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Pakistan supplying Artillery shells to Ukraine

Screw Ukraine. A Nazi hellhole. We are not going to pick a side just because the Western world demands us to do so. Kashmir is an internal affair for India, but Pakistan is supposed to get on its knees for poor Ukrainians? BS. Our interests also dictate that we keep Russia as a close ally. We already blundered during Cold War when we made an enemy out of Russia.
bigger issue is Bajwa the Kanjar

our difference of opinion on Russia doesn't matter, I happen to hate Russia, you don't - who cares?

But my first priority is my country- where a tin pot wannabe dictator is taking major policy decisions without the input from parliament or government - this is the most important part for us as a country

Putting Bajwa in his place and punishing him, or lynching him should be our people's priority
Screw Ukraine. A Nazi hellhole. We are not going to pick a side just because the Western world demands us to do so. Kashmir is an internal affair for India, but Pakistan is supposed to get on its knees for poor Ukrainians? BS. Our interests also dictate that we keep Russia as a close ally. We already blundered during Cold War when we made an enemy out of Russia.

Ukraine is Russia's Kashmir. Taiwan is China's.

If Pakistan goes into future conflict with India (which is highly likely now as we are in totally surrender mode). I doubt any of our neighbors will come for monetary or military help.

50 rupay ka waqti faiday aur uncle sam ko khush karnay ka chakkar mein sab se tussle paal li hai humnay.
Well if it's true than say good bye to discounted Russian Oil and Wheat..

China won't be happy with us either.

All our immediate neighbors are mending relations with each other for mutual economy benefits, meanwhile Pakistan is going complete opposite direction.

China is watching very closely. We have a snake COAS who gets cajoled by his American masters. That day is coming very soon. China is going to say goodbye and move on. LOL at WS-13 wishlist. China isn't stupid to invest in a nation that has an army of generals willing to prostrate before papa America. This would be insanity on China's part.
What is Pakistan getting in return?
I guess used up f16s than sanctioning coz we have to accept Israel and LGBTQ’s and freedom of all sorts for women we still be considered as threat no matter how much we please Uncle Sam..Remember they influence every organisation from UN to IMF so they have us the balls with this Pakistani government (PDM) a bunch of thugs in command.
Ukraine is Russia's Kashmir. Taiwan is China's.

If Pakistan goes into future conflict with India (which is highly likely now as we are in totally surrender mode). I doubt any of our neighbors will come for monetary or military help.

50 rupay ka waqti faiday aur uncle sam ko khush karnay ka chakkar mein sab se tussle paal li hai humnay.

Let's just sit back and enjoy this horror movie. I am going to witness how a bunch of greedy generals sell Pakistan to papa America.

I guess used up f16s than sanctioning coz we have to accept Israel and LGBTQ’s and freedom of all sorts for women we still be considered as threat no matter how much we please Uncle Sam..Remember they influence every organisation from UN to IMF so they have us the balls with this Pakistani government (PDM) a bunch of thugs in command.

These people are literally begging for a billion dollar IMF tranche. Bajwa makes phone calls to US politicians and even then there is no success LOL What else is there left to say?
If that "tweets" (if there are any from some worthy person) and if they can make situation of common with an iota of improvement. Than I am all for it.

How will f16 make Pakistan any better?

Lol you did the same in 80s, and you are doing it again. Don't cry next time when there(still god forbid) are terror attacks in your country.

Did what????

We are selling a product to a customer

When Russia sells Su-30s to India is it any different?

It's just business, stop getting your panties in a twist

That would be idiotic

Going through parliament would make it a official state choice

Whilst this is just a low level business transaction
Pakistan selling or giving for free during the war... Russia sell weapons during peace time... that's why it is important and good for Pakistan... People are noticing and building Pakistan's image in the western world in a good way.
bigger issue is Bajwa the Kanjar

our difference of opinion on Russia doesn't matter, I happen to hate Russia, you don't - who cares?

But my first priority is my country- where a tin pot wannabe dictator is taking major policy decisions without the input from parliament or government - this is the most important part for us as a country

Putting Bajwa in his place and punishing him, or lynching him should be our people's priority

No doubt. Bajwa is a dangerous maniac. A greedy general who begs for IMF loans. What a country... Unthinkable.
it's here and not in Weapons section as it shows a significant policy change.
was this discussed in Parliament or NSC?

Correction ... the slaves of the Zionist owned West, i.e shabaz, bajwa, zardari, marium, bilawal are arming Ukraine. While the people of Pakistan have nothing to do with this war or any other Western sponsored war. Instead the people of Pakistan are suffering due massive floods and the traitors who are in Islamabad are feeding off of Pakistan like a bunch of parasites.
Doesnt Russia also provides to India?
If Pakistan is able to supply and earn without affecting own industry and weapon systems why not

Not a wise move. Pakistan needs to become like BD. Even if Russia provides military gear to India so do many others including the USA who our generals consider as Zues. Why always take sides and anger one or the other side? Why not remain neutral and benefit from all sides? You know why BD is ahead of Pakistan...

Besides, Imran Khan was accused of taking Russian side and angering papa America. Here our generals are taking American side and basically doing the very same thing.
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Well if it's true than say good bye to discounted Russian Oil and Wheat..

China won't be happy with us either.

All our immediate neighbors are mending relations with each other for mutual economy benefits, meanwhile Pakistan is going complete opposite direction.

I would just ask the Chinese to watch their back, Pakistan at the moment isn’t a country it should trust it’s far from that once they sort out Indian their better of dropping Pakistan to the curb. The Western run murredi that runs in the institution is beyond sickening.
I would just ask the Chinese to watch their back, Pakistan at the moment isn’t a country it should trust it’s far from that once they sort out Indian their better of dropping Pakistan to the curb. The Western run murredi that runs in the institution is beyond sickening.

The Chinese are absent and quiet for a reason.
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