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Pakistan teenage sisters shot dead because they were DANCING Check out all

Whilst the act was abhorrent and should be condemned at the highest levels of society and government, it does not explain why someone would question removing a photo of the deceased is good decorum?

Besides 2 wrongs make a right?

You are confused -this issue of insisting that "Decency" can have only one origin or content is at the heart of why Talib have legitimacy among many - After all, talib also stand for Decency and the sectarian extremists also stand for "Decency" - and they will both kill for it -- so the issue is how did this come about? -- look no further than the notion of defense of the Brophet's honor, that too is a notion of "Decency" - and you know or should know, all too well, what is done to those who are alleged to have not adhered to such notions of "Decency" -- See, it's not possible to be free and to have just one notion of Decency imposed on society -- which of course means you are more than welcome to find it distasteful and inappropriate.
You are confused -this issue of insisting that "Decency" can have only one origin or content is at the heart of why Talib have legitimacy among many - After all, talib also stand for Decency and the sectarian extremists also stand for "Decency" - and they will both kill for it -- so the issue is how did this come about? -- look no further than the notion of defense of the Brophet's honor, that too is a notion of "Decency" - and you know or should know, all too well, what is done to those who are alleged to have not adhered to such notions of "Decency" -- See, it's not possible to be free and to have just one notion of Decency imposed on society -- which of course means you are more than welcome to find it distasteful and inappropriate.

Hey welcome back, acha chalo I concede, I'm in a goo mood today. Mitti pawo.
I had heard about this incident few months back.. a very sad incident
also many girls had commited suicide due to black mailing by someone who got some of their videos
I am not against religion, but I am against religious extremism, if the religion as the ultimate psychological dependence, then will scourge infinite, we Chinese people have no religion, yet we have only a small Taoist beliefs ******* theme turned out to be the natural sciences.
I had heard about this incident few months back.. a very sad incident
also many girls had commited suicide due to black mailing by someone who got some of their videos

Death over expressing joy - a culture of shame and honor - does it have any place amongst us - loud and clear the answer is of course it does and it is good and just - think it over, what could possibly be worth this kind of societal price ?

Well, Decency - next this muse will want Pakistani girls and women to go naked and then probably this muse will want women to enjoy sex:astagh:
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