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Pakistan successfully tests night launch of surface to surface ballistic missile Ghaznavi: ISPR

Many people who are 'grateful' after this test like you are forgetting that normally most of the members here are happy about all missile tests. The fact that they're disappointed shows that this test shouldn't have been painted as a 'surprise' and brute punch to India in the context of the current Kashmir situation and Pakistan's response to it. If you want this to be seen as a normal missile test, then fine, good for us, thank you armed forces, job well done, we're happy and proud. But if want this to be seen as a development and surprise w.r.t India then please don't sell us this idea.
You think that a nuclear capable missile does not worry India at all? If you don't like it, it really does not matter.
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Any one know / estimate how many ballistic missiles we can launch simultaneously?
Yeh kuch ziyada nahi ho giya india kay liye……….. Gaznavi he clla diya……… LOL...….LMAO

How many of you know when we test fired our very first Gaznavi ??????? I also need to know thanks.
any NOTAM for new tests ?
IMO it's a war to preserve the existence like the Third Battle of Panipat!!! Setting is similar, actors are similar, motivation is similar etc., therefore, the results would be Insha'Allah similar too!!!! I think the Hindutva has already served the notification, Pak will follow through...
Gazi, Gazni, Gaznavi etc. are the "messages" that still push a ice-cold shudder down the spinal chord of many a folk to the level of paralyzing them....
Brother there is the only thing good in this test ……. Rest it is just to keep Pakistani people happy ……. I am angry on this govt because we missed our chance the day when FM said "No type war option under consideration" …. till that day I am very angry on my elite...…..
Brother there is the only thing good in this test ……. Rest it is just to keep Pakistani people happy ……. I am angry on this govt because we missed our chance the day when FM said "No type war option under consideration" …. till that day I am very angry on my elite...…..
May be they're buying time for the Hindutva won't stop till it reaches the "Panipat"....
Self glorification is the least of my concerns and I did not try to do it at all. I'm nobody and anonymous on this forum, nor do I post much here despite being an active reader for a long time. Had I got any attention seeking motives, it would have become apparant from other posts of mine and it would have become apparant long ago. I don't have any followers here nor I crave any. Secondly I'm not overtly trying 'claim' that I'm some high profile insider. Didn't know where it appeared that way.

Secondly, I am as patriotic as many on this forum but I try to maintain objectivity in my thinking. And that objectivity appears to some as negativity and pessimism. Implanting trust of the institutions specially armed forces is a good service but when that trust starts morphing into blind following, then it becomes an issue. 'You must trust them' ...'They must have a master plan'..'They know what they're doing'.

Statements like these are fine if used once in a while but if they become the core of your thought, every analysis and counter analysis then I have an issue with this mindset. Actually this kind of mindset is a reaction to the extreme liberal or religious fanatic mindset which views and portrays everything from Army as negative. And since this mindset itself is a reaction, it has many elements of biasness, misjudgement and extremism to it.

Who said anything about blind trust individually onto DG ISPR at all. It's intact the confidence into Pakistan armed forces that people treats then credible as compare to any media outlet on the matters of defence.

This is not about DG ISPR alone but institute at large. Institute ability & capability comes with intelligence, people confidence makes the institute stronger and when institutes meets people expectations or does so more than expected, it's in fact build a trust. Those who involved in the business see it differently than the commoners but still, they do research and have their analysis to reach to such point.

You may have issues looking at such trust with different approach but calling others naive in this account, doesn't worth this space. Don't try to make a case out of nothing and this is merely a non-issue at the moment. Nobody is blindly trusting anyone and lest not play over smart here. Positive and productive criticism is allowed and rants are discouraged.

And, if it can work in a GPS jamming environment.... then it is a killer.
I am pretty sure Pak has loaded her own GIS (Geographic Info Systems) maps into these missiles!!! The terrain isn't exactly recent for them!!! Since the time of Ghori & Aybek they've been preparing operational maps for these specific regions....
Who said anything about blind trust individually onto DG ISPR at all. It's intact the confidence into Pakistan armed forces that people treats then credible as compare to any media outlet on the matters of defence.

This is not about DG ISPR alone but institute at large. Institute ability & capability comes with intelligence, people confidence makes the institute stronger and when institutes meets people expectations or does so more than expected, it's in fact build a trust. Those who involved in the business see it differently than the commoners but still, they do research and have their analysis to reach to such point.

You may have issues looking at such trust with different approach but calling others naive in this account, doesn't worth this space. Don't try to make a case out of nothing and this is merely a non-issue at the moment. Nobody is blindly trusting anyone and lest not play over smart here. Positive and productive criticism is allowed and rants are discouraged.

Where is @The Deterrent sir

I think that that there were a few things new with this missile test:
> The missile was tested in the night.
> The test was another step on the escalation ladder.
> Pakistan gave a message to India that she could take an offensive by using TBM (Theater Ballistic Missiles) on Indian military sites if there is war over Kashmir in the coming few months.

Now, a few things that I read on this thread that did not make too much sense to me so here is what I think, but I can be wrong and corrected by senior members
> The ghaznavi cannot be compared to the Iskander missile. Ghaznavi is a successful missile based on the Russian Scud Missiles or the Chinese M-11 missiles. But cannot be compared to the much more advanced and lethal Iskander missiles which travel much farther and with much more speed. Ghaznavi follows a common and predictable ballistic pathway. Iskander follows a supersonic suppressed trajectory that can deceive ABM systems and eventually destroy them without giving ABM systems the time to react because they are really fast.

>Pakistan has little use of strategic missiles of ranges of 1000km or above. Pakistan needs to develop Iskander type missiles with ranges 0-650 km. I recently saw North korea test an Iskander based missile named KN-23 :
View attachment 576507

You see the missile above is in a totally different league than the Scud missile or the Scud based Ghaznavi. If they can do it, we can too.
Ghaznavi is not scud based but an m-11 based solid fuel missile and yes you are right sir its nothing like iskander as you said it follows a predictable trajectory and it's apogee is above 60km so its unlike iskander.
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