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Pakistan Tipped Off US On OBL

This came on after a month of the incident, when details began to leak out.

The ISI gave a lead to the courier to the CIA, and while the ISI did not know that this man was directly linked with OBL, they did know that he was n contact with Senior Al Qaeda operatives.
This is pathetic if Pakistan had information then Pakistan should have raided that house and captured him.

This topic is discussed well in related threads and need not to start once again but a little thing to remember that there are incompetence of Pakistanis even if they knew about Osama in Abbotabad. 2nd, Obama stepped up in right time for its own purposes.
This indicates there is no strategy or planning when they go to media .. They should have analysed all the probabilities and question raise from their stand ..
They worried about domestic pressure and carried away with it.. lost a lot credibility when they took action against the doc who helped to terminate the terrorist ..
Its like travelling in two boats at a time one leg on each boat ... Overall they should have behaved smart rather than emotional
why is it ISI trying to claim the credit now? why not a year ago soon after the incident?
This was pointed out in the days after the raid - the recent article is restating the same point made back then, it is not making any new claims.
if you guys were responsible for giving them the info , why prosecute the doc who gave the US DNA evidence, and why make such a hullabaloo over the seal team violating your sovereignty ?

The ISI did not provide intelligence to the US with the expectations that the US would then use the intelligence to conduct rogue and illegal intelligence and military operations on Pakistani soil - the ISI provided intelligence with the expectation that if the US was able to develop the intelligence further and come up with concrete targets in Pakistan, then operations to neutralize those targets would be conducted with Pakistani cooperation and authorization, as had been the case in the past with the neutralization of hundreds of high and mid level AQ members, such as KSM and Libbi.

I am pretty sure most Indians and Western commentators are not duffers who simply can't get the distinction being made here, which means that this is a deliberate attempt at obfuscation to malign Pakistan.
WASHINGTON — The Pakistani intelligence services provided the United States with information that was helpful in learning more about the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed, a US official said Saturday.
"The Pakistanis didn't provide any tips on bin Laden, but they provided certain information that aided the United States in developing the American intelligence picture on the compound," said the official, who asked not to be identified.
"This was an American operation," the official added.
The official's comment came in response to a Washington Post report Saturday that said Pakistan's intelligence service believes it deserves credit for helping US intelligence agencies to locate bin Laden's hideout.
"The lead and the information actually came from us," an unnamed senior official with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI) told The Post.
The al-Qaeda founder and 9/11 mastermind was killed on May 2 last year in a secret US Navy SEAL operation in a walled-off compound in the Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad, north of the Pakistani capital.
Washington and Islamabad are now working to repair their relationship, which was badly damaged by the revelation that the world's most wanted man was living a stone's throw from Pakistan's elite military academy.
"Any hit on al-Qaeda anywhere in the world has happened with our help," The Post quotes one of the Pakistani intelligence officials as saying.
The other official, who said he had been intimately involved in the hunt for senior al-Qaeda operatives, including bin Laden, said the ISI provided the CIA with a cellphone number that eventually led to an al-Qaeda courier using the nom de guerre of Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, the paper said.
The officials said that in November 2010, they turned over the number to the CIA, along with information that it had last been detected in Abbottabad, the report said.
The ISI said it did not know then that the number was Kuwaiti's, but that CIA analysts did, without however relaying that information back to the Pakistanis, The Post reported.
"They knew who the number belonged to," the paper quoted one official as saying. "But after that their cooperation with us ended."
"It is the story of an extreme trust deficit and betrayal," complained the other ISI official, the paper said.
However a US official disputed the ISI version, The Post said.
"The fact is, our knowledge of the number didn't come from them telling us about it," the paper quoted the US official as saying.
AFP: Pakistan info helped US with bin Laden hideout: official
amazing news, ISI should get some of the credit and this should put some negative image of Pakistan in trash :pakistan::pakistan:
Or the part where US official rejects their tall claim.
I believe US officials did accept, according to Western media reports, the Pakistani claim that they provided the raw intelligence that led to the OBL Compound, back when the Pakistani claims were first made soon after the Op.

An excerpt from a more recent article quotes US officials both supporting the Pakistani claim and denying it:

The Pakistani intelligence services provided the United States with information that was helpful in learning more about the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed, a US official said Saturday.

"The Pakistanis didn't provide any tips on bin Laden, but they provided certain information that aided the United States in developing the American intelligence picture on the compound," said the official, who asked not to be identified.

"This was an American operation," the official added.

The official's comment came in response to a Washington Post report Saturday that said Pakistan's intelligence service believes it deserves credit for helping US intelligence agencies to locate bin Laden's hideout.

Pakistan info helped US with bin Laden hideout: official - NY Daily News
If ISI indeed helped USA, why is Dr Afridi being being castigated? :what:
To make the US version of story look more real.......which infact is not true cuz both were working together in this buisiness and their business together was to fool the world .....:smokin:
If ISI indeed helped USA, why is Dr Afridi being being castigated? :what:

I don't think Dr Afridi serve ISI.. Agency to agency collaboration is what which was formulated, former case is a third party, altogether a different setting.

Is it ok with you if an Indian like Madhuri Gupta works for ISI??

Moreover what this article covers is known for almost one year now, not something new.
WASHINGTON: Days before the first anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s elimination, US and Pakistani officials are saying that Pakistan, perhaps, had a greater role in helping the Americans reach the Al Qaeda chief than it was ever acknowledged.

On Saturday, media reports quoted unnamed American officials as saying that the information they learned from the ISI was ‘useful’ in determining Bin Laden’s presence in his Abbottabad compound.

Officials who spoke to Dawn also said the ISI provided the CIA with the initial lead that helped them find Bin Laden.

In its Saturday edition, The Washington Post reported that the ISI had provided the CIA with a cellphone number in 2010 that eventually led to an Al Qaeda courier, along with information that the phone had last been detected in Abbottabad.“The ISI said it did not know then that the number belonged to the Al Qaeda courier,” the Post added.

Sources told Dawn that the ISI provided the CIA “with bits and pieces that helped them make the bigger picture”.

The ISI, the sources said, did not have the capacity to build the bigger picture but “they were disappointed when the Americans did not share the conclusion they drew from the information the ISI had provided”.

The US decision to raid Bin Laden’s compound without consulting Pakistan, the sources added, “placed the ISI in an awkward position” and that’s why they did not claim credit for their role in leading the CIA to Bin Laden.

“After the raid, nobody had believed their claim,” said one such source. “Besides, it would not have helped them in Pakistan where the public was more interested in knowing why the Pakistani military failed in detecting the US forces. Saying that they led the Americans to the compound would have made the ISI look even worse.”

The sources said that the ISI was now trying to seek credit because it felt “this is the time to redeem their image and clear Pakistan’s name”.The May 2, 2011 US raid on Bin Laden’s compound has isolated Pakistan internationally and has done an irreparable damage to its image in the US where it is blamed for hiding America’s ‘public enemy number one’ for years.

The Post reported that an unnamed senior ISI official told its correspondent in Islamabad: “The lead and the information actually came from us.”

Another official said: “Any hit on [terror group] Al Qaeda anywhere in the world has happened with our help.”

But a senior US official told AFP news agency that “the Pakistanis didn’t provide any tips on Bin Laden. They provided certain information that aided the United States in developing the American intelligence picture on the compound,” said the official, who asked not to be identified.

“This was an American operation,” the official added.

One ISI official, who said he had been intimately involved in the hunt for senior Al Qaeda operatives, including Bin Laden, told the Post the ISI provided the CIA with a cellphone number that eventually led to an Al Qaeda courier using the fictitious name of Abu Ahmed Al Kuwaiti, the paper said.

The officials said that in November 2010, they turned over the number to the CIA, along with information that it had last been detected in Abbottabad, the report said.

The ISI said it did not know then that the number was Kuwaiti’s, but that CIA analysts did, without however relaying that information back to the Pakistanis, The Post reported.

“They knew who the number belonged to,” the paper quoted one official as saying. “But after that their cooperation with us ended.”

“It is the story of an extreme trust deficit and betrayal,” complained the other ISI official, the paper said.

However, a US official disputed the ISI version, The Post said.

“The fact is, our knowledge of the number didn’t come from them telling us about it,” the paper quoted the US official as saying.

Pakistan provided initial lead in hunt for Osama, say US officials | DAWN.COM
Of course it's true....anyone with the slightest idea of how inteligence gathering works would know we got loads of info from ISI even without this story being printed....whether they can claim credit...many websites give raw data to Google...but they can't claim to having invented the search algorithms
If ISI indeed helped USA, why is Dr Afridi being being castigated? :what:
How many more times does this need to be explained?

Afridi helped (knowingly or unknowingly - that has to be determined still) a foreign intelligence and military operation inside Pakistan, without the knowledge of the GoP.

The ISI provided intelligence as part of an CT cooperation agreement with the US, assuming that the US would share any information it developed from that intelligence with Pakistan and subsequently conduct operations with Pakistani authorization and cooperation to nab any suspects - as had happened with KSM, Libbi and hundreds of other AQ members.

Of course it's true....anyone with the slightest idea of how inteligence gathering works would know we got loads of info from ISI even without this story being printed....whether they can claim credit...many websites give raw data to Google...but they can't claim to having invented the search algorithms
But without the raw data the US would still be hunting for OBL - and the information about the courier was not the only piece of the puzzle that Pakistan provided - KSM and other AQ members arrested by Pakistan provided other information that was used to identify the courier and develop the intelligence further.

Take out the 'raw data' and assistance Pakistan provided, and the US would still be hunting for KSM, Libbi and OBL.
This is not true & I don't agree with the news. Nothing has come out from ISPR. All this OBL crap was a false flag nothing more then that, US is planning something big against Pakistan, only time will tell.
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