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Pakistan Tells U.S. To Leave 'Drone' Attack Base

Pakistan is angry with USA due to his double role in the region
do more statement make big trouble for us
we must to pressurize USA to resolve Kashmir issue if they need our help

America is paying your generals a lot of money for their stay. You are not helping them. Its simply a transaction.
Our DM is big joke and attention seeker so take it easy.

everyone is a joke, so no need to blame a particular. afterall he is the DM. lets wait and see the result if the news are true.
America is paying your generals a lot of money for their stay. You are not helping them. Its simply a transaction.

where is the proof that usa is paying to our generals. our country is passing a tough time due its wrong doing of the past 35 years. better not to believe in things that cannot be proved.
Pakistan is angry with USA due to his double role in the region
do more statement make big trouble for us
we must to pressurize USA to resolve Kashmir issue if they need our help

well said. usa and uk are supporting the terrorists with weapons and monies. there are plenty of proofs and even iran too blamed usa+uk for their support to the terror groups (that once upon a time were operated by pakistan against soviets and shiites)
About time Pakistan asked them to leave! But why now? Why wasn't this done earlier? Over the years, Kayani and the political establishment went to the extent of calling all these drone attacks a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty and repeatedly asked Washington to put an end to this. But what is incomprehensible is that on the one hand the Establishment is crying hoarse for putting an end to these drone attacks and on the other allowing the Americans to use their Shamsi base (Leased to the UAE) for carrying out these attacks!

Now if that isn't hypocrisy, then what is?

Pakistan is angry with USA due to his double role in the region
As I mentioned above, its not just the US of A but the Pakistan Establishment themselves who are playing a double game.

we must pressurize USA to resolve Kashmir issue if they need our help
Like asking India to hand over Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan on a silver platter?? Would anything else satisfy you? Ok, even if this ever happens, you think terrorism in Pakistan would come to a grinding halt? It won't because the aim of the TTP and its sister organizations is to take over Pakistan and later South Asia in order to establish a Muslim Caliphate under strict sharia laws. Just like what Afghanistan was under the Taliban regime before the Americans and the Northern Alliance threw them out from there.
Pakistan is angry with USA due to his double role in the region
do more statement make big trouble for us
we must to pressurize USA to resolve Kashmir issue if they need our help
Bro! u cant expect anygoodwill from US.....if u wanna do suicide then goto US.....it will suckout all ure blood and leave to die in dispair for the vultures to tear u bit by bit........:what:
About time Pakistan asked them to leave! But why now? Why wasn't this done earlier? Over the years, Kayani and the political establishment went to the extent of calling all these drone attacks a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty and repeatedly asked Washington to put an end to this. But what is incomprehensible is that on the one hand the Establishment is crying hoarse for putting an end to these drone attacks and on the other allowing the Americans to use their Shamsi base (Leased to the UAE) for carrying out these attacks!

Now if that isn't hypocrisy, then what is?

good point!

legally shamsi base was built and owned by uae and usa is using on their behalf. so it is over when uae after getting exposed pushed usa not to use it for military purpose. there is strong possiblity that uae might have been pushed by Pakistan too.

also Pakistan is much concerened as Iran silently conducted military drills in its south and after drill it says "It will target all usa military bases across the region"

As I mentioned above, its not just the US of A but the Pakistan Establishment themselves who are playing a double game.

well said. the double games are being jointly played by this troika saudi+cia+isi.
what do you think the aid money is. Gen Kayano rewards his subordinates to do what america wants Pakistan to do. there is no proof for this. its all over the place. Again when you ask for proof, i am reminded , of indian politicians asking for proof when being accused of bribery. some things dont need proof.

this is not the way the things work.

the terrorists has been created by the Pakistan itself due to wrong policies of the past 35 years against soviets and to contain shiites in pakistan. they all were created with american weapons and saudi monies. Now Pakistan today cannot say it is not concerned with these terrorists. Now these terrorists are no more in hands of Pakistan and instead they are being controlled by the saudi+cia the most and they are part of the some pakistani institutions.

so Pakistan is not in position to ignore saudi+cia. rather it has to deal with this reality. Better you can say that Pakistan is now being blackmailed by the saudi+cia rather than you are saying the generals are receiving monies and obeying usa.
America is paying your generals a lot of money for their stay. You are not helping them. Its simply a transaction.

Shows how much you know buddy, the Pakistani general does not get a single cent of any money that the USA pays to Pak Army, it goes directly to the nation treasury.
US rejects demand to vacate Shamsi base | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

WASHINGTON / ISLAMABAD: The US is rejecting demands from Pakistan that American personnel abandon a military base used by the CIA to stage drone strikes against militants, US officials told Reuters.

US personnel have not left the Shamsi air base and there is no plan for them to do so, said a US official familiar with the matter. “That base is neither vacated nor being vacated,” the official said. The information was confirmed by a second US official.

On Wednesday, federal Minister for Defence Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar said that US had been asked to stop using the base for drone strikes and vacate it.

Relations between the two uneasy allies deteriorated after the May 2 raid by US SEALs in Abbottabad that killed Osama bin Laden. Wednesday’s statement by Mr Mukhtar was the latest salvo.

“We have been talking to them (on the issue) for some time, but after May 2, we told them again,” he told Reuters on Thursday. “When they (US forces) will not operate from there (Shamsi base), no drone attacks will be carried out.”

Earlier, the Financial Times quoted Mr Mukhtar as saying that Pakistan had already stopped US drone flights from the air base. Despite the defence minister’s statements, it was unclear what the situation at Shamsi is.

A US military official said no American military personnel had ever been stationed at the base, but the drone programme in Pakistan is run by the CIA, and the official declined to comment on that.

Pakistani military officials confirmed that the US had been asked to vacate the base, but wouldn’t comment on when the request had been made or whether the Americans had complied.

“We have told them to leave, vacate our base. We cannot provide security to their people,” a senior air force official told Reuters.

But a member of parliament who represents the area, retired lieutenant general Abdul Qadir Baluch, said that US officials were still at the base.

A senior Pakistani military official added that when US forces first launched counter-terrorism operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan “provided Americans two bases in Jaccobabad and Shamsi. Jacobabad base has been vacated for long time ago, but Shamsi is still with them.”

“They are vacating it,” the official insisted. “Shamsi base was for logistic purpose. They also used it for drones for some time but no drones have been flown from there.”
I could have written a long comment..But this picture sums up what i wanted to say about american response to Pakistans demands about Drone attacks....
They got only one answer for us,,,,,,,,always

Wow......they can actually REFUSE to leave the territory of another sovereign nation?! Damn! These guys are good :O
This will not be a good move, because the US needs Pakistan's cooperation for the "end-game" in Afghanistan, & for peace negotiations with the Taliban. This is not a good way of handling the situation, they will only find themselves in more trouble without Pakistan's cooperation. The fact that the US rejected the demand to vacate Shamsi base only goes to show that the US is extremely dependent on Pakistan for logistical support in this WOT.
Expect the ties to completely break. Shamsi would be cleared, with force it seems.
NATO supplies maybe stopped.

What else can we say? US and Pakistan are heading towards a dark, narrow end.
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