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Pakistan to launch operation in N. Waziristan

I totally favour WOT. Negotiations time is up. No matter how many civilian causalities we have to take even if it includes myself, we have to get rid of this menace so that our future generations could live in peace.

Good to know , like i said its a fight to the death and we just have to choose who loses this war.
atlast i got the right topic to post my theory lolz

Army was never expecting that release of Davis will take the heat towards Army and ISI aswell.They were expecting that people will yell at Judges and Court and we will make judges go on Leaves..And that drone attack was done on request of PAK ARMY, because it will make qabaili peoples angry and off-course they dont have anything else to do except Suicide attack and then we will support first drone attack was innocent peoples, kiyani and pasha will yell on usa that usa should stay in limits bla bla ........... and in some 2 to 3 months people of ruler areas will forget about that drone and will remember the after-affects which will be in shape of suicide and that will support cause of army to start another operation in NORTH-WAZARISTAN .............. and people will support army once again and i don't think so this is gonna happen again i do not think so people will not support army this time

this is my theory i do not know what do you guys think about it

It is difficult to start North Waziristan operation because gairat brigade is active now...
Last time when army operated in SAWAT & SW... TTP rats fall back to Indian embassies and safe houses in Kabul.
We need to block their way back to those rathouses.
Pakistan also need to strike northern alliance leaders who are handing over kidnapped Afghan children to Indians for the conversion to suicide bombers.
Most of above Pakistan need to get rid of traitors in Pakistan's govt. who are patronizing and sheltering TTP in Pakistan.
Overall, it has to be a multi direction assault.
I am not in favor of this operation at all. Its such bad timing as well because we just recently released an American terrorist, and its as if we've been pressured, and bribed to start an Operation. Why this time when our people are in the streets burning U.S flags and protesting against the drone attacks in North Waziristan? Are you serious?????!!

This is our boss speaking:

Pakistan must take action in North Waziristan:US

WASHINGTON: The top US general in Afghanistan said Friday it was “hugely important” that Pakistani forces take action against militants in North Waziristan.

General David Petraeus, commander of the Nato-led force in the Afghanistan war, credited Islamabad with battling insurgents elsewhere but said the campaign needed to move to North Waziristan, where members of the Al-Qaeda and Haqqani networks are based.

“The fact is that it’s hugely important that there’s a campaign in northern Waziristan that is putting enormous pressure on the Al-Qaeda sanctuaries there,” Petraeus said at a conference in Washington.

US officials have long urged Pakistan to crack down on militants in North Waziristan but the country’s military commanders have said their forces are already stretched fighting the insurgents in nearby areas.

“They have lost thousands of soldiers and thousands of civilians in a very impressive counter insurgency campaign to clear Swat Valley and the other areas” in Khyber and South Waziristan, Petraeus said.

The CIA has carried out a long-running drone bombing campaign in North Waziristan, with 17 of 20 strikes targeting militants in the area so far this year, according to a tally by the New America Foundation.

A US strike by unmanned aircraft killed 35 people this week in North Waziristan, prompting outrage and protests across the country on Friday.

Analysts say Pakistan maintains some ties to the Haqqani network and other extremists in the tribal areas as a hedge to counter arch-foe India in Afghanistan.

Petraeus referred to Pakistan’s concerns about preserving its influence in neighboring Afghanistan.

“It is understandable that Pakistan wants to have reassurance that the country to its west …is not a proxy for India, that it will not be just peaceful and stable but also will be a friend of Pakistan,” he said.

“Among the most important ways to influence what happens overtime in Pakistan is to continue to make progress in Afghanistan,” he added.


And guess what we do? Reply "As you wish my highness"
army will eventually destroy this country, four more divisions to come after bangladesh

an america always orders our beghairat army to initiate the war and our slave army listens, it doesnt in any way concerns the well being of our country
Dosen`t matter how many or how long Pakistan will launch operation in N. Waziristan.
Because USA will NEVER EVER be satisfied by Pakistan`s effort.
I hope to find tons of Vodka and hollywood movies from the hideouts of un-circumcised TTP.

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