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Pakistan spreading propaganda about 1971 genocide: PM

Slavery is when you dance to the tune of Turkish Prime-minster and fire turkish teachers from Pakistan. Slavery is when you let your army control your country and its policies. Slavery is not having a cordial relationship with a neighboring country.

:blink::blink::unsure: And you are having cordial relation with your neighbours Myanmar and India(who kills your people on border and you people don't even take revenge for your innocents being killed). Why did your own people who fought for your independence killed Mjueeb ur rehman and his family

You have it a little skewed.

Anti-Pakistan statements is Sheikh Hasina's primary platform for political campaigns. Best strategy for Pakistan Govt. is to ignore those.

Bangladeshis don't do India's bidding - often it's the other way around when it comes to them trying to sell things to us. These attempts are mostly unsuccessful - as evidenced by the recently failed Indian defence sales initiative, led by their defence minister.

Hasina has to tow Indian line publicly. It's called diplomacy.

However China is Bangladesh' primary strategic and investment partner. India is not.

It's political. By exaggerating the brutality govt wants to show by liberating AL done great job. And all the brutality done by their political opponent like jamat e Islami ,BNP. 71 becomes a political tool then a history.

Now, the truth you people have spoken yourself so few question as I really don't know much about Bangladesh.

Q1: Has Bangladesh developed more in Hasina's time or in other government rules?
(Example Pakistan was moving towards development and stability during Musharraf's time as dollar at that time was equivalent to 75 Rs. and debt was also getting low but during Zardi time we got more debt and 1 dollar was equal to 100+ Rs.)

Q2: Is Military more loyal to the people or to the Hasina government?
(Pakistan has seen more development and stability in Military rule than in the Civil rule so people will have no problem whenever military takes the Government as Civil rule has only brought misery and debt to the people)

Q3: Why doesn't your border forces retaliate when indians kill normal Bangali people on your side ?
( Pakistan always retaliate to indians firing at innocent Pakistani people )
You don't understand. When I said the word "fact", I was only referring to military conflict portion of my comment.

You posted the bigger portion of the opinion along with bit military comment and then claimed as fact. That is big claim. Even then, it is debatable in regards to the military comment.

Do you understand the definition of debatable? :D

If it really wanted to, India could defeat Bangladesh quite quickly. If you don't believe me, ask any defense expert on this forum, or simply compare the two forces. You are delusional if you think otherwise.

You entertain fantasy and i am delusional. Nice save! :D

This is how it was carried out. You cannot keep running away from facts you don't like:

View attachment 380066


Again with the big claim of fact. It is like fact has become your copyright. :D

Check out the finding of pewglobal which is mentioned in the stat graph.

The finding is based on administrative levels that is under the control of government. No stat claim to be under percent accurate, and that's why they release the finding.

Controlled-census is the hint that was there in previous post for a reason. :D

You confuse their domestic politics with "support" for Pakistan (whatever that means, not that it makes a difference anyway). The BNP has much more to do with Bangladesh than with Pakistan, but tell yourself whatever you want. You seem to be living in a video game world.

Domestic politics that you and i witnessed majority of Bangladeshi clamored for the majority-political party's leader which led to the jailed and executed to death doesn't qualify for the account whereas the people you met and the people that likes your post qualifies for the real criteria of the generalization. Brilliant! :D

India has regional and economic interests in Bangladesh as its neighbor. No one is denying that. However, it doesn't fear Bangladesh's military in the slightest. That's one of the dumbest things I've heard in a while. You don't have to take my word for it, look up any ranking of international militaries and you will see for yourself. Again, you cannot run away from facts that you don't like.

Again with the fact. You should copyright it just in case. :D

What kind of regional and economic interests would that be? :D

India is a neighbor, China wants to make money, and I have no idea what great benefit a country a thousand miles away like Bangladesh brings to Pakistan. And unsurprisingly, Pakistan's government doesn't care even a little bit as much about Bangladesh as it does Afghanistan.

Both India and China are competing each other for the same market. And Pakistan has plan for the future as well. It is called foresight.

And now you can speak on the behalf of Pakistan government and claim it as fact too? :D

An "explanation" that isn't actually an explanation and a sentence that makes no sense. As I said, India is a neighbor of Bangladesh and it has regional and economic goals with it. Pakistan does not. And India is not "working hard overtime to maintain its influence" (whatever that means). It doesn't have to. Geography dictates that will have lots of influence no matter what. :D

Geography also indicates why India should wisely invest on Afghanistan. Smart fella! :D

Economic interest is not the same as being an asset. Since I am not able to "piece it together", perhaps you, the great Fallen King can? You still haven't provided the great benefit I am looking for. You keep repeating your nonsense over and over, but it still doesn't make much sense.

As I have said before, and I will say again, Bangladesh's military (look it up) is all but worthless to us in a military conflict with India. The country is surrounded by India on three sides and will be defeated in matter of a few short months, if not weeks. More importantly, it is wholly irrelevant with China as our ally.

But tell yourself whatever you want. If you consider Bangladesh an "asset", all I can do is laugh. Carry on. Clearly, you seem to have some sort of obsession with Bangladesh. :enjoy:

If you don't understand why you conflicted yourself repeatedly despite the hint, then i am afraid my explanation would not suffice either. No offense. :D

Go back to previous posts and contemplate to understand my points including the hint. The answers are already there.

Yes, Pakistani youth need to learn they lost their eastern wing due to meddlers, propagators, jealousy ridden type people.

Not to mention racism which clearly exists in this thread following certain comment of Pakistani posters that have low opinions on Bangladesh. :(

I would agree. We definitely would not start or seek to escalate anything with BD for no reason. Basically this action would be a last option when things have gone really badly wrong (e.g. extreme anti-India forces...way beyond what BNP is... take power and start killing minorities and BAL type people en masse and/or start a civil war within BD in its polarised state) after multiple efforts to correct it and all the hoops and thresholds have been passed. I don't foresee that happening in my lifetime at least....allowing for BNP and BNP legacy type parties to take power at various junctures.

It would also permanently end BD politically and create a huge destabilised number of people...which would be a massively bad problem for India, region and the world.

China would also lose a lot, they have invested a lot into BD now (and are in process of investing even more). Both India and China will keep BAL in power for forseeable future since they want stability and SHW is delivering it to them.

But lets wait and see how it all unfolds. This whole region desperately needs development and wealth rather than focusing all this time and effort into war mongering.

Since China is also invested on Bangladesh, both India and China cannot claim the same market due to competition which will eventually collide in regards to the economy, thus the whole point of the political influences to preside over the certain economical projects.

At the end, it is for the very same reason that will lead to Intel generation war or already it is.
You posted the bigger portion of the opinion along with bit military comment and then claimed as fact. That is big claim. Even then, it is debatable in regards to the military comment.

Do you understand the definition of debatable? :D

You are free to debate it (with sufficient evidence :D). I was just clarifying that I was only claiming the military portion of my comment to be fact, that's all.

You entertain fantasy and i am delusional. Nice save! :D

I am afraid it is you that entertains fantasy when you suggest Pakistani and Chinese soldiers will die for Bangladesh, not me. Keep Dreaming....

And yes, you are delusional if you think that the Bangladeshi military can defeat the Indian military in a full-scale war. :crazy:

Again with the big claim of fact. It is like fact has become your copyright. :D

Check out the finding of pewglobal which is mentioned in the stat graph.

The finding is based on administrative levels that is under the control of government. No stat claim to be under percent accurate, and that's why they release the finding.

Controlled-census is the hint that was there in previous post for a reason. :D

Yes, everything is a conspiracy and the poll must have been rigged! Pew Research was duped, and you, the great Fallen King must be right. Lol. :D

Both India and China are competing each other for the same market. And Pakistan has plan for the future as well. It is called foresight.

And now you can speak on the behalf of Pakistan government and claim it as fact too? :D

For the economic market? Absolutely. Pakistan can too. But Bangladesh as a country that is located nearly a thousand miles away, holds little strategic value to Pakistan. But of course, Bangladesh is such a great "asset" to Pakistan as you keep claiming, but fail to prove. :D

Geography also indicates why India should wisely invest on Afghanistan. Smart fella! :D

And it also dictates why Pakistan should not invest (politically and militarily) in Bangladesh. Smart fella! :D

If you don't understand why you conflicted yourself repeatedly despite the hint, then i am afraid my explanation would not suffice either. No offense. :D

Go back to previous posts and contemplate to understand my points including the hint. The answers are already there.

Since, I am unable to understand your "hints", maybe you, the great Fallen King, can spell it out for me? Because I still don't see how Bangladesh is such a great "asset" to Pakistan, as you claim. :D
Since China is also invested on Bangladesh, both India and China cannot claim the same market due to competition which will eventually collide in regards to the economy, thus the whole point of the political influences to preside over the certain economical projects.

Its more true with mature markets (and then you have to use competitive advantage to much higher degree) or with natural resource rich (per capita) countries....but BD economy is neither so everything is in a state of flux.

Some stuff is cheaper from India, some stuff cheaper for them from China....and they are still not a big market for it to really matter. There is going to be give and take in each market sector from that, it wont be just India and China competing in it given this is 170 million people and growing we are talking about. Example look at motorcycle market share:


They also have to attract a lot more industries themselves by providing better trained workforce (so India and China businesses can actually compete in such to begin with given current level is next to 0 in these industries).

China and India are not going to help them too much with that given we have our own workforces to worry about:


and neither does BD have any strategic value to China like Pakistan's CPEC to override the human labour quality factor in short to mid-term.
Its more true with mature markets (and then you have to use competitive advantage to much higher degree) or with natural resource rich (per capita) countries....but BD economy is neither so everything is in a state of flux.

Some stuff is cheaper from India, some stuff cheaper for them from China....and they are still not a big market for it to really matter. There is going to be give and take in each market sector from that, it wont be just India and China competing in it given this is 170 million people and growing we are talking about. Example look at motorcycle market share:


They also have to attract a lot more industries themselves by providing better trained workforce (so India and China businesses can actually compete in such to begin with given current level is next to 0 in these industries).

China and India are not going to help them too much with that given we have our own workforces to worry about:


and neither does BD have any strategic value to China like Pakistan's CPEC to override the human labour quality factor in short to mid-term.

India market is catered by Chinese goods. Majority of market is Chinese goods that is preferred due to low cost whereas for the local goods remain pricey even for Indian standard.

There is the reason why one nation is politically invested to preserve its investment while other is strictly minding its own business as it is committed to invest on the same market.

China is already there in term of resources whereas India is still behind, and a lot more to do so.

@LA se Karachi You have misunderstood my every points and now taken it to the new level now. Maybe you can contemplate my posts once again to try to understand my points even if you don't agree instead of losing temper and play the game trolling. :D
India market is catered by Chinese goods.

Not really. Compare the total size of India's market and what the yearly import bill is from China. You have to be way more specific in your assertion.

Majority of market is Chinese goods that is preferred to low cost whereas for the local goods remain pricey even for Indian standard.

Again depends on the market. We aren't exactly importing Chinese cars and motorbikes and have 0 local production of those now do we?

Maybe you should look at what the composition is regarding what our imports from China are. Not to mention their total value as % of total Indian consumption.

China is already there in term of resources whereas India is still behind, and a lot more to do so.

Sure....esp overal global presence. But BD is not the world average in market maturity nor geographic location. It is a particular situation with its own foibles w.r.t Indian and Chinese suppliers. After all why haven't Indian motorbike market in BD been undercut by cheaper Chinese ones? Its just one example. With BD the big problem is that its market simply is not a mature one, the data is very sketchy a lot of the time. We can only really judge the India-China dynamic there when BD is at least double the size GDP that it is now.
Not really. Compare the total size of India's market and what the yearly import bill is from China. You have to be way more specific in your assertion.

Again depends on the market. We aren't exactly importing Chinese cars and motorbikes and have 0 local production of those now do we?

Maybe you should look at what the composition is regarding what our imports from China are. Not to mention their total value as % of total Indian consumption.

I am surprised you are not acquainted with your economy and the demand for the public.

China was already dominating in the Indian market. Even with the campaign 'Boycott of Chinese goods' failed miserably due to the factors as i have mentioned in my previous post you just quoted.

Boycott of Chinese goods: China warns of impact on India-bound investments

India is a big market for Chinese products and over the years import of toys, furniture, building hardware, crackers, lighting and electric fittings, furnishing fabric, office stationary, electronic appliances, consumer electronics, kitchen equipment and appliances, gift items, watches etc from China has increased to a great extent.

Chinese products are generally low-priced which is the root cause of infiltration of Chinese goods in the Indian market, CAIT had said.

"China has become India's largest trading partner, source of imports and fourth largest export market. Moreover, India is the China's largest trading partner in South Asia and ninth largest export market in the world," it said.

"Moreover, 60-70 per cent of Indian APIs for its pharmaceutical industry are from China. China has played an important role in Indian pharmaceutical industry's march to EU and America market.

China also exported a lot of electronic and household products which are attractive both in price and quality. Chinese products not only lowered India's inflation rate, but also fulfilled Indian ordinary people, especially the low- income people's daily needs, greatly improved their life quality."

India cannot even compete with China for the local market never mind for the global trading as well as Bangladesh. If anything, India economy is at the mercy of China following the bold as hint.

'Chinese goods' sale in India hit record high despite boycott'

"The boycott has not achieved success. Sales figures for Chinese products on the top three Indian online retailers in the first week of October hit a new record. Amazingly, the Chinese mobile phone company Xiaomi sold half a million phones in just three days on the Flipkart, Amazon India, Snapdeal and Tata CLiQ platforms," the article said.

"The bilateral trade relationship is one of the pillars of the Sino-Indian relationship. The trade volume was over USD 70 billion in 2015, and China's investment in India soared to around USD 870 million in 2015, six times what it was in 2014," it said.

India is no different than Bangladesh that needs largely investment from China to survive. Talk about being bigger playa and competition. :D

Sure....esp overal global presence. But BD is not the world average in market maturity nor geographic location. It is a particular situation with its own foibles w.r.t Indian and Chinese suppliers. After all why haven't Indian motorbike market in BD been undercut by cheaper Chinese ones? Its just one example. With BD the big problem is that its market simply is not a mature one, the data is very sketchy a lot of the time. We can only really judge the India-China dynamic there when BD is at least double the size GDP that it is now.

Chinese doesn't need to resort to political influence because Chinese has the infrastructure and resources to shape the economy for the future. India has not, and even by the standard of infrastructure and resources, India is far behind. China also got CPEC started whereas India is stuck on Chabahar port that is yet to get started.

India is desperately resorting to short cut to ensure its political influence intact instead of dealing with the competition in fair ways. That is what India is good at; the shortcut and the loudmouth speakers. :D
@LA se Karachi You have misunderstood my every points and now taken it to the new level now. Maybe you can contemplate my posts once again to try to understand my points even if you don't agree

Well, with all due respect, I don't understand many of your points. The ones that I do, don't seem to make much sense to me. With that said, you are entitled to your opinion, just like me. I am not trying to get you to change your opinion.

instead of losing temper and play the game trolling. :D

I certainly have not lost my temper. I feel fine. However, you keep quoting me, so I keep responding (I didn't quote you initially). You started throwing in smiley faces in every response (even in this response), so I did too. And you started saying I was incapable of understanding things, not me.

In any case, let's simply agree to disagree. Clearly, you a hold a certain view, and I hold another. You can continue posting your thoughts as you please, I probably won't bother you. But if you quote me, do expect a response.
Well, with all due respect, I don't understand many of your points. The ones that I do, don't seem to make much sense to me. With that said, you are entitled to your opinion, just like me. I am not trying to get you to change your opinion.

You don't understand my posts, and that is why you unknowingly presume wild scenario about my opinions which isn't there at all.

Next time, pay attention to the posts. Nothing personal! :D

I certainly have not lost my temper. I feel fine. However, you keep quoting me, so I keep responding (I didn't quote you initially). You started throwing in smiley faces in every response (even in this response), so I did too. And you started saying I was incapable of understanding things, not me.

In any case, let's simply agree to disagree. Clearly, you a hold a certain view, and I hold another. You can continue posting your thoughts as you please, I probably won't bother you. But if you quote me, do expect a response.

I am not suspending my debate with you. I want you to go back to my old posts to contemplate and try to understand my points. So the new levels which you took based on what you presumed about what i must have said could be easily avoided. That is all. :D
I am surprised you are not acquainted with your economy and the demand for the public.

You are more acquainted with it than I am? OK....whatever you say. But let me highlight the actual facts for everyone else reading this.

China was already dominating in the Indian market.

The Indian GDP = 2.2 trillion USD (I wont even use PPP so your argument gets the biggest figure possible).

India's imports from China = 62 billion USD

62/2200 = 2.8%.

Now lets see you make the case that 2.8% = dominance of a market.

India is no different than Bangladesh that needs largely investment from China to survive. Talk about being bigger playa and competition.

You literally highlighted this part:

China's investment in India soared to around USD 870 million in 2015, six times what it was in 2014

You seriously want to know what the total foreign investment into India was in 2015? How much do you think 870 million USD will be as a % of it? Please give me your best guess so I can unleash the fact checking on it. :D

Oh I will also make this just foreign investment, rather than total investment (foreign + domestic) to again help your figure be as big as possible :D.

I'm really trying my best to help your argument here...before I obliterate it in front of everyone. It would be no fun for me otherwise ;)

After I am done doing so, you are free to continue with your diatribe as long as you please.

Chinese doesn't need to resort to political influence because Chinese has the infrastructure and resources to shape the economy for the future. India has not, and even by the standard of infrastructure and resources, India is far behind. China also got CPEC started whereas India is stuck on Chabahar port that is yet to get started.

India is desperately resorting to short cut to ensure its political influence intact instead of dealing with the competition in fair ways. That is what India is good at; the shortcut and the loudmouth speakers.

What do you call using loans (from Chinese state banks) instead of FDI (from Chinese companies/businesses) other than resorting to political influence (to get past the serious short, mid and even long term economic issues of the target...given companies... esp private ones ....certainly do not have the buffer to afford that)?

Do you know what the composition of loans is regarding Chinese "investment" into CPEC and BD civil infra as opposed to FDI?

Do you even know the difference between loans and FDI? You really don't seem very knowledgeable on the basics.
You have it a little skewed.

Anti-Pakistan statements is Sheikh Hasina's primary platform for political campaigns. Best strategy for Pakistan Govt. is to ignore those.

Bangladeshis don't do India's bidding - often it's the other way around when it comes to them trying to sell things to us. These attempts are mostly unsuccessful - as evidenced by the recently failed Indian defence sales initiative, led by their defence minister.

Hasina has to tow Indian line publicly. It's called diplomacy.

However China is Bangladesh' primary strategic and investment partner. India is not.

BD has actually done a good job of balancing relationships to its benefit. It has signed huge economic deals with China while at the same time, cemented strategic relationship with India by rejecting the SAARC in Pakistan (and other similar moves).

It is probably this sane balance that has allowed BD to be stabler socially and faster in economic development than Pakistan.
You are more acquainted with it than I am? OK....whatever you say. But let me highlight the actual facts for everyone else reading this.

More acquainted than me? No, but that doesn't mean that doesn't mean i should allow delusional posts claimed as facts for everyone reading this thread. :D


The Indian GDP = 2.2 trillion USD (I wont even use PPP so your argument gets the biggest figure possible).

India's imports from China = 62 billion USD

62/2200 = 2.8%.

Now lets see you make the case that 2.8% = dominance of a market.

The IMF, in its October 2016 edition of its World Economic Outlook, estimates that India’s GDP for the year would be Rs. 122.15 trillion, far lower than the Rs. 153 trillion assumed in the Forbes report. Even looking at Indian sources, the combined GDP over Q1 and Q2 of this financial year, as reported by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, was Rs. 71.5 trillion. If, for ease of calculation, this is doubled to arrive at the full-year figure, then that works out to only Rs. 143 trillion.

Of course, simply doubling the GDP in Q1 and Q2 is inaccurate, but it becomes even more so this year, due to the expected dampening effect on GDP growth as a result of the demonetisation of high-value currency notes announced on November 8, which is expected to be felt in the second half of this financial year.


# Even then, that doesn't change the fact that India still remain dependency on India. You are using GDP as factor to hide India dependency on China is not going to change the reality, is it? :D

NEW DELHI: India's economic growth is estimated to slow to 7.1 percent in the current fiscal year ending March 31 compared to 7.6 percent last year, the first indicator of the impact of the demonetisation drive.The estimates have been reduced in all the sectors, except for agriculture, which has improved due to the positive monsoon season.


# India is still dependent on China for goods including medical accessories, and many more which includes fireworks and firecrackers for Diwali and Puja festival. Even the basic necessity for the celebration is at the mercy of Chine. India cannot set up infrastructures and resources in manage in their own country never mind for Bangladesh and Nepal. Not only that, India had already set up infrastructures and resources left by British which is now outdated as we speak.

India is heavily dependent on Chinese imports and any weakening of trade ties between the two countries will substantially hurt Indian businesses. China is India’s biggest trading partner, with the total value of imports and exports exceeding Rs 4.6 lakh crore. The US, which is next, barely touches the Rs 4 lakh crore mark in total trade.

As the chart above shows, India imports about seven times as many goods and services from China than it exports to it, in one of the world's biggest trade deficits between two nations.

These imports range from consumer electronics such as phones and laptops to nuclear machinery. Other major imports include plastic items, industrial goods, and vehicles.



# You cannot even assemble basic stuffs for your celebration and festivals. Talk about managing Bangladesh/Nepal and so-called promising offers. Until that changes, you are no different than Bangladesh that is dependent on Chinese goods for survival. Let me repeat; for survival - medical accessories.

According to a Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) report, the drugs for which APIs come from China include the painkillers such as paracetamol; antibiotics such as Amoxicillin and Ampicillin, Cephalexin, Cefaclor, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin; first line diabetes drug Metformin and medicines such as Ranitidine.

According to the 2014 BCG-CII report, there are no domestic producers left for a number of drugs such as Penicillin-G, and its derivative 6-Aminopenicillanic acid, or 6-APA, making India dependent on imports for key intermediates used in many essential antibiotics, including semi-synthetic penicillin and semi-synthetic cephalosporins.


# Talk about your GDP while you cannot even assemble what is necessarily as medical kits for survival. Not to mention basic cost to cover which cannot be met by domestic products whereas Chinese goods does at low affordable cost. Your wagon is hitched to that horse that controls by horse-driver that is China. The same China that is now determined to end Nepal dependency on India along with ending the possible of Bangladesh dependency on India and Iran on India [Chahabar port]. :D

BEIJING: For the first time, China and Nepal have been connected with an optical fibre network via Tibet as infrastructure between the two countries is being firmed up to extend high-speed Internet services to Nepal and end its "sole dependence" on India, Chinese state media reported today.

China has extended its optical fibre network to Nepal via Geelong(Keyrong)-Rasuwgadhi border point, "which has ended Nepal's sole dependence on India", Xinhua news agency reported.


You literally highlighted this part:

China's investment in India soared to around USD 870 million in 2015, six times what it was in 2014

You seriously want to know what the total foreign investment into India was in 2015? How much do you think 870 million USD will be as a % of it? Please give me your best guess so I can unleash the fact checking on it. :D

Not just paltry export, but very crucial and survival kits export that India cannot even build to survive. Given the size of the population with already set up infrastructures and resources thanks to British leaving as legacy behind while the only positive about India is the booming agriculture that is on increase whereas all the sectors decrease in this year and the next as mentioned above.

Oh I will also make this just foreign investment, rather than total investment (foreign + domestic) to again help your figure be as big as possible :D.

It is funny coming from you talking about export. Apparently, the export is beginning to seem big word from you. :D

I'm really trying my best to help your argument here...before I obliterate it in front of everyone. It would be no fun for me otherwise ;)

Be my guest. In my experience, those who spend on obliterating me instead of focusing on the points in debate, end up obliterating themselves in the front of everyone. And that is not about change now. :D

After I am done doing so, you are free to continue with your diatribe as long as you please.

I will leave the forum to judge in the fairest manner, not to mention your response to this post might not be short of diatribe. :D
More acquainted than me? No, but that doesn't mean that doesn't mean i should allow delusional posts claimed as facts for everyone reading this thread. :D


The IMF, in its October 2016 edition of its World Economic Outlook, estimates that India’s GDP for the year would be Rs. 122.15 trillion, far lower than the Rs. 153 trillion assumed in the Forbes report. Even looking at Indian sources, the combined GDP over Q1 and Q2 of this financial year, as reported by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, was Rs. 71.5 trillion. If, for ease of calculation, this is doubled to arrive at the full-year figure, then that works out to only Rs. 143 trillion.

Of course, simply doubling the GDP in Q1 and Q2 is inaccurate, but it becomes even more so this year, due to the expected dampening effect on GDP growth as a result of the demonetisation of high-value currency notes announced on November 8, which is expected to be felt in the second half of this financial year.


# Even then, that doesn't change the fact that India still remain dependency on India. You are using GDP as factor to hide India dependency on China is not going to change the reality, is it? :D

NEW DELHI: India's economic growth is estimated to slow to 7.1 percent in the current fiscal year ending March 31 compared to 7.6 percent last year, the first indicator of the impact of the demonetisation drive.The estimates have been reduced in all the sectors, except for agriculture, which has improved due to the positive monsoon season.


# India is still dependent on China for goods including medical accessories, and many more which includes fireworks and firecrackers for Diwali and Puja festival. Even the basic necessity for the celebration is at the mercy of Chine. India cannot set up infrastructures and resources in manage in their own country never mind for Bangladesh and Nepal. Not only that, India had already set up infrastructures and resources left by British which is now outdated as we speak.

India is heavily dependent on Chinese imports and any weakening of trade ties between the two countries will substantially hurt Indian businesses. China is India’s biggest trading partner, with the total value of imports and exports exceeding Rs 4.6 lakh crore. The US, which is next, barely touches the Rs 4 lakh crore mark in total trade.

As the chart above shows, India imports about seven times as many goods and services from China than it exports to it, in one of the world's biggest trade deficits between two nations.

These imports range from consumer electronics such as phones and laptops to nuclear machinery. Other major imports include plastic items, industrial goods, and vehicles.



# You cannot even assemble basic stuffs for your celebration and festivals. Talk about managing Bangladesh/Nepal and so-called promising offers. Until that changes, you are no different than Bangladesh that is dependent on Chinese goods for survival. Let me repeat; for survival - medical accessories.

According to a Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) report, the drugs for which APIs come from China include the painkillers such as paracetamol; antibiotics such as Amoxicillin and Ampicillin, Cephalexin, Cefaclor, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin; first line diabetes drug Metformin and medicines such as Ranitidine.

According to the 2014 BCG-CII report, there are no domestic producers left for a number of drugs such as Penicillin-G, and its derivative 6-Aminopenicillanic acid, or 6-APA, making India dependent on imports for key intermediates used in many essential antibiotics, including semi-synthetic penicillin and semi-synthetic cephalosporins.


# Talk about your GDP while you cannot even assemble what is necessarily as medical kits for survival. Not to mention basic cost to cover which cannot be met by domestic products whereas Chinese goods does at low affordable cost. Your wagon is hitched to that horse that controls by horse-driver that is China. The same China that is now determined to end Nepal dependency on India along with ending the possible of Bangladesh dependency on India and Iran on India [Chahabar port]. :D

BEIJING: For the first time, China and Nepal have been connected with an optical fibre network via Tibet as infrastructure between the two countries is being firmed up to extend high-speed Internet services to Nepal and end its "sole dependence" on India, Chinese state media reported today.

China has extended its optical fibre network to Nepal via Geelong(Keyrong)-Rasuwgadhi border point, "which has ended Nepal's sole dependence on India", Xinhua news agency reported.


Not just paltry export, but very crucial and survival kits export that India cannot even build to survive. Given the size of the population with already set up infrastructures and resources thanks to British leaving as legacy behind while the only positive about India is the booming agriculture that is on increase whereas all the sectors decrease in this year and the next as mentioned above.

It is funny coming from you talking about export. Apparently, the export is beginning to seem big word from you. :D

Be my guest. In my experience, those who spend on obliterating me instead of focusing on the points in debate, end up obliterating themselves in the front of everyone. And that is not about change now. :D

I will leave the forum to judge in the fairest manner, not to mention your response to this post might not be short of diatribe. :D

Nope I don't need to say any more because you didnt respond to

a) how 2.8% is domination of 100% market-wise

b) Still no figure for the denominator for the investment (you probably looked it up and it hurt you so you have to copy and paste long articles that do the thinking for you)

c) Anyone that wants to can look up the revised IMF figures for the Indian economy right here:


The denominator I used for market size is the most recent they have (2.2 trillion USD in nominal terms). The Indian economy isn't going to shrink to the level that makes 60 billion dollar import suddenly represent 50% (when domination in my definition starts) of GDP :D

d) India's total imports = 400 billion USD

Does 60 billion even dominate that?

Use some simple math... no comprendo?

At what % does "dominance" start for you. You seem to throw the word around a lot with no definition of where it starts. Try answering directly instead of googling and cherry picking articles that have nothing to do with what I am asking you.

Not just paltry export, but very crucial and survival kits export that India cannot even build to survive. Given the size of the population with already set up infrastructures and resources thanks to British leaving as legacy behind while the only positive about India is the booming agriculture that is on increase whereas all the sectors decrease in this year and the next as mentioned above.

OK confirmed idiot proven. Posts an article that talks about reduced growth...and claims that means all sectors are physically decreasing. Do you understand that reduced growth (from 7.6% to 7.1%) is still growth? How is 7.1% growth a contraction? @LA se Karachi get a load of this guy.:rofl:

Anyways no diatribe needed, point proven: you are a featherhead :p:

Now enjoying talking to yourself and proving it even more.:lol:
Nope I don't need to say any more because you didnt respond to

a) how 2.8% is domination of 100% market-wise

b) Still no figure for the denominator for the investment (you probably looked it up and it hurt you so you have to copy and paste long articles that do the thinking for you)

c) Anyone that wants to can look up the revised IMF figures for the Indian economy right here:


The denominator I used for market size is the most recent they have (2.2 trillion USD in nominal terms). The Indian economy isn't going to shrink to the level that makes 60 billion dollar import suddenly represent 50% (when domination in my definition starts) of GDP :D

d) India's total imports = 400 billion USD

Does 60 billion even dominate that?

Use some simple math... no comprendo?

At what % does "dominance" start for you. You seem to throw the word around a lot with no definition of where it starts. Try answering directly instead of googling and cherry picking articles that have nothing to do with what I am asking you.

OK confirmed idiot proven. Posts an article that talks about reduced growth...and claims that means all sectors are physically decreasing. Do you understand that reduced growth (from 7.6% to 7.1%) is still growth? How is 7.1% growth a contraction? @LA se Karachi get a load of this guy.:rofl:

Anyways no diatribe needed, point proven: you are a featherhead :p:

Now enjoying talking to yourself and proving it even more.:lol:

He keeps quoting, but his responses don't prove what he's claiming, and sometimes it's not exactly clear what he's trying to say. He may have some good points to make, but he's not doing a very good job of outlining them or proving them. That's why I left the conversation.

He usually puts together good posts, but I'm not sure what's happening in this thread. He just keeps quoting and quoting....
He keeps quoting, but his responses don't prove what he's claiming, and sometimes it's not exactly clear what he's trying to say. He may have some good points to make, but he's not doing a very good job of outlining them or proving them. That's why I left the conversation.

He usually puts together good posts, but I'm not sure what's happening in this thread. He just keeps quoting and quoting....

Yeah I would like for him to actually post his own material rather than outsourcing it to an article (which is really more miss than hit) given I've asked him some pretty specific questions.

It worked better (article posting + quoting) the last time I had a serious exchange with him (about the US 2nd amendment)....but in this thread its just not. Anyways....sorry to drag you in if you left.
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