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Pakistan to get 2 nuclear reactors from China

Woo how Generous of Chinese :china: It is not certain that who is trying to achieve what but one thing is obvious that Pakistan wont be falling behind India in nuclear technology, So USA want to level the plain field or not by helping Pakistan as well, China is there to make sure that the balance won't be tilted in India's favor. :azn:
I know i was also shocked that Washington has not cried about this deal otherwise previously their media would start jumping on this deal.I think Washington approval has given us credible nuclear state status.
The United States said Monday it was carefully reviewing China's plans to build two civilian nuclear reactors in Pakistan, urging all nations to respect non-proliferation commitments.

The China National Nuclear Corporation has agreed to finance two more civilian reactors at the Chashma site in Pakistan, despite fears abroad about the safety of nuclear material in the Islamic nation.

China earlier built two reactors for Pakistan. But Beijing in 2004 entered the Nuclear Suppliers Group, a cartel of nuclear energy states that forbids exports to nations lacking strict safeguards by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg said that discussions were underway about the issue and the United States has not "reached a final conclusion."

"But it's something we're obviously looking at very carefully," Steinberg said in response to a question at a forum at the Brookings Institution.

"I think it's important to scrupulously honor these non-proliferation commitments," he said. "We'll want to continue to engage on the question, about whether this is permitted under the understandings of the IAEA."

Some analysts believe that China was emboldened to go ahead with the deal after the United States in 2008 signed a landmark nuclear agreement with Pakistan's arch-rival India.

India, like Pakistan, refuses to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. But former US president George W. Bush in reaching the deal praised India's track record on non-proliferation.

By contrast, the father of Pakistan's nuclear bomb, Abdul Qadeer Khan, confessed in 2004 to sending nuclear secrets to Iran, Libya and North Korea, although he later retracted his remarks.

Leaders of China, India and Pakistan all attended a major summit in Washington last month convened by President Barack Obama and pledged to work to preserve nuclear security.

Pakistan, a frontline state against Islamic extremism, has pressed the United States for a nuclear deal similar to India's. US officials have promised to listen but the deal is widely seen as a political non-starter in Washington.
"I think it's important to scrupulously honor these non-proliferation commitments," he said. "We'll want to continue to engage on the question, about whether this is permitted under the understandings of the IAEA."

Thats interesting, US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg refers to whether the deal might be permitted under the understandings of the IAEA, but has no mention (in this article at least) of understandings under the NSG. Gaining NSG approval for civilian nuclear deals with Pakistan is where the roadblock was perceived to be.

Pakistan is already operating civilian reactors under IAEA safeguards, and these new reactors will likely be come under IAEA safeguards as well.
What plans does Pakistan have for processing civilian nuclear waste? I know the Chinese have such projects but I don't know if Pakistan does, nor have I met any Pakistani students training for such tasks in the U.S.
Solomon these are not your soviet reactors these are small 300MW reactors so proportionally they should produce less byproducts.and Obviously Nuclear Program and everything about it is a closely guarded secret in Pakistan as it is in your Israel.So u won't find anybody yelling about how we dispose of radioactive material but i assure you.You won't find it in a scrap shop unlike some other countries.
300MWe reactors are for power, not research or military purposes. Civilian nuclear waste disposal technologies are not military secrets - we've had Chinese, French, English, Russian, German, and Indian students and scientists working side-by-side with Americans for the U.S. Department of Energy on this stuff for decades.
well, im sure nuclear/radioactive waste in Pakistan wont turn up in scrap shops and such.


you americans don't need to worry about our affairs, as far as nuclear security, arms, and energy are concerned. I personally am against any civilian nuclear deal with the Americans. It's a no-brainer.
i dont foresee any such thing..there was no hint even when zardari visited china..
chashma 3 n 4 under construction...thats news for me..

There is a reason to keep Zardari out of it. %%%%%%%%%%%
What plans does Pakistan have for processing civilian nuclear waste? I know the Chinese have such projects but I don't know if Pakistan does, nor have I met any Pakistani students training for such tasks in the U.S.

Some snippets on Pakistani nuclear infrastructure expansion and waste management to cope with the increased number of NPP's:

In 2006 the PAEC announced that it was preparing to set up separate and purely civil conversion, enrichment and fuel fabrication plants as a new US$ 1.2 billion Pakistan Nuclear Power Fuel Complex which would be under IAEA safeguards and managed separately from existing facilities. At least the enrichment plant would be built at Chak Jhumra, Faisalabad, in the Punjab and have a 150,000 SWU/yr capacity in five years - about 2013, then be expanded in 150,000 SWU increments to be able to supply one third of the enrichment requirements for a planned 8800 MWe generating capacity by 2030.

The PAEC has responsibility for radioactive waste management. A Radioactive Waste Management Fund is proposed in a new proposed policy. Waste Management Centres are proposed for Karachi and Chashma.

Used fuel is currently stored at each reactor in pools. Longer-term dry storage at each site is proposed. The question of future reprocessing remains open.

A National Repository for low- and intermediate-level wastes is due to be commissioned by 2015.

Nuclear Power in Pakistan
300MWe reactors are for power, not research or military purposes. Civilian nuclear waste disposal technologies are not military secrets - we've had Chinese, French, English, Russian, German, and Indian students and scientists working side-by-side with Americans for the U.S. Department of Energy on this stuff for decades.

i heard a rumor , but i dont put much faith in it , But it is said that US and Europe throws much of its Nuclear Waste in Somali waters..which probably was one of the causes of Somali people adopting piracy??
Yet you repeat this rumor here. For what purpose?

seriously not to derail the discussion, but to know how much truth does this rumor possess..There were some serious allegations against US and some European countries that they disposed off Nuclear waste in Somali waters which killed their fishery and they reside to piracy for their living ..??

Somalia: Pirates? Europeans illegally fish & dump toxic nuclear wastes in their waters (Updated 1/12/2010)

Johann Hari: You are being lied to about pirates - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

And To whome it may concern..Download it..!!!
United Nations Environment Programme Report on Tsunami and Txic Nuclear Waste Disposal along the Cost of Somalia
Only Us have a right to decide which country have NSG exception but my question is that who give her right to do so?

If US is so faithful about Nuclear arms then why exception? :no:
Thanks, Nitro. I'm not happy to read about this. There is much speculation in the UNEF report. Apparently the U.S. is not at fault - the guess is the Italian Mafia - but little investigation has been done since, and apparently one of the governments of Somalia was complicit in the matter. Nor was Somalia the only nation affected by this irresponsible (if not illegal) dumping.

Don't let what happened to Somalia happen to Pakistan. Nor what has happened in India, where radioactive stuffs too often are improperly sold as scrap. Start your radwaste program in a timely fashion and control those generating the waste.
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