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Pakistan Tipped Off US On OBL

...............simply maintain a status quo?

The status quo is a losing proposition for Pakistan, so it should not be allowed to persist. I am sure that the leaders on both sides are aware of this fact.
I gave plenty of circumstantial evidence. More than ANY thinking person could discount. I think, given the location and circumstances of Bin Ladens hide-out and the fact that his two kids were born in government hospitals, that the burden of proof falls on those who think he WASN'T hidden by the I.S.I. Where is YOUR proof that he WASN'T ? The C.I.A. found him from thousands of miles away but the I.S.I. couldn't find him living down the street ? PLEASE !!! If that is the case, the I.S.I. is the WORST 'intel agency' in the world.
Yes! sure it is the worst agency now cuz US paid them the $$$ not to find him. Cuz he was already within the US/CIA custody cuz ISI handed OBL to them almost a decade ago. US/CIA forced ISI not to disclose the secret and paid them $$$ for that.....Since then OBL and Alqaida was under the protection/supervision of CIA..... and still is the same thing/drama going on.......:smokin:
''tipped off about whereabouts'' would be incorrect....but tip offs and shared signal intercepts led them towards that direction, a positive ID is said to have never been made until that very second during the raid

now with that said, it was obama's publicity stunt and it served many purposes to do it the way that they did it.....i've already outlined the reasons and quite frankly - these political threads are becoming so incredibly redundant that i dont even know why i waste my time posting anymore

The status quo is a losing proposition for Pakistan, so it should not be allowed to persist. I am sure that the leaders on both sides are aware of this fact.

and yet you seem to favour it...please have a longer memory than 12-16 months
and yet you seem to favour it...please have a longer memory than 12-16 months

Not at all. I foresee changes happening pretty quickly , relatively speaking, that will move away from the status quo.
is it a gloom and doom cheng scenario or a things will hurt in the shortrun if we get our acts together but we will reap the benefits in the long run scenario
is it a gloom and doom cheng scenario or a things will hurt in the shortrun if we get our acts together but we will reap the benefits in the long run scenario

It is more like a "things will hurt in the shortrun if we get our acts together but we will reap the benefits in the loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong run, but all doom and gloom until that ever happens" scenario. :D
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