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Pakistan to fence border after terrorist attack in Iran: Army

sir some people crossed from your border and killed 27 people in our country, still you can't understand why we are unhappy? there is no relevance to iran-india relationships neither your internal affairs. your government does not take actions against those people and also prevents iran to take care of them like the time you targeted our drone while tracking those terrorists. also this time it was not iranian based jaish al-adl group but a pakistani nationality who did the suicide mission. seems like some people think that its a open season to kill some shia and get the golden ticket to heaven and if couldn't do it successfully return to motherland and plot another attack.

good evening sir. no Pakistani is claiming we are free of terrorism we are suffering from it in our Baluchistan. is how to deal with it. your country general points finger starigh at us like we sanctioned it. one or two guys on our side hiding on a mountain claiming it as attack. does not give you right to abolish all your own problems in your Baluchistan. there is no evidence these attackers crossed into our side. sadly some of your own country man ruined this topic by rude behaviour and accusations against Pakistani state
Keep dreaming.

The United States sold the Shah its latest military equipment and gave the country a free-hand in its regional policy. Also, we eventually deposed the Shah exactly because we deemed him to be weak and spineless.

Iraq on the other hand is a failed state, intrinsically. You guys are never going to become a regional power.

I'm actually surprised that Iraq kept unified despite what it went through since 2003 with the constant Kurdish crying for division and the Sunni-Shia civil war, the IS situation.

No one said anything about being a regional power lol but that's what it was during the former regime and pre 1979 so even recent history proves you wrong.
I'm actually surprised that Iraq kept unified despite what it went through since 2003 with the constant Kurdish crying for division and the Sunni-Shia civil war, the IS situation.

No one said anything about being a regional power lol but that's what it was during the former regime and pre 1979 so even recent history proves you wrong.

Don't be surprised. The only reason why Iraq is still unified is because both Turkey and Iran oppose its breaking up. That is why we put the Kurds in their place after their referendum by re-capturing Kirkuk, which we then sold as an Iraqi operation, while in reality it were Iranian generals who orchestrated the whole operation. The Kurds know this as well, that is why the PUK run away from the battlefield.

Iraq is only unified because its neighbors wants it to be unified.
You played a double game in Afghanistan, and the whole world knows this. As well as that the menace you guys created in Afghanistan eventually bit your own asses. You might have said no to Yemen, but then later made it up with the Arabs by approving to one of your generals heading a Islamic military coalition that in reality is a front against Iran.

And now with Imran Khan the cricketer you guys are back again as Saudi lackeys.

Pakistan no1 enemy is India not you we’ve had cordial relations between us ups and downs. our region (Afghanistan) is source of lots of our problems now. no need 2 big powers like us to fall out. what ever this terrorism is it will burn itself out. simply Pakistan has no border land dispute with you guys. Pakistani former COAS now head of its Islamic army give him a chance first. instead you making out to be your no1 enemy that’s crazy
Pakistan no1 enemy is India not you we’ve had cordial relations between us ups and downs. our region (Afghanistan) is source of lots of our problems now. no need 2 big powers like us to fall out. what ever this terrorism is it will burn itself out. simply Pakistan has no border land dispute with you guys. Pakistani former COAS now head of its Islamic army give him a chance first. instead you making out to be your no1 enemy that’s crazy

There hasn't been a country in the world which has played a more negative role in Afghanistan than Pakistan. You guys are primarily to blame for the mess we are currently seeing. Your government and other powerful domestic insitutions are not a victim of terrorism; the Sunni-inspired terrorism you guys are facing is your own creation. Remember when Zia ul-Haqq, who was another Saudi lackey, build thousands of extremist hotspots (madrasas) in the country, which its negative fruits are still being seen up to this day?
There hasn't been a country in the world which has played a more negative role in Afghanistan than Pakistan. You guys are primarily to blame for the mess we are currently seeing. Your government and other powerful domestic insitutions are not a victim of terrorism; the Sunni-inspired terrorism you guys are facing is your own creation. Remember when Zia ul-Haqq, who was another Saudi lackey, build thousands of extremist hotspots (madrasas) in the country, which its negative fruits are still being seen up to this day?

I tried. No point talking to a sectarian noob like you. I can not cure that
Don't be surprised. The only reason why Iraq is still unified is because both Turkey and Iran oppose its breaking up. That is why we put the Kurds in their place after their referendum by re-capturing Kirkuk, which we then sold as an Iraqi operation, while in reality it were Iranian generals who orchestrated the whole operation. The Kurds know this as well, that is why the PUK run away from the battlefield.

Iraq is only unified because its neighbors wants it to be unified.

Kurds said the Kirkuk operation was Iranian to influence Washington on their side.
PMU did not enter Kirkuk city, Federal Police, the 9th armored division and ISOF entered the city.

Besides, that was the easiest operation of all operations. Mosul was tough, Fallujah, Ramadi were tough. Kirkuk was a joke.

Also, that operation was extended to KDP Peshmerga with the recapturing of Mosul dam, Sinjar and other area's in Nineveh province. Once again you sell Iran great nonsense.
I tried. No point talking to a sectarian noob like you. I can not cure that

I'm not sectarian. I'm an atheist. I couldn't give a damn about someone's religious credentials.

Kurds said the Kirkuk operation was Iranian to influence Washington on their side.
PMU did not enter Kirkuk city, Federal Police, the 9th armored division and ISOF entered the city.

Besides, that was the easiest operation of all operations. Mosul was tough, Fallujah, Ramadi were tough. Kirkuk was a joke.

You seem to live in lala-land. There are dozens of reports from credible sources who have pointed out to Iran's covert role in the battle for Kirkuk. We pressured and scared the Talebanis, which was why Kurds unity was eventually broken. You guys are so spineless and incompetent that without external support, you guys would have never made such move.
You seem to live in lala-land. There are dozens of reports from credible sources who have pointed out to Iran's covert role in the battle for Kirkuk. We pressured and scared the Talebanis, which was why Kurds unity was eventually broken. You guys are so spineless and incompetent that without external support, you guys would have never made such move.

Did you just miss the part where I said the operation was not limited to Kirkuk, but included Nineveh, Sinjar where there is no PUK but Barzani the lapdog of Turkey.

IRGC isn't experienced in urban or infantry warfare so do yourself a favor and keep to your side. All this interference has been possible due to Iraq being Shi'a and generally friendly to Iran as opposed to Saudi Arabia not having influence. Iran has major weaknesses which you like to ignore to prop up this false image of strength.
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Did you just miss the part where I said the operation was not limited to Kirkuk, but included Nineveh, Sinjar where there is no PUK but Barzani the lapdog of Turkey.

So? It also included mixed Kurdish/Shia Turkmen cities where the presence of Iranian-allied militias have been documented. You seem to forget that the KRG faced similar pressure from Turkey, which cooperated its move together with Iran, with the tacit support from Baghdad.

IRGC isn't experienced in urban or infantry warfare so do yourself a favor and keep to your side. All this interference has been possible due to Iraq being Shi'a and generally friendly to Iran as opposed to Saudi Arabia not having influence. Iran has major weaknesses which you like to ignore to prop up this false image of strength.

What are you talking about? The IRGC has tremendous organization experience in warfare due to the support it has delivered to Hezbollah, which is basically an IRGC division, as well as the experiences it has gained from the Syrian Civil War.

All this influence is only possible because Iran has managed to sucesfully operate in a complex geopolitical theatre of Iraq, knowing how to organize, motivate and operate all kinds of militant groups in a sea of anarchy and instability. It perfectly knew how to militarily and politically pressure the United States during its occupation of Iraq, being a significant reason why the US failed in its goals and eventually had to pack its bags.

If you think that what the IRGC does is simple, you don't know what you are talking about. It's hybrid politico-military way of warfare, which has created the most powerful and competent non-state military force in the world (Hezbollah), even surpassing many regional national armies in competence, is purely an Iranian creation. It's extensive logistical presence in the region is something no regional power has managed to copy. Its capability to transform its proxies into effective forces has been credited by US military officials as top-notch. With limited military resources, at its highest operating no more than 1000 military officials, Iran managed to save Syria from falling in the hands of rebel groups, who nearly managed to destroy the Syrian army, from within and the outside.

In Iraq, it were first the Iranian-allied groups who managed to stop IS from further advancing. It were these groups, under the supervision of Iranian officers, that engaged IS when Iraqi security forces were crumbling. This happened at a time when the US refused to intervene, calling for Maliki to step down before it lends support. You seem to forget all these things. Iran was a huge reason why Iraq survived eventually, next to the US of course.
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Why don't you STFU you sectarian scumbag.

i know it hurts.you accepted somewhere in the forum that you are a proud shia living in pakistan but unfortunately you pray for the destruction of pakistan.irani members are talking about destruction of pakistan and you are calling me sectarian?if you love iran,go back to iran.leave our country.look at iran,talking about attack on pakistan and you have full sympathy for iran.you are the same person who said that we will fight against india but when it comes to iran,you change your color. wow we should immediately deport iranians now.look at the sympathy. wow iran first pakistan second wow.
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i know it hurts.you accepted somewhere in the forum that you are a proud shia living in pakistan but unfortunately you pray for the destruction of pakistan.irani members are talking about destruction of pakistan and you are calling me sectarian?if you love iran,go back to iran.leave our country.look at iran,talking about attack on pakistan and you have full sympathy for iran.you are the same person who said that we will fight against india but when it comes to iran,you change your color. wow we should immediately deport iranians now.look at the sympathy. wow iran first pakistan second wow.

Little sectarian bitch, what have you done and achieved, absolutely nothing, keep crying and whinning, your friends in LeJ are dead, they also tried to wipe us Shia out where are they now, we are sons of the soil, we are going nowhere.

Little good for nothing, sectarian bitch.
Little sectarian bitch, what have you done and achieved, absolutely nothing, keep crying and whinning, your friends in LeJ are dead, they also tried to wipe us Shia out where are they now, we are sons of the soil, we are going nowhere.

Little good for nothing, sectarian bitch.

look at his true face.he is also from revolutionary kid family.you aren't son of this soil.you will always prefer iran over pakistan.you have sympathy for iran even when they talk about pakistani destruction. is this your patriotism?
look at his true face.he is also from revolutionary kid family.you aren't son of this soil.you will always prefer iran over pakistan.you have sympathy for iran even when they talk about pakistani destruction. is this your patriotism?

Little sectarian turd, you love to suck that takfiri pole, what do you know about service to the nation, go back to sleep you armchair warrior. Your nothing but a bigot.
Little sectarian turd, you love to suck that takfiri pole, what do you know about service to the nation, go back to sleep you armchair warrior. Your nothing but a bigot.

living in pakistan but sympathy for iran wow excellent.
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