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Pakistan teenage sisters shot dead because they were DANCING Check out all

Pakistan civil society should raise its voice against the ills one by one ..or you will see same thing repeating in 2050 too ... Females of subcontinent have suffered a lot from centuries ...muscle power always had its way in uncivilized societies .. Hope we learn to live like humans one day
It is alarming to see how this murder has been dismissed as a cause and effect of Pakistan's culture.
This is not our culture so its okay for us to kill.. things are pretty bad here as well but if they were to get as bad as in Pakistan. I would be very worried.
Police suspect that the murders were ordered by the sisters’ stepbrother to restore the family’s “honour”

Two teenage sisters have been shot dead in Pakistan – because they danced in the rain.

Noor Basra, 15, and Noor Sheza, 16, were killed after a clip of the cavorting caused outrage in their ultra-conservative town.

Their mother Noshehra was also shot. The three were killed by five gunmen.

Police suspect that the murders were ordered by the sisters’ stepbrother to restore the family’s “honour”.

The sisters were filmed six months ago break-dancing as the heavens opened.

They were wearing traditional shalwar kameez trouser suits and green and purple headscarves.

One flashes a smile in the clip, which has gone viral on the internet.

The girls were filmed running around with two younger children outside the family’s stone bungalow in Chilas in the deprived northern region of Gilgit.

Their older brother is suing stepbrother Khutore and the gunmen, who are all thought to be on the run.

The murders follow the scandal last year of the case of four women who were killed on the orders of tribal elders for singing and dancing with men at a wedding party in the remote north-western Pakistan village of Kohistan.

The group of clerics, called a Jirga, condemned the women to death after decreeing they had stained their families’ names by “fornication.”

Under strict Sharia law, men and women are not allowed to dance together.

However, it is always the woman, not the man, who is punished.

About a thousand so-called honour killings take place in Pakistan every year, say women’s rights group the Aurat Foundation.

Human Rights Watch, which campaigns against atrocities worldwide, has called for tougher measures against tribal elders who condemn women to death.

The news of the latest deaths emerged today as David Cameron became the first head of government to hold face-to-face talks with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif since his election in May.

Mr Sharif’s victory could translate into a “golden moment” for Pakistan, the PM declared.

Pakistan teenage sisters shot dead because they were DANCING - Mirror Online

The news has been posted in Hina Rabbani Khar's Facebook page and came up as an update.
The news is not yet shared hence thought to bring it to everyone's notice.

It's a real Sad and condemn able news and RIP to the poor girls. Hope the culprits get Death penalty at the earliest.

The liberal Pakistanis are hell bent to promote Islam as stone age religion and only liberalism can progress Pakistan.
Very sad..my condolences for them...they should be given justice....
same for India. .

i always say education doesnt change the mentality in subcontinent. its the mentality that needs to be changed

wife of Indian President or PM wont become a dancing girl. Indeed nachna hamara culture nahi ha neither it will be proudly claimed by Indians but only when it comes to few known film industry faces.

If the bold part is what you believe, then you know nothing of India. Dance is a part of everyday life for Indians of all strata of society . Right since school days for both men and women.
I finally saw the video, it was nothing really, the girls were enjoying by themselves in the rain.

Both of them were so beautiful. It's shame they were killed like this
Sir dancing is not allowed in Islam but that also doesn't mean you kill the girl who dances we should teach them orders of Islam Sir but also can't allow haram things to take place Sir

How do you pass time or have fun in the islamophere?
It is alarming to see how this murder has been dismissed as a cause and effect of pakistan's culture.
This is not our culture so its okay for us to kill.. things are pretty bad here as well but if they were to get as bad as in Pakistan. I would be very worried.

Like I have said time and time again in pakistan the prevailing thought is to dismiss or blame another party immediately. They never own up to what they have done.
There is no cure to jahalat.!
Wonder where is this national honour when we are attacked by Taliban suicide bombers in broad daylight and our soldiers are slaughtered like cattle while the army cheif pu$$y's out from facing the terrorist threat.
Islam is a desert religion and its values are relative to the uncivilized arabia of the 7th century. Islam provided a strict and good framework to conduct life in those times.
Dancing is declared point blank haram in islam because they identify it with immodesty. Well but dancing is not only that...what about bharatnatyam,kathak-kali which are indian classical dances which tells tales of god using body movements and face expressions???

The thing is you need higher civilizational consciousness to discriminate between good and evil...you cant just give absolute judgement against anything like in Islam because life is complex.
But as i said islam is a simple religion and shariah is a law made for uncivilized people of arabia. That explains simple right vs wrong rules in islam as it helped uncivilized people conduct their life morally very easily.
Only with education, will the people of Pakistan be liberated from their stone-age mentalities.


No, I disagree. It doesn't matter if you educate criminals or not, they would just come up with more educated ways to commit murders. The point is to kill murderers or accept blood money. We need to dispose human garbage from our society (kill them) on time so it does not multiple. It doesn't matter what excuse they give for murder, or if we can convince them otherwise, it is irrelevant.
The murders follow the scandal last year of the case of four women who were killed on the orders of tribal elders for singing and dancing with men at a wedding party in the remote north-western Pakistan village of Kohistan.

The group of clerics, called a Jirga, condemned the women to death after decreeing they had stained their families’ names by “fornication.”

These women are still alive. The author should update himself on that.

Gilgit Baltistan has the highest literacy rate in the country...
It does, but reading and enlightenment is not exactly the same thing.

Anyways that is their way of life and culture. It sucks, but at the end of the day, they cannot change their nature.

Well its something like this. The people of Chillas, although in Gilgit, are not ethnically local (They are Kohistani Pakhtuns). They are the sore thumb that sticks out of Gilgit-Baltistan. While the people to their north are educated, enlightened, socially wise, very open minded and very soft in their demeanor, the people of Chillas aren't quite. Their culture is different, their way of life is different. Knock on any door up north and you'll be invited to dine with the whole family, men and women. Down in Chillas, not even close.

It's a real Sad and condemn able news and RIP to the poor girls. Hope the culprits get Death penalty at the earliest.[/I]

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