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Pakistan strike back hitlist


Nov 28, 2006
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If pakistan was to be attacked......what would pakistan do in response.

What would possible targets be in india for the Pakistan forces.
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As far as i know nobody knows what targets Pakistan has on its hitlist but for sure seems Pakistan has prepared a detail targetlist that in the end might haunt India...what goes around comes around! India is always underestimating Pakistan and thats where its' at disadvantage. If and only if i hope not it goes nuclear Pakistan has a plan in place to completely break Indians backbone where there is no possible 2nd strike. Thus has been told in detail by Armed Forces that Pakistan has a plan in place.
Pakistan has almost no infrastructure, therefore we have very little to loose.

Meanwhile India, It has everything to loose.

In case of war India would have to face far more damage then us.
This is a very good topic. What would be the best targets to attack in India?

For India we know its Lahore primarily. Where should we hit?
I say start nuking from New delhi send in 300,000 strong arm tribal men full with weapons and tell them to spread all over occupied kashmir and who ever kashmiri muslim they find hand over weapons to them.
Destroy all nuclear reactors of India civil and military in first strike...take back India to 18th century.
IT City and Bollywood City:pop:
I think we need to hit Mumbai. It is obvious that India values Mumbai more than Delhi too.

Its within range too! Within mumbai we need to hit the Thackeray gang. It will really kill their morale to see Thackerays, the self-professed defenders of Mumbai crumble to Pakistani attack.

Likewise we need to hit the VHP and the Chief Minister's house in Gujarat. Of course we can't invade, so just hit them where it hurts.
It all depends on the scale of war. Let us assume that India strikes only the places such as terror camps, what will be the response of Pakistan, will it be defensive first and offensive later or just defensive. If it is offensive, there are rules that one cannot bomb civilian places and especially cities. One can attack Oil refineries, air bases, economic installations etc.
What would possible targets be in india for the Pakistan forces.

Acording to Pakistani Armed Forces analysis

New Delhi
Kolkata [probably not. because an Nuclear strike on Kolkata will have its fallout extending to Bangladesh]
one in Gujrat
^^why dont you start doing it? you will also get rid of your eternal enemy for ever
Well if I was the PAF in conventional mode I would hit all the Indian Nuclear establishments and chemical/ weapon producing factories in and around urban centers to maximize fatality. I would not drop bombs in cities and rather concentrate on taking out military establishments even if they are located in cities. MoD, GHQ, NHQ and AHQ would be my targets!

However and knowingly since my conventional firepower may be limited, I would not hesitate in using the nuclear armada within the depletion limit of my conventional capability and hit the main urban centers such as Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai. Where my fighters cannot reach my missiles certainly can! few kilotons, 3 or 4 for each major Indian urban center!
Wouldn't we be looking to obliterate their military complex and installations first?

And we are looking at the initial stage of strikes, so that would preclude the use of nukes, and therefore Calcutta would not be off the list necessarily because of fallout.

However, I doubt we would expend resources targeting far off cities. Delhi and Mumbai I believe would be the primary targets were India to attack civilians in Pakistan. The rest of the resources should be focused on the military complex and Indian forces.
Military installations should obviously be targeted like AFBs, but if you really want to make Indians think twice about their age old desire of taking back Lahore or destroying it with artillery fire, then you need to hit Delhi and Mumbai. And you need to hit them really hard.

They should know that actions against Lahore come at a very heavy price.
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