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Pakistan to be ruined if a war with India happens

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Dec 28, 2008
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Pakistan to be ruined if a war with India happens
Submitted by editor on Tue, 12/23/2008 - 19:15

Everything is not so rosy in Pakistan. Over the past 60 years of thaw between India and Pakistan, it has always been Pakistan who was belligerent. All its misadventures (including 1947, 1965, 1971 and Kargil) have backfired. It has been continuing to wage war against India through drugs, illegal currency, insurgency and terrorism. However, the entire Pakistani Military and Government seems to be badly shaken this time. In the cover of a tough posture, all is not so well with Pakistan.

India has always been alone in the war against Pakistan with China and USA strongly supporting it, although not directly. In 1971 war, USA was very close to interfering and had sent its infamous 7th fleet to participate. China and USA have always kept the supply lines running.

However, now India is a lot more important to both China and USA. Notwithstanding previous relationship with Pakistan, it is a source of continuous economic strength to both countries.

Apart from economic factors, Pakistan remains exposed to the whole world with the role that it is playing in global terrorism. Jihadi factories have produced terrorists who have waged war against not just India but also USA, China, UK, Spain, etc. The claims of ‘we don’t know anything’ have not gone favourably with anyone. USA is striking at will in NWFP and US agents are all over Pakistan.

Pakistani Military is also in no condition to fight. It is heavily deployed in the Afghan border. Majority of Pakistani Army have soldiers that are of Pathan and Baluch origin. They are strongly against Pakistani Army’s operations in Balochistan and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Morale of the fighting forces is extremely weak. In Pakistani Army, XI Corps and XII Corps comprise mostly of Baluchs and Pathans, and are expected to break quickly.

Entire operations of Army are now highly corrupted. There are many businesses controlled by the Army. War is least of the focus.

Modern wars are fought on ‘oil’. Pakistan has not learnt from Kargil debacle, where it had fuel only for a week if a full-scale war broke out. India has built a stockpile of oil and is located in operational areas.

Entire focus of Pakistani Army was to train insurgents. This can help a little in actual war. Al-Khalid Tank or MBT 2000 that is jointly developed by China and Pakistan has not been induced fully. Type 88 tank, that is the mainstay, is over 30 years old in technology. It lacks the agility and firepower of T-90 or Arjun tanks of India. M113 and M109 armoured carriers are based on a 50 year old model.

Main Pakistani cities such as Lahore, Islamabad, etc. are well within the striking distance of Indian forces. Once Indian Army is deployed, Pakistani Army will be more focused on defending. It has only one Strike Corps, Mangla Corps based out of *** that is also expected to be put in a defensive role.

Pakistani missiles that have been demonstrated in media are imported from North Korea as an exchange to nuclear technology. The source for missiles has dried-up. China has been reluctant to share its missiles. While Pakistan officially claims that it has over 20,000 missiles, the real number is less than 1/10th.

Nuclear stockpile of Pakistan is totally in US control. It will be difficult to exercise the nuclear option without the consent of USA, which is very unlikely.

Pakistan Air Force has no answer to advanced Indian fighters such as Sukhoi-30 MKI and Mirage 2000 that are built with modern avionics and assault systems. The battle for air supremacy will be one way.

Pakistani Navy has many old ships that were purchased through a non-transparent mechanism and what is deployed is, at times, complete junk. Pakistan has claimed to induct few indigenously build submarines with French assistance. It also does not have an aircraft carrier.

In all, if a full-scale war breaks, Pakistan is doomed.
Kid how is Pakistan going to be ruined first think about what our Nukes are going to do and bring wrath and ruin upon hindu's in chadiez and langotees.

A wise guy once said "Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them". Ur one of those idiots..:))
I wonder if the auther has ever heard about MAD scenario...:coffee:
Kid how is Pakistan going to be ruined first think about what our Nukes are going to do and bring wrath and ruin upon hindu's in chadiez and langotees.

Pls read the 11th paragraph.
Do you have evidence that its in US control? Mr sunil?? If its in US control what are you waiting for come and bring on ur toys inside Pakistan?? Cowards...ur way too stupid u speak before u think lol.
With 123 deal US will have more control over Indian nuclear programme than she ever had over Pakistan. Does it mean she has control over Indian nukes? :crazy:

Quote: "If India builds the bomb, we will eat grass or leaves, even go hungry, but we will get one of our own" - Z.A. Bhutto

Do you really think that a nation so determined and prepared to offer sacrifices will put her fate into the hands of US after she achieved the unachieveable? :crazy:
I can't prove it because it's not me who is saying that, I just posted the article.

Which brings me back to my point of MAD scenario. Not only Pakistan but also India would be ruined.
"Oh its Pakistan who is creating war hysteria!" India is full of it. I think our leaders precisely know that India is up to no good and it in fact does have intentions to destroy Pakistan.
All Indian news sources are the biggest BS. I think indian highs school students write these articles. Never trust an indian news source especially when its about Pakistan.
I see little value to discuss every indian propaganda brought by indians coming out of woodwork.

One line response to indian propagada would be - Pakistan called indian bluff, india cowed down and ran to complain to KSA, China and Iran.

First real test of partnership and uncle sam left india high and dry. For Sunil (or any indian for that matter) the real question to ask would be - how does it feel to be uncle sam "strategic partner"?
I wonder if the auther has ever heard about MAD scenario...:coffee:

Does the Mutually Assured Destruction is the only hope of survival for a militaristically powerfull and futuristic country like Pakistan, instead it is the policy of a suicide bomber.

How many nukes did the USSR had before disintegration? How many did it use to save itself?
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