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Pakistan: The ‘birth’ of a problem

My Grandfather migrated from India Kolkotta i lived 13years of my life in Karachi in Malir Cantt and different areas never felt like a second class citizen have Punjabi Sindhi and Pathan friends i am orginally a Mohajir so..Pakistan Zindabad.I've heard from my grandpa that we use to own farms in India when we came to Pakistan had nothing now we have 2 houses 1 factory 2 cars 1 bike and alot Pakistan Zindabad

Oye factory kis cheez ki ha ? :azn:
The simple fact that one million people were killed is proof enough that partition was a good idea.

Communities who get along do not kill each other.

bro..you might be right considering the time and age of that sorry period...but one thing I know about the human behavior in general is that there is no homogeneous environment for us.there is always something/someone out of place...and which/who gets ridiculed by the 'majority'...there is always a majority and a minority.You can't remove that from our genes...i guess god made us like that so that we could rise up and develop.
take for example...sunnis and shias in islam...castes in hinduism....cathlolics and protestants....in christianity...
poor-rich...male-female....fair-dark...linguistic divisions...town-village....
we'd always fight and loath and hate...and some intelligent people would try to build bridges...
I know it might sound out of context...but we could have lived together....now would we be better-off today had that choice been not made62 years back...is a different story....
I think author forgot to mention in his article that if a firecracker exploded anywhere in India, it's because of the Birth Of Pakistan.

Would the authors argument be akin to this:

I am a fat, lazy husband with a gorgeous wife.

One day my neighbor decides to become a health nut - he starts lifting weights, running, eating healthy, and over the next few months turns into this muscular, handsome tanned guy.

I think my wife 'checking him out' occasionally, so I start quarreling with her, accusing her, abusing the guy and badmouthing him all the time.

Our marriage falls apart - its all my neighbors fault! :D

Would the authors argument be akin to this:

I am a fat, lazy husband with a gorgeous wife.

One day my neighbor decides to become a health nut - he starts lifting weights, running, eating healthy, and over the next few months turns into this muscular, handsome tanned guy.

I think my wife 'checking him out' occasionally, so I start quarreling with her, accusing her, abusing the guy and badmouthing him all the time.

Our marriage falls apart - its all my neighbors fault! :D

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :devil: Excellent one Sir.
This article is worth a read. Though I don't like the title....but it is worth sharing...

Pakistan: The ?birth? of problem

The creation of Pakistan was one of the bloodiest incidents of modern history. As a country struggling to free itself from the clutches of imperialist Britain, India was not ready for such bloodshed and division, especially in the name of religion. But, because of Jinnah’s Muslim League and to an extent even Congress, Indians had to face the worst nightmare.

Sixty-three years on, the wound is still fresh and the chasms clear. In the hype and hoopla about the roles of Jinnah and Nehru in partition; we have missed the worst sufferers of the incident, the Indian Muslims.

The plight of Muslims who were opposed to partition could be summed up in the last words of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan that he conveyed to Mahatma Gandhi, “You have thrown us to the wolves.”

But the inevitable happened and thus began the plight of Indian Muslims- those who migrated and those who stayed on in India.


The Muslims of India migrated to Pakistan in the hope of a better future. They thought of living with their ‘own’ people in their ‘own’ land. But it was nothing more than a mere utopia. The bubble burst and the problem of being a ‘Muhajir’ cropped up soon enough.

The sacred word ‘Muhajir’ that was once used for none other than Prophet Muhammad himself, turned derogatory for the migrated Indian Muslims. Far from welcoming them, the natives of Pakistan treated them as second class citizens; as burdens on their society.

This led to the rise of Muhajir Quami Movement (MQM) against the oppressive Pakistan governments. After more than three decades of struggle, though the situation is now better for migrants, still the flares refuse to die down.

Poor economic condition of Indian Muslims

It is no hidden fact that the economic condition of Muslims in India is far from ideal. There are a number of theories that give various reasons for this, like government apathy, lack of education and ignorance, but there is one reason that most miss out, the migration of upper class and rich Muslims to Pakistan.

Though it may sound like a far fetched theory, but one cannot deny that most of the people who migrated to Pakistan were rich landlords. As they say, the cream of Muslims moved away from the country, leaving behind poor Muslims. This disturbed the balance of the society.

The situation further compounded by the government apathy towards Muslims and lack of dedicated plans towards the most downtrodden strata of society.

Since, the number of rich people within the society shrunk, there was not much hope for Indian Muslims apart from depending on government programs for development.

This theory can be justified by sighting the example of the Sikh community. They are among the most progressive in India and the main reason for it is their entrepreneurship and the community help they received, especially as refugees at the time of migration.

The problem of distrust

The worst side effect of the creation of Pakistan is the prevalent distrust among the common people of India on Muslims. Even after 63 years of partition, Indian Muslims are still facing the tag of being ‘Pakistan friendly’.

Immediately after the partition, it had become a problem of sorts for unemployed Muslims to find a job under a Hindu employer, as they were not trusted. This continued for a long time, but eventually things improved.

Though, such problem are non-existent today, the inherent distrust still lingers on. The taunt of having fifth column feelings is faced by almost all Muslims at some point or the other. The worst thing is that not only the illiterate, but even educated people behave in the same manner.

People have just failed to understand that Muslims, who stayed back in India, did not leave the place because they considered it their motherland. It is their love for this country that prompted them to remain here.


The biggest menace of modern India, terrorism is clearly a Pakistan promoted monster. Be it the traditional battleground of Kashmir or the rise of neo-terrorism among the dissatisfied Muslim youth, Pakistan has played a major role.

After Partition, the biggest ploy for Pakistan to destabilise India was terrorism, first in the name of Kashmir’s autonomy and later about India’s perceived apathy towards Muslims. Most of all to avenge the creation of Bangladesh. In these unholy intentions of Pakistan, the Muslims of India became the unsuspecting victims.

Indian Muslims faced the double edged sword, with Pakistan exploiting them for their malicious intentions and Indians suspecting them for their soft corner for Pakistan. This alienated majority of the Muslims from the mainstream.

This compounded the problem further. Then the rise of religious parties like BJP and lack of leadership within the community further led to the disillusionment of Muslims from the system. Incidents like Babri demolition and post Godhra riots further added fuel to the fire and strained relations to breaking point.

Here, if we conclude that the formation of Pakistan is essentially the reason for most, if not all, the problems faced by Indian Muslims, it will not be an exaggeration.

It has been long since the country was partitioned. A whole new generation of Muslims has come which had no role in the partition and which is as Indian as any Hindu or Sikh or Christian would be. They want to contribute in the progress of country. The only thing that they need is an unbiased approach in dealing with them. We need to understand that Muslims are an integral part of India and they are not lacking in patriotism.

The only question here is, are we ready for a paradigm shift? India needs to answer that!

Every county as prob's and issues perhaps we have our plates full but doesn't give any one the right to choice such a stupid and desrespectful title ! the only prob is with who ever wrote this title and thread,story! which mostly rubish and full of haterd ! Pakistan shall come over all its agendas and prob's so help us GOD inshallah long live Pakistan !! :pakistan:
Pakistan the 'birth' of a problem for India's armed forces which it shall never overcome. There corrected.

Flame shield activated. First post take it easy now lol.
The plight of Muslims who were opposed to partition could be summed up in the last words of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan that he conveyed to Mahatma Gandhi, “You have thrown us to the wolves.”

But the inevitable happened and thus began the plight of Indian Muslims- those who migrated and those who stayed on in India.


The Muslims of India migrated to Pakistan in the hope of a better future. They thought of living with their ‘own’ people in their ‘own’ land. But it was nothing more than a mere utopia. The bubble burst and the problem of being a ‘Muhajir’ cropped up soon enough.

The sacred word ‘Muhajir’ that was once used for none other than Prophet Muhammad himself, turned derogatory for the migrated Indian Muslims. Far from welcoming them, the natives of Pakistan treated them as second class citizens; as burdens on their society.

This led to the rise of Muhajir Quami Movement (MQM) against the oppressive Pakistan governments. After more than three decades of struggle, though the situation is now better for migrants, still the flares refuse to die down.

Poor economic condition of Indian Muslims

It is no hidden fact that the economic condition of Muslims in India is far from ideal. There are a number of theories that give various reasons for this, like government apathy, lack of education and ignorance, but there is one reason that most miss out, the migration of upper class and rich Muslims to Pakistan.

Plight of the muslims in india (sachar committee report)

The Indian government setup a committee on 9th March,2005 inorder to prepare a report on the Social, Economic and Educational Status of the Muslim Community of India the report was prepared in November 2006 and tabled in the indian Parliament on 30 Nov 2006 whic nailed the long-touted right-wing disinformation about Indian muslims as a skein of lies.The report presented some of the following aspects of the muslim indian community.

In rural areas: 94.9% of Muslims living below poverty line fail to receive free food grain.

Only 3.2% of Muslims get subsidized loans,

Only 2.1% of Muslim farmers have tractors, while just 1% own hand pumps.

54.6% of Muslims in villages and 60% in urban areas have never been to schools. In rural areas, only 0.8% of Muslims are graduates, while in urban areas despite 40% of the Muslims receiving modern education only 3.1% are graduates. Only 1.2% of Muslims are post-graduates in urban areas.

While West Bengal has 25% Muslim population, only 4.2% are employed in state services. In Assam , with a 40% Muslim population, only 11.2% are in government employment. Kerala has 20% Muslims, but only 10.4% of government employees are Muslim.

A better picture is projected by data collected in Karnataka, where against Muslim population of 12.2%, 8.5% are employed in government services. While in Gujarat, of the 9.1% Muslim population, 5.4% are in state jobs , in Tamil Nadu, against a 5.6% Muslim population, 3.2% are employed in government.

Though West Bengal is known as a political bastion of the left bloc, the ones who have always spoken strongly against parties entertaining communal bias, the state has zero% Muslims in state PSUs. While Kerala has 9.5% in state PSUs, Maharashtra has only 1.9%.

Though the Sachar committee was not able to secure data regarding the presence of Muslims in the armed forces, it is fairly well-known that their percentage here is not more than three.

Muslims form only 10.6% of the population in Maharashtra , but 32.4% of the prison inmates here are Muslims. In New Delhi , 27.9 % of inmates are Muslims, though they form only 11.7% of the population here. While in Gujarat , Muslims form 25.1% of the ones imprisoned, they form 9.1% of the population. In Karnataka, Muslims form 12.23% of populace and 17.5% of those imprisoned.

Interestingly, the majority of the Muslim inmates have not been imprisoned for “terrorism.” This raises the question whether most of them are behind bars only for petty crimes or because of the bias displayed against them by Indian police forces. Of the total inmates serving sentences up to one year, in Maharashtra , Muslims constitute 40.6% of their population. The high percentage of Muslims presence in jails is also said to be an indicator of their being victims of discrimination and suspicion, particularly as their prevails a tendency in India to blame largely Muslim groups for terror attacks taking place here. The report also holds poverty among Muslims as being responsible for turning them towards crime. Poverty and prejudice entertained against them is said to have further contributed to their presence in jails.

Against the backdrop of dismal facts having surfaced regarding social, economic and educational status of Indian Muslims, the Sachar panel has made some recommendations in their favor.

Stating that the future of Muslims does not rest in madrasa education, the Sachar panel recommends more English and Urdu medium government schools in Muslim-dominated areas.

The Sachar panel also recommends allocation of 15% of all government funds to Muslims under all central schemes. It favors greater representation for Muslims in sectors such as health and teaching and also sensitization of government employments towards Muslims’ requirements.

The Sachar panel has made a strong argument for all Indian Muslims, except the creamy layer.

With the Sachar report having already served as an eye-opener to the harsh reality about the status of Muslims in Indian society, the question is whether in fact this will propel the government to take some constructive steps towards improving their conditions or would its relevance be confined to noise made in media circles and a little bit of political rhetoric.

See the link below to download the full report

I think this writer guy is jealous because he isn't citizen of Pakistan. :D

I wouldn't worry about sold out loser like him. Few bucks and they talk like stage stooge. :lol:

You have learned to polarize yourself in every situation. Even when you are told something right, you just take the wrong side because you have to contradict that. I am just wondering how is somebody from Indian side going to react to this particular post now.. :pop:

Similar Fire crackers have been bursting in Pakistan these days...Killing Innocent Citizens...

Should not have said this...but had no option...:disagree:

That was unnecessary - Abiab's comment was relevant to the the premise of the authors article, that Pakistan gets blamed for the smallest thing in India.

Your comment is nothing but showing insensitivity to the terrorism in Pakistan.

That was unnecessary - Abiab's comment was relevant to the the premise of the authors article, that Pakistan gets blamed for the smallest thing in India.

Your comment is nothing but showing insensitivity to the terrorism in Pakistan.


No offence Am,

But if Pakistani Citizens expect Indians to respect their life and sentiments... the feeling has to be mutual.

I think common man on both sides gets exposed to news and views based on countries leadership.....and at times leadership on both sides has made us believe that the other side is bad....and here again...its both sides who think that the other one is bad......I have never been taught to hate a Pakistani...and I think no one in India is ever taught to hate a Pakistani... but when I get exposed to hatred towards India on Internet...I am sometimes bound to react.......
No offence Am,

But if Pakistani Citizens expect Indians to respect their life and sentiments... the feeling has to be mutual.

I think common man on both sides gets exposed to news and views based on countries leadership.....and at times leadership on both sides has made us believe that the other side is bad....and here again...its both sides who think that the other one is bad......I have never been taught to hate a Pakistani...and I think no one in India is ever taught to hate a Pakistani... but when I get exposed to hatred towards India on Internet...I am sometimes bound to react.......

yeah yeah and we on internet every where c love songs written by Indians for Pakistanis
this article shows the obsession u ppl have regarding pakistan....
and India's problems are to be solved by Indians them selves, blaming Pak wont solve ur social problems
yeah yeah and we on internet every where c love songs written by Indians for Pakistanis
this article shows the obsession u ppl have regarding pakistan....
and India's problems are to be solved by Indians them selves, blaming Pak wont solve ur social problems

Goodmorning lady,

The hate is mutual......I hate you ...you hate me.....thats the way the story is. And no one ever tries to say.. ok lets be friends.....Both sides are obsessed with each other..Indians and Pakistanis equally...

The bottom line is ...leadership on both sides has made enough mistakes of seeding animosity.....at all levels......An average teenager sitting over the internet...looks at propaganda videos from both sides ...interprets them the way he wants...and boom.....a hate soldier is borne....

If Pakistan claims that Pakistan is a guardian angel of Indian Muslims and it can effect the life of Indian Muslims ..then ....pardon me for saying that Pakistan also has to accept he blame of some amount of biasness against Muslims in India...
Partition was based on religion...and that has caused damage to both sides...and both sides are responsible for damaging each other....so both sides have to accept the blame....
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