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Pakistan Tipped Off US On OBL

He was hid by the ISI or... they couldn't find the worlds most wanted man living a half mile from their equivalent of West Point Military Academy who, during this time, had TWO children born in GOVERNMENT hospitals. It's one or the other. How did the C.I.A. find him from half a world away but the I.S.I. couldn't find him living in the largest compound right down the street ? And I would hope that the I.S.I. wasn't so TOTALLY incompetent as to WRITE DOWN ON PAPER or disc that they were hiding Bin Laden.
He was hid by the ISI.

I hate to say this,

But you Sir talk about ISI like an extremist Indian but your flags are US.

Vcheng asked for a proof, and you are just repeating the same old thingy Hi-Hess-Hi ISI Hi-Hess-Hi.

I hate to say this,

But you Sir talk about ISI like an extremist Indian but your flags are US.

That's because I AM an American. And the VAST MAJORITY of Americans believe that the I.S.I. hid Bin Laden.

Vcheng asked for a proof, and you are just repeating the same old thingy Hi-Hess-Hi ISI Hi-Hess-Hi.


I gave plenty of circumstantial evidence. More than ANY thinking person could discount. I think, given the location and circumstances of Bin Ladens hide-out and the fact that his two kids were born in government hospitals, that the burden of proof falls on those who think he WASN'T hidden by the I.S.I. Where is YOUR proof that he WASN'T ? The C.I.A. found him from thousands of miles away but the I.S.I. couldn't find him living down the street ? PLEASE !!! If that is the case, the I.S.I. is the WORST 'intel agency' in the world.
He was hid by the ISI or... they couldn't find the worlds most wanted man living a half mile from their equivalent of West Point Military Academy who, during this time, had TWO children born in GOVERNMENT hospitals. It's one or the other. How did the C.I.A. find him from half a world away but the I.S.I. couldn't find him living in the largest compound right down the street ? And I would hope that the I.S.I. wasn't so TOTALLY incompetent as to WRITE DOWN ON PAPER or disc that they were hiding Bin Laden.

They were incompetent pure and simple.
.................. Bin Ladens wives had TWO children born in Pakistani government hospitals while he was living in Pakistan 'on the run'. Gee !! I wonder how THAT could have happened ?:blink:

Have you ever visited a government Ob/Gyn hospital in Pakistan?

Every day, scores of women will come all wrapped up in a complete burqa, in labor and with no pre-natal healthcare, check into a ward with only female staff, complete their delivery and leave in a day or two, with nothing more than a few smudged thumb impressions on unreadable forms and a nominal payment.

That, Sir, is how it would have happened quite easily.

@ Cheng

laws are laws, crimes are crimes, torts are torts

........ as determined by whose definition?
Have you ever visited a government Ob/Gyn hospital in Pakistan?

Every day, scores of women will come all wrapped up in a complete burqa, in labor and with no pre-natal healthcare, check into a ward with only female staff, complete their delivery and leave in a day or two, with nothing more than a few smudged thumb impressions on unreadable forms and a nominal payment.

fair statement....in fact, I would also highly believe that she went in there in a burqa; the docs probably see so many women in a day that they never even interact much with them...had they interacted with her more closely, they'd have noticed she had an accent and did not understand the local dialect real well

useless woman....

........ as determined by whose definition?

whose laws do you think we are talking about? You may want to revisit my post

and when you do figure it out, please don't say something like "those laws weren't applicable" or something like that....por favor

p.s. burqa should be totally banned in all of Pakistan.....it's an imported garment, and clearly its a national security threat. It's Pakistani - not frenchies or hopelessly cheap dutch who should be banning them.
and when you do figure it out, please don't say something like "those laws weren't applicable" or something like that....por favor..................

Okay, I won't mention the reality, since it makes itself felt no matter what you are I say. It is what we do that creates the reality.

(I won't even mention the burqa! :D )
whats the reality you're referring to mate

I was referring to everything that has happened in, and to, Pakistan after 9/11, including the on-going repercussions and ramifications from the OBL raid that is the topic of this thread.

All of those are very real.
PM me your e-mail, i have something of interest for you

and the topic, Cheng, of this thread is how Pakistan ''tipped off'' the US :what:
PM me your e-mail, i have something of interest for you

and the topic, Cheng, of this thread is how Pakistan ''tipped off'' the US :what:

PM sent.

Yes, Pakistan has provided much co-operation to the US since 9/11, but also has managed to throw away much of the potential advantages it could have gained from it.
like what?

leaders begging for money that could otherwise be generated through tax reforms and fiscal discipline on the country's part? -- moneys that never benefited the common man...

things that would benefit us in the long run, instead of bumbling through life thinking day to day? well our government is doing that right now anyways

so what you're saying is, simply maintain a status quo?
ISI didn't tip off USA about OBL.

If they did, ISI would be given credit just like when they captured Khalid Sheikh Muhammed.

The fact was that OBL was near a Pakistani Military academy which made Americans think twice about giving the location to Pakistan because they assumed that he must have some contact with ISI and thus they chose to go at it alone.

But all the documents they collected found no link between ISI and OBL.

So ISI was just incompetent that they weren't able to detect Bin Laden living in a compound right next to Pakistan's Military Academy.
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