ...
Something is very fishy here. It does not make any sense at all as to why these people will stay in Karachi. All of these people were being flown to DOHA which is ONLY ANOTHER HOUR OF FLIGHT. Are they saying that there is NO SPACE left in DOHA for these people???

Unfortunately, it is the Pakistan's Military establishment AGAIN who have made this TERRIBLE decision, and in the process have absolutely slapped the people of Pakistan again. TERRIBLE !!
What's the guarantees they will leave once they are here?
Wherever I have read so far… it’s mostly Afghan translators and assistants who helped Americans in Afghanistan. They are doing it so that they can better assist them upon their arrival in United States and elsewhere. Right now they are in chaos and the break of 3 weeks in Pakistan will give US and her allies enough time to deal with existing evacuees
From 1.31 to 2.03

US and Allied forces have asked Pakistan for help in the evacuation.
Pakistan has agreed to help.
US + Allied forces will station 3k to 4k troops in Karachi. Pakistan will issue visas for them.
Prior to transfer to the US, they will be kept in Pakistan for a month. Accommodation will be arranged by Sindh Govt.
Flts from Kabul will possibly start landing tomorrow.
Due to rush at Islamabad airport, Karachi was chosen.

Is this due to Quad 2.0, that everyone seem to be ignoring?
July 16, 2021
Who’s to guarantee they won’t overstay their “visit” and who’s to say that their primary mission won’t expand.
To govern is to make difficult decisions.

Those of dull intellect will often struggle to understand why unsavoury decisions are made.
Who’s to guarantee they won’t overstay their “visit” and who’s to say that their primary mission won’t expand.
They are not given freedom to roam around everywhere without being watched. GOP will count their numbers and will pass on the exact numbers to US. If someone goes missing… they might replace it with their Pakistani look alike brethren but will complete the numbers

Kidding but yeah don’t worry they will be well taken care of
Wherever I have read so far… it’s mostly Afghan translators and assistants who helped Americans in Afghanistan. They are doing it so that they can better assist them upon their arrival in United States and elsewhere. Right now they are in chaos and the break of 3 weeks in Pakistan will give US and her allies enough time to deal with existing evacuees

Why don't Tajikistan, Iran or Uzbekistan help the Afghans? They all border Afghanistan. Why is it always down to Pakistan.
In other words, we have again become party. These American bastards have always had a keen eye on Karachi. I just wish we could tell them to fvck off.

I hope for Bajwa's and Imran Khan's sake this doesn't turn out be another fiasco where the Americans backstab. History doesn't bode well. The Americans always backstab.

I repeat, just a transit/transport services.
only goras get a pass ?

Unarmed US/NATO soldiers pose little to no threat for Pakistan, whereas the fleeing Afghan Civilians (indoctrinated to hate Pakistan) and Contractors (ISIS/Blackwater) do pose serious security concerns.
I repeat, just a transit/transport services.

Of who exactly, that is the key question? US/NATO soldiers or Afghan Civilians (who could include Contractors/ISIS/Blackwater/TTP)?
Why don't Tajikistan, Iran or Uzbekistan help the Afghans? They all border Afghanistan. Why is it always down to Pakistan.
I think they might also be doing their part but we are referring to Pakistani news channels plus Pakistan is much bigger country then any of the countries you have mentioned and historically been ally of US and her partners whereas Iran is suffering from sanctions and +Stan nations are Russian lobbies. So the only natural option remains Pakistan who was their partner in this war against aliens
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