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Pakistan Taliban vow to attack Indian targets to avenge Ajmal Kasab's execu

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Even just after mumbai attacks,TTP chief Hakeemullah mehsud publicly offered support to pak army if ever a war broke out as 26/11 aftermath,and your ex ISI Chied hamid gul were praising him as "true mujahid"..You conspiracy nuts indeed have selective amnesia.
And as for the false flag accusations,pakistani involvement in mumbai attack is proven beyond any doubt and accepted even by pak govt..Along with amnesia,conspiracy lunatics like you need to deny even accepted facts..Defame pakistan by false flag?..lol..Your muslim pakistani brothers are doing it by killing each other daily over whose islam is right or what actually muhammed said 1400 years ago..25+ died today alone in sectarian attacks right..?And you think we need to defame you people..?

TTP is our enemy . period.

TTP even claim any shootout in US by Americans as its hadnywork just for sake of publicity.

You can say TTP is like ToI, HT, NDTV, Times Now
Islamabad: Pakistan's Taliban movement threatened on Thursday to attack Indian targets to avenge the country's execution of Mohammad Ajmal Kasab, the lone survivor of the militant squad responsible for a rampage through Mumbai that killed 166 people in 2008.

"We have decided to target Indians to avenge the killing of Ajmal Kasab," said Taliban spokesman

Bring it on bastards...Indian Army will turn you from this


To this

TTP is our enemy . period.

TTP even claim any shootout in US by Americans as its hadnywork just for sake of publicity.

You can say TTP is like ToI, HT, NDTV, Times Now

We will say that when ToI, HT, NDTV, TimesNow etc organize bombings in our cities and shoot our children for wanting to go to school. Until then, your organisations cannot be compared to ours. We make media houses, you make terrorists.
Are you forgetting about the other personnel involved in the Mumbai op? Indians Government has made baseless accusations with no evidence of nationality or citizenship of the others. You keep talking about Kasab, he was just one guy.

I guess according to you just kasab traveled from Pakistan via the sea , he joined up with the others probably at a bar in mumbai . then after a few beers they decided to go on a shooting spree.

how can i argue with such logic.:lol:
wtf, from when taliban became sympthazirs of Pak. Fact is that india hanged him so that they can do another false flag terrorists attack like 26/11 to defame Pak. Cheap baniyas.

Incredibly weird argument ! So you dont believe the evidences and long trials neither the intercepts and your own country finally admitting that he was a Pakistani national ?
I guess according to you just kasab traveled from Pakistan via the sea , he joined up with the others probably at a bar in mumbai . then after a few beers they decided to go on a shooting spree.

how can i argue with such logic.:lol:

or it can be that A1kaid is posting from a bar
wtf, from when taliban became sympthazirs of Pak. Fact is that india hanged him so that they can do another false flag terrorists attack like 26/11 to defame Pak. Cheap baniyas.

You are welcome to you fantasy world theories.

I feel it relevant to highlight that the use of the word " Baniya' to describe a nation is considered derogatory. Not because it is indicative of a trader community but because of the underlying intent.

Quite similar to the offense Pakistanis take to being called Paakis.

No offense meant but for use as considered relevant.
Pakistani Taliban can suck my pepe!!! *** you will die if you come to my country!!
Is anyone genuinely surprised?

Last heard, Islamists wanted to carry out serial bombings in India over Rohingya Muslims......you know, since India is an active participant in the Burmese riots and whatnot......

This is bloodlust fueled by religion, nothing to do with rational thinking or even common sense. They will attack us over the price of onions if it comes to that. Hoping for a change of heart from these extremists is irrelevant as the disorder primarily affects the head. Then again, it's nothing that a bullet through the skull can't solve....:D

“Maqbool was in close association with the four others — Asad Khan, IUmran Khan, Sayed Feroz and Langde Irfan Mustafa — who were arrested, and together they planned to commit fidayeen attacks on Buddhist shrines in Bodh Gaya,” Srivastava claimed. The suspected terrorists had got the approval of IM’s Riyaz Bhatkal, a fugitive believed to be in Pakistan, for carrying out the attack as a “retaliation to the alleged atrocities on Muslims in Burma”, he claimed.

Fifth arrest in Pune blast case | Niti Central
Its good we executed Kasab before some scum decides to take hostage.
... and ppl here felt Kasab was not a Pakistani.

First i have no sympathy for terrorist and i am not sure why he was given this long to live but as far as claiming Responsibility is concerned unless Reuters or any other news agency can say with 100% certainty it was the person who he or she claims to be.

Any body can pick up a phone and call from ''undisclosed'' location don't mean he or she are who they claim to be.
why are indians so hell bent upon making pakistanis believe that kasab is from pak?do u think that these pakistanis really think that kasab is not pakistani?all these arguments are for hiding their shame,just face saving tricks.one should never argue with a fool for he will drag u to his level and then beat u with his experience.
So what do you think propaganda is called, TTP comes in media and talk BS on the orders of its masters.

What propaganda..?I was simply replying your post in which you were wondering
wtf, from when taliban became sympthazirs of Pak
and enlightening you that TTP had offered support to Pak army in 2008,in case of war with us..They may be enemy of you now,but that does not make these islamist scum our friends..
TTP is our enemy . period.

TTP became your enemy only after they broke SWAT peace accord,which your govt made with scums like baitullah mehsud..Its a good thing that you consider them enemeis but that does not make these islamist pigs CIA/RAW/MOSSAD puppets.That is a cop out arguement by pakistanis who does not want to acknoledge their strategic blunder in allowing armed gangs operate inside their sovereign nation..You guys should have guessed that at some point,some or many of them are bound to turn against the state..

TTP even claim any shootout in US by Americans as its hadnywork just for sake of publicity.

You can say TTP is like ToI, HT, NDTV, Times Now

Dont compare any media outlet to these islamist scum who sacrifice their lives and kill others over whose version of islam is right..These pigs are threatening my nation because we hanged another pig who killed innocents..Dont compare them to news papers..
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