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Pakistan spreading propaganda about 1971 genocide: PM

only Pakistanis will believe a Pakistani propaganda, the whole world knows the genocidal death toll of 1971. fact is foreign NGOs have backed up the proof.
You are quite optimistic about the BD forces :D. Though it might indeed take more than a week given the levels we have to maintain on the western and northern borders.

Even then, it would be pointless if war happens which defeats the whole point of India having invested on Bangladesh so far. Rest assured, India is not that stupid to let that escalate in the first place. :D

only Pakistanis will believe a Pakistani propaganda, the whole world knows the genocidal death toll of 1971. fact is foreign NGOs have backed up the proof.

I think it is other way around with Pakistan constantly urged to believe the narrative of Indian-controlled information about genocidal death in 71' which many experts shattered the delusion of official narrative with pointing incorrect details founded on weak substance without evidence mentioned in great deal on books available.
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Even then, it would be pointless if war happens which defeats the whole point of India having invested on Bangladesh so far. Rest assured, India is not that stupid to let that escalate in the first place.

I would agree. We definitely would not start or seek to escalate anything with BD for no reason. Basically this action would be a last option when things have gone really badly wrong (e.g. extreme anti-India forces...way beyond what BNP is... take power and start killing minorities and BAL type people en masse and/or start a civil war within BD in its polarised state) after multiple efforts to correct it and all the hoops and thresholds have been passed. I don't foresee that happening in my lifetime at least....allowing for BNP and BNP legacy type parties to take power at various junctures.

It would also permanently end BD politically and create a huge destabilised number of people...which would be a massively bad problem for India, region and the world.

China would also lose a lot, they have invested a lot into BD now (and are in process of investing even more). Both India and China will keep BAL in power for forseeable future since they want stability and SHW is delivering it to them.

But lets wait and see how it all unfolds. This whole region desperately needs development and wealth rather than focusing all this time and effort into war mongering.
But the rest of your bigger portion is opinion which you claimed as fact which is refuted as strictly opinion.

You don't understand. When I said the word "fact", I was only referring to military conflict portion of my comment.

That would be like saying Pakistan would crush Afghanistan easily, but the possibility of that happening is very unlikely. But you are using that as excuse to avoid dealing with the questions posited below.

If it really wanted to, India could defeat Bangladesh quite quickly. If you don't believe me, ask any defense expert on this forum, or simply compare the two forces. You are delusional if you think otherwise.

What do you expect from the controlled census where minority-elected government is ruling against the wills of majority in Bangladesh?

This is how it was carried out. You cannot keep running away from facts you don't like:

Methods in Detail  Pew Research Center.png


So you are saying that everyone in Pakistan and Bangladesh have access to Internet through laptops or smart phone devices? Because we are talking about million of populations that have no access to either way.

We just saw the majority of crowds rallied for the opposition party's leader that resulted in being jailed and executed to death who maintained pro-Pakistan stance along with the majority of crowd. That is clear evidence as one can get.

You confuse their domestic politics with "support" for Pakistan (whatever that means, not that it makes a difference anyway). The BNP has much more to do with Bangladesh than with Pakistan, but tell yourself whatever you want. You seem to be living in a video game world.

But no, let's take this forum as testament of the ground reality on the behalf of the entire nation. Bravo! :D

Yes, Pew Research and everyone on this forum is wrong. But let's take your opinion alone (the great Fallen King) as the only source. Bravo! :lol:

He is not far off, and then you singled out Pakistan in regards to Bangladesh vs India as oppose to Pakistan/Bangladesh vs India.

He based his statement based on the likely scenario which India fears to this day [confirmation], hence working overtime to ensure its influence remain intact in Bangladesh through its vested political party which has been mentioned repeatedly yet fell on your deaf ear.

India has regional and economic interests in Bangladesh as its neighbor. No one is denying that. However, it doesn't fear Bangladesh's military in the slightest. That's one of the dumbest things I've heard in a while. You don't have to take my word for it, look up any ranking of international militaries and you will see for yourself. Again, you cannot run away from facts that you don't like.

If Bangladesh is not important asset for Pakistan, then why India is wasting its time in Bangladesh. Why China is investing in Bangladesh? Why Pakistan is still closely monitoring the political situation which one of ISI agent was caught gathering intel information not long ago? That brings to your point.

India is a neighbor, China wants to make money, and I have no idea what great benefit a country a thousand miles away like Bangladesh brings to Pakistan. And unsurprisingly, Pakistan's government doesn't care even a little bit as much about Bangladesh as it does Afghanistan.

How can you find yourself laughing on Pakistan-Bangladesh while you clarify fearing Pakistan and China in term of perspective from India which is the whole point of maintaining its influence intact in Bangladesh leaving no chance of vulnerability waiting to be exploited?

Followed by the explanation in the simplest form as possible!

You make fun of Bangladesh, see Bangladesh as no asset for Pakistan, and you points out India fears Pakistan and China the most. Why do you think India is working very hard overtime to maintain its influence in Bangladesh? :D

An "explanation" that isn't actually an explanation and a sentence that makes no sense. As I said, India is a neighbor of Bangladesh and it has regional and economic goals with it. Pakistan does not. And India is not "working hard overtime to maintain its influence" (whatever that means). It doesn't have to. Geography dictates that will have lots of influence no matter what. :D

China didn't do out of goodness for Pakistan, and precisely the same reason why China is investing on Bangladesh. Only you are not able to piece it together which you already deemed Bangladesh as worthless to you while China/Pakistan and India beg to differ. :D

Economic interest is not the same as being an asset. Since I am not able to "piece it together", perhaps you, the great Fallen King can? You still haven't provided the great benefit I am looking for. You keep repeating your nonsense over and over, but it still doesn't make much sense.

As I have said before, and I will say again, Bangladesh's military (look it up) is all but worthless to us in a military conflict with India. The country is surrounded by India on three sides and will be defeated in matter of a few short months, if not weeks. More importantly, it is wholly irrelevant with China as our ally.

But tell yourself whatever you want. If you consider Bangladesh an "asset", all I can do is laugh. Carry on. Clearly, you seem to have some sort of obsession with Bangladesh. :enjoy:
Why should Bangladeshis come to Delhi to give interview to European organisations? Why wasn't the interview held in BD?
:lol: BD is insignificant for many European countries. Bangladesh, Nepal, Srilanka visa aspirants ends up in India as many embassies in India work as their south asian embassies.

Well take it from me - there are *no* regions in Bangladesh where people really *adore* India.
Well, may be. But, this guy tells that the people from his region are close to Indian Muslims or something similar. Can't get what he is trying to say.. But, He is more interested in escaping from BD to some central European country and that's why he was there in Delhi.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina came down hard on Pakistan for spreading false and fabricated information regarding genocide carried out by the Pakistan occupation force during the Liberation War in 1971.

It is obvious who is spreading propaganda..she must learn a few things about politics rather than making herself look like a programmed slave..It was Eastern Pakistan..and Indians invaded it..so they were occupation forces..it wasn't Bangladesh until the instrument of surrender was signed..
Published : 20 Feb 2017, 16:07:41 | Updated : 20 Feb 2017, 16:22:51

Pakistan spreading propaganda about 1971 genocide: PM

Illegal Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina addresses the Ekushey Padak awarding ceremony held at Osmani Memorial Auditorium in Dhaka on Monday. –Focus Bangla Photo

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina came down hard on Pakistan for spreading false and fabricated information regarding genocide carried out by the Pakistan occupation force during the Liberation War in 1971.

The Prime Minister said Bangladesh was liberated with the supreme sacrifice of the three million people and sanctity of two lakh mothers and sisters. It is an established fact as the entire world had witnessed the Pakistani cruelty in 1971.

“But their conspiracy is still going on, which came to light from a recently published book by a Pakistani author,” the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister said while distributing the Ekushey Padak-2017 at a function organised by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs at Osmani Memorial Hall in Dhaka on Monday, reports BSS.

The Prime Minister said that the writer, 'sponsored by the Pakistani intelligence agencies', completely ignored the killing, torture and repression of the Pakistani occupation forces on Bangalees in 1971.

The author also denied the fact that Pakistani forces carried out the genocide on Bangalee people first on the black night of March 25 in the year of liberation.

“This author has tried to present distorted information on our freedom struggle, and manipulated many photographs of the victims captured by the world media at that time with new captions and false narration . . . its’ their new conspiracy against our independence,” she said.

“(But) when Bangladesh as an independent state is moving fast economically, appearing as a role model of development in the world, in this time the Pakistani conspiracy is not acceptable at all,” the Premier said.

Sheikh Hasina said her government decided that from now on Bangladesh would observe March 25 as the Genocide Day and take initiatives to draw attention and recognition of the global community to “expose Pakistan’s brutality on Bangalee people”.

But, unfortunately, she said, a section of political leaders in Bangladesh, particularly BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia claimed that the figure is not true.

The Premier said Begum Zia’s claim was a ‘shame’ for the nation and disgrace for millions of martyrs and drew everybody’s attention to the links between the Pakistani propaganda and Khaleda Zia’s claims.

“The severity of genocide across the world is measured not by the number of victims but by the scale of cruelty of the perpetrators while in Bangladesh there is no family where at least one family member didn’t make supreme sacrifice life for independence,” the Premier said.

The Premier said the new generation must know the nation's glorious history to be prepared for the future challenges as "Bangladesh will not live bowing its head to others".

"We will develop the nation with our own resources to make a dignified position for us in the world," she said.

The Prime Minister urged everybody to remain careful so that none can destroy the achievements and successes of the Bangalee people saying the successes of the nation cannot be wiped out.

"As a nation Bangalee people have earned everything in exchange of huge sacrifice and struggle. We have to hold up these achievements and remain careful so that none can destroy these achievements," she said.

Congratulating the Ekushey Padak recipients, the Prime Minster hoped that the award would inspire the future generation to do more great work for the people, who would learn from them and follow their footprint.

The Prime Minister said as a nation Bangalees had a language, state and hundreds of years of history, culture and tradition. But, unfortunately a conspiracy was being hatched to send our culture and heritage to oblivion since formation of the artificial statehood of Pakistan.

Sheikh Hasina said her government is making constant stride to honour the personalities who are silently playing significant roles in the national arenas arts, literature and culture and the socioeconomic sectors.

"People of the country have even forgotten many of them (who had contributed to these areas) and even we have no information about them. But, we're trying to recollect those names," she said seeking peoples support in this initiative.

The Premier said Ekushey taught all to "raise our voice and forge resistance against any injustice and not to bow head to others and therefore the Ekushey is a very significant day for us".

Sheikh Hasina said the spirit of immortal Ekushey has transcended across the world following UN recognition to the historic day of February 21 as the International Mother Language Day.

"It's a great pride for us and simultaneously it has enhanced our responsibilities to develop our mother language and protect all mother languages of the world," she said recalling the role of two expatriate Bangladeshi nationals for their move to earn the UN recognition.

Out of that global responsibility, Sheikh Hasina said, her government established the International Mother Language Institute for conducting research on origin, evolution and development of all languages as well as their preservation and practice.

The Prime Minister said the right to speak in Bangla was achieved through a process of long struggle which began in 1948 and got final shape with the supreme sacrifice of the people on February 21, 1952.

"The struggle had gained ground in 1948 with formation of the 'Rashtrabasha Sangram Parishad' (Council for State Language) which was proposed by the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman," she said.

The Prime Minister said the supreme sacrifice on February 21, 1952 had created a renaissance in the spirit of Bengali people. Ekushey sprouted out the spirit of nationalism in the Bengali mind which eventually led to country's liberation.

"Bangladesh was born with the spirit of secularism. We have to uphold the spirit so that the country can ensure its position in the global community.

And it's possible through socio economic development of the country," she said. She expressed her firm confidence in bright future of the country saying "Bangladesh will go ahead and we will be able to build Bangladesh as a poverty and hunger free nation".

Minister for Cultural Affairs Asaduzzaman Noor presided over the function while it was conducted by Cabinet Secretary M Shafiul Alam.

Secretary in Charge of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs Ministry Ibrahim Hossain Khan gave welcome address.

Cabinet members, PM's advisors, judges, MPs, foreign diplomats, litterateurs, academics, Ekushey Award laureates of previous years and high civil and military officials attended the function.

Correct it for you.
You can call pakistani gov corrupt .looter.or even worse but calling them they think abut 1971 is BS.they never talk abut what happen kn 1990 or 2000 even

The BD is talking about it BECUAUSE a Pakistani author published a book full of false information. She has a duty to set the record straight.

Even otherrwise, it is important that Pakistani youth grow up knowing the real facts however much they may show past Pakistani actions in bad light, because they have to learn from it. False propaganda only damages them further.
The BD is talking about it BECUAUSE a Pakistani author published a book full of false information. She has a duty to set the record straight.

Even otherrwise, it is important that Pakistani youth grow up knowing the real facts however much they may show past Pakistani actions in bad light, because they have to learn from it. False propaganda only damages them further.

Yes, Pakistani youth need to learn they lost their eastern wing due to meddlers, propagators, jealousy ridden type people.
:lol: BD is insignificant for many European countries. Bangladesh, Nepal, Srilanka visa aspirants ends up in India as many embassies in India work as their south asian embassies.

Well, may be. But, this guy tells that the people from his region are close to Indian Muslims or something similar. Can't get what he is trying to say.. But, He is more interested in escaping from BD to some central European country and that's why he was there in Delhi.

Indians are champions in leaving their superpower homeland - most often illegally. Bangladesh is nowhere in this game.

There are 300,000 illegal Indian immigrants in US alone.:lol:


Is delusion a result of not having enough protein? :lol:

Dhaal doesn't really count.....
Your babbling is breaking respect I have regarding turkey and Turkish member .

How can Bangladesh benefit by repeatedly speaking about 1971 genocide. Do you people get economic growth or does your country get more attraction from the foreign countries. You tell me is your Government true to your country or is it doing the biding of Indians to please them, just because Hasina know she can be in power as long as she want's if the indians are pleased.
Even then, it would be pointless if war happens which defeats the whole point of India having invested on Bangladesh so far. Rest assured, India is not that stupid to let that escalate in the first place. :D

I think it is other way around with Pakistan constantly urged to believe the narrative of Indian-controlled information about genocidal death in 71' which many experts shattered the delusion of official narrative with pointing incorrect details founded on weak substance without evidence mentioned in great deal on books available.

I'd surmise that Indians (including false-flaggers here at PDF having both Pakistani and Bangladeshi flags) are constantly trying to propagandize and undermine the value of entente between Bangladesh entities (such as the armed forces) that are friendly to Pakistan (in spite of the India-pleasing public speeches of Hasina). Entente between Pakistan and Bangladesh is a logical and natural reaction to India's hegemonic designs and the entire armed forces is Pakistan-friendly, despite constant efforts and machinations by Indians to turn the tide.

At least 65% of all new defence purchases in Bangladesh (Chinese or otherwise) made are adjuncts to Pakistani armed forces purchases and is often of the same type/production batch. There are clear reasons why there is this commonality.

Most Internet sources have no clue what we have in the Bangladesh Army. And we'd rather keep it that way.

If Bangladesh towed Indian line and was a lackey of India - they,
  • Would not have 'Forces Goal 2030' - Bangladesh has achieved the first step to become a 3D force.
  • Would not see China as a 'strategic defense and economic partner' instead of India
  • Would not accept 30+ Billion dollars of Chinese investment
  • Would not have invested in an underwater component of the Navy, which is being expanded soon.
  • Would not have a massive local naval surface-combatant building program (including planned stealth frigates)
  • Would not invest in a self-sufficient BTR-80 APC force which is almost as large as the Russia (thousand plus units)
  • Would not build SHORAD, Naval and land-based strategic missile defences appropriate to its area and terrain
  • Would not refuse buying a 'single bullet' from India (Manohar Parrikar, India's defense minister went back empty handed recently)
  • Would not fight India in the Hague to win its 'disputed' sea territory - which it won
Bangladesh is currently concentrating in qualitative armed forces improvements rather than massive numbers. For our size of country, we can defend ourselves very well. Indians discounting this in PDF is pointless.

Interestingly - crushing Bangladesh by India from three sides is an oft-spoken 'Indian' narrative as narrated above - not a 'Pakistani' one. Any Pakistani so much as saying it - is a false-flagger in my opinion. Pakistanis don't dream about Indians crushing Bangladesh. Indians do.

Believe me - Bangladesh Military strategists are well-aware and ready for that ^^ scenario as well as dozens of others. And these scenarios are well-discussed and well-practiced in exercises both public and covert, whether with Chinese military or not.

To all Jungi Indians in PDF -

We know exactly,
  • how many Battalions India has deployed at which cantonment around our borders,
  • the troop movement plans,
  • where the mobile/short/medium/long-range missile launchers are and
  • how many Sukhois/ground attackers are deployed at which airbase.
In a conflict scenario Chicken's neck will simply be the start......:lol:

Hear this and hear this well, the very attempt of invading (or crushing) Bangladesh is going to de-stabilize India itself (both NorthEast and Eastern part). And there will be no going back on this. Bangladeshis aren't cowards. You wanna dance - let's dance.....

It's one thing being a keyboard warrior, another thing altogether about leading (and winning) a military campaign. Hopefully Indian military planners are a bit more clueful than the lot here at PDF......:lol:

@Khan saheb
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How can Bangladesh benefit by repeatedly speaking about 1971 genocide. Do you people get economic growth or does your country get more attraction from the foreign countries. You tell me is your Government true to your country or is it doing the biding of Indians to please them, just because Hasina know she can be in power as long as she want's if the indians are pleased.

It's political. By exaggerating the brutality govt wants to show by liberating AL done great job. And all the brutality done by their political opponent like jamat e Islami ,BNP. 71 becomes a political tool then a history.
How can Bangladesh benefit by repeatedly speaking about 1971 genocide. Do you people get economic growth or does your country get more attraction from the foreign countries. You tell me is your Government true to your country or is it doing the biding of Indians to please them, just because Hasina know she can be in power as long as she want's if the indians are pleased.

You have it a little skewed.

Anti-Pakistan statements is Sheikh Hasina's primary platform for political campaigns. Best strategy for Pakistan Govt. is to ignore those.

Bangladeshis don't do India's bidding - often it's the other way around when it comes to them trying to sell things to us. These attempts are mostly unsuccessful - as evidenced by the recently failed Indian defence sales initiative, led by their defence minister.

Hasina has to tow Indian line publicly. It's called diplomacy.

However China is Bangladesh' primary strategic and investment partner. India is not.
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