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Pakistan: The ‘birth’ of a problem

Jana there should be NO religious issues in pakistan no?

That is what many Indians before me have pointed out and fail to understand.

After all, you wanted Pakistan ..... for Muslims ..... you got it.

Then what happened?

Cheers, Doc

nothing happened there are religious issues every where, we made our Pak, we are working for it and we MUhajirs are very very happy here, its just BS of MQM, we have gained in Pakistan more than wht we lost during migration & now our life n death is for this country
nothing happened there are religious issues every where, we made our Pak, we are working for it and we MUhajirs are very very happy here, its just BS of MQM, we have gained in Pakistan more than wht we lost during migration & now our life n death is for this country

Let me join all my countrymen and women in saying how happy we are for you.

Cheers, Doc
Let me join all my countrymen and women in saying how happy we are for you.

Cheers, Doc

we were forced to go out of our homes but now Pak has given us more than what we lost, we r proud to be a part of this nation
Jana there should be NO religious issues in pakistan no?

That is what many Indians before me have pointed out and fail to understand.

After all, you wanted Pakistan ..... for Muslims ..... you got it.

Then what happened?

Cheers, Doc

We wanted Pakistan where Muslims could be better than the condition they were bound to have while in India where they are excluded from mainstream and i think today Indian Muslims' plight have proven the need for separate set up for them.

we were forced to go out of our homes but now Pak has given us more than what we lost, we r proud to be a part of this nation

Lady...Partition was not done because people were getting killed....People got killed because partition was done.....

There is a lot of difference.....
We wanted Pakistan where Muslims could be better than the condition they were bound to have while in India where they are excluded from mainstream and i think today Indian Muslims' plight have proven the need for separate set up for them.


Lady ...Muslims were ruling India before Englishmen came and colonized.....and Other religions were being ruled by Muslim Rulers....so had the situation remained same and Britishers had not come to India....its Hindus and other religions in India who would have been sidelined....because Rulers were Muslims...

Muslim Leaders wanted Pakistan because they were of the opinion that since India was taken from Muslim rulers...it should be handed over to Muslim Rulers and not Hindus..who were in Majority Population....they wanted a Muslim Ruled state...so they asked for Partition.......

And don't say India media and History books are biased....because Muslim rulers were ruling India and even your Books claim that.....
You mean Indian and Pakistani nation ???

And you are from South Africa ? Right

Ja I am from SA. We didnt kill millions of each other tho. Perhaps a few thousand. At least we got the recipe right now. Can you say the same after you continue slaugthering each other ? No I think not. We are a rainbow nation of different colours , creeds and nationalities and we co exist in harmony with each other and our neighbour nations. Again , can you say the same? Happy hunting to you
Lady ...Muslims were ruling India before Englishmen came and colonized.....and Other religions were being ruled by Muslim Rulers....so had the situation remained same and Britishers had not come to India....its Hindus and other religions in India who would have been sidelined....because Rulers were Muslims...

Muslim Leaders wanted Pakistan because they were of the opinion that since India was taken from Muslim rulers...it should be handed over to Muslim Rulers and not Hindus..who were in Majority Population....they wanted a Muslim Ruled state...so they asked for Partition.......

And don't say India media and History books are biased....because Muslim rulers were ruling India and even your Books claim that.....

my GOD!!!! thts wat i can say....
Ja I am from SA. We didnt kill millions of each other tho. Perhaps a few thousand. At least we got the recipe right now. Can you say the same after you continue slaugthering each other ? No I think not. We are a rainbow nation of different colours , creeds and nationalities and we co exist in harmony with each other and our neighbour nations. Again , can you say the same? Happy hunting to you

ohh so u mean killing a few thousands is justified, killing even a single human is not justified, i m not challenging ur coherent society & love foe peace every Human loves peace except a few lunatics, i m just answering tht every society has got a killing beast, so saying tht ur cruelty is less then mine is BS...
Ja I am from SA. We didnt kill millions of each other tho. Perhaps a few thousand. At least we got the recipe right now. Can you say the same after you continue slaugthering each other ? No I think not. We are a rainbow nation of different colours , creeds and nationalities and we co exist in harmony with each other and our neighbour nations. Again , can you say the same? Happy hunting to you

Troll alert :cheesy: or brain washed person by you know who
We wanted Pakistan where Muslims could be better than the condition they were bound to have while in India

In that case our condolences for having failed as an independent state, with your grades falling further each passing day.

The Indian Muslim is the citizen of a country that is way ahead of yours in every conceivable development index.

The Indian Muslim is far better educated than those from your country.

The Indian Muslim is much safer in India than your countrymen and women.

The Indian Muslim ..... every Indian Muslim is guaranteed the right to freely practice his religion openly and without fear ..... guaranteed and protected by his government and the judiciary.

The Indian Muslim is for sure lagging behind the National average in terms of wealth, but that too will improve with better education and a more inclusive and mainstream participation of the community in the Indian success story ..... something that needs to come from within the community ..... from its members and leaders both.

So to answer your question, I don't know if you are a "original" Pakistani or a "Muhajir" ...... but either way, my condolences.

Cheers, Doc
Lady...Partition was not done because people were getting killed....People got killed because partition was done.....

I'm sorry, that's the Indian spin, which doesn't mean it's true.

I bet the 1984 massacre of 14000 Sikhs and the 2002 massacre of 3000 Muslims was also due to, uhm, er, well, er....

Wait, I got it.
Yeah, that's it. It was all Pakistan's fault...
BBC NEWS | South Asia | India Muslims 'have lowest rank'

India Muslims 'have lowest rank' "BBC"
Muslims in India are even more disadvantaged than low-caste Hindus, a report commissioned by the government in Delhi suggests.

The report says India's 138m Muslims are poorer and less educated and suffer from higher unemployment and greater mortality than other religious groups.

Details of the report - yet to be published - have been leaked to the local media.

Some ministers are already calling for affirmative action for Muslims.

The Hindu-nationalist BJP party has said it will oppose any system of quotas for Muslims.

Religious riots

BJP General Secretary Arun Jaitley said the Indian constitution does not allow for reservation on the basis of religion and the government should not use the report as a launch pad for religion-based reservation.

India currently implements reservations for disadvantaged castes, but not for religious groups.

Correspondents say India prides itself on being a pluralistic secular democracy. It is often pointed out that India is home to the world's biggest minority, and that there are more Muslims in India than in all of Pakistan, the BBC's Anu Anand in Delhi reports.

But our correspondent says it is unclear how far the government can go to improve Muslims' status in a country that has been torn apart by Hindu-Muslim riots, and has witnessed acts of terror widely blamed on Muslims.
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