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Pakistan still a strategic partner, reaffirms US

Its easier to be America's enemies than being friends.

Al-Jazeera is a propaganda channel which has a known anti-Pakistan stance which most of the time matches Indian stance. It should be banned in Pakistan.

Actually, they are more anti-Indian than that as well. Surprised that you find them pro-Indian. Every international article they take out starts with a negative representation of even some of the very normal day-to-day things for us.

if anything, usually AJ+ is closer to your political position. But yes, feel free to ban it if it is maligning you continuously.
Are bhai.... I know us diaspora Pakistanis like to pretend that we did nothing in Afghanistan. But lets be honest. Who gave the taliban funding for the last 20 years? Pakistan... Do you think they work part time? Who gave them weapons? Pakistan... Who sheltered them? Pakistan... Had it not been for Pakistan the Taliban would have been wiped out.

Pakistan killed 2000+ US occupation forces with the help of her allies such as Afghan Taliban, Haqqani Network and Lashkar-e-Taiba. We did what we had to do.

This is a good video. I recommend watching it.

I think you're a Hindutva....
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