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Pakistan Succesful Test Fired Hatf-VIII Ra'ad ALCM

Oh, testing of Raad would have been fine if it was done say another 2 months down the line, but what was the need to test it right after A5?

Pakistani agencies trolled Pakistanis, again!

This was scheduled routine testing, get over yourself.
This is clearly a d**k measuring contest and it's not good. Pakistan could have chosen some other day or it should have tested it's cruise missile before Indian test.
This can't be a coincidence as these date collisions are happening almost every time.
@Horus you made a big statement back in post ... that Babur can be fired from Augosta 90b's , and the subs can carry uptop 15X ... i was hearing the rumors on PDF that Pakistan is working on Babur naval version , so does this mean we already done ?? and if that so why they didnt publicly announce it ??

and if this news is true than really , you made my day
General Asim Bajwa.png

it is AIR TO SURFACE MISSILE ............so the range should be this much ....... what pakistan is doing is keeping india in mind and improve the technology and keep adding up to that ...... that is really good ..

If you have thousands of missile without quality does not make sence if you have even few but quality that is what matters .. Pakistan is really doing well and keeping india uner check :D:D:D:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Is it me or its just PAF always fire RAAD with 538 something special with this number.
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