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Pakistan signs deal with Sri Lanka to sell Initial order of 8 JF-17s

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I don't think he was addressing you in the first place ... or is it that your having multiple accounts because that would be against forum rules ...
Multiple Accounts

Coming to the post in question ... I fail to understand the Indian point of view here ... the subject at hand is the probable export of JF-17 to Srilanka ... The usual criticism by our Indian friends on this thread being ...

"JF-17 is not indigenous "

What has that got to do with anything ? .. Does that undermine the fact that Pakistan is a partner in the project, that Pakistan has a stake in the profits, that Pakistan is the country that is doing most of the marketing when it comes to JF-17's, flying it on different airshows around the world. Pakistan's contribution to the project, whether it be the experience from the -16's to the software, the the subsystems being produced at Kamra etc is usually overlooked by some members like yourself and it is an easy "hurrah point" because the fact of the matter is this ..

  1. You cannot question the product itself, the product i.e JF-17, when you go about doing cost-benefit analysis, is among the most attractive packages available to countries that cannot afford to have higher end platforms in their airforce.
  2. Performance wise, it is a very good mid tier package, having a decent BVR capability, good WVR performance, a decent EW suite and an huge array of weapons to chose from.
  3. The platform has already been proved while it was used for A2G in Operation Zarb-e-Azb
  4. Not only that, for the PAF and the nations that choose the JFT, they will be replacing 2nd/3rd generation jets with a 4th generation platform, while being able to operate it cost effectively ...
  5. Project wise, the JFT is in its growth stage gaining exposure in the international market and gaining quite an interest. An export order nearly being confirmed, and then this news of SriLanka ..
  6. The project is going on track without any major hick ups ... Block II is already in service with the PAF while production rate is in the works of being increased up to 25% from next year onward .. further upgrades and the trainer variant are already on their way ...

Bottom line, the reason why this is "indigenous argument" consistently happens to be the central argument of most of the trolls here , is because there is no other major "draw back" or a "negative" to point out ... sure minor things can be argued, however the overall project is going quite well ... something some of the friends from across the border just can't seem to digest ...
Why you have posted all this .......... its not relevant at all . { please see my reply am not saying anything about the capabilities of jf17 neighter about its indigenisation what so ever you have elaborated here. Am just replying to people who have replied to my comment}
Why you have posted all this .......... its not relevant at all . { please see my reply am not saying anything about the capabilities of jf17 neighter about its indigenisation what so ever you have elaborated here. Am just replying to people who have replied to my comment}

Oh, I see ... JF-17, its capabilities, export potential etc. is not relevant on a thread about JF-17 and its export ... my bad ...

I suppose these kinda posts give away quite another impression ...
So long talks only and no results ............. please give them for free use for some time :hang2::hang3:

Pakistan wants to sell their junks quickly and buy some modern stuff , i hope Srilanka fell in trap

In my post i have never said about any indian plane for your shortsightedness and as for as pilots are concerned we have enough to destroy our enemies.

Lets talk for a talk because you can only talk and while you talk some other also talk so talk is a talk and it should be a talk thus talk gives room for a talk but not more than a talk so lets only talk .

and ofcourse, this comes as no surprise that you never even touched a single point I made ... :cuckoo:
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It was MMS who without any doubt changed the course of the war. LMAO if you think your country provided the opportunity to destroy LTTE.
India was helping Tamils directly and indirectly through Israel. Get your facts just do not say things. Read if you are not aware. By Way of Deception Was a book which opened world's eyes.

Actually there is a major error here. Sri Lanka's strategy did revolve around Pakistan. There were earlier leaders who thought they'll join hands with pak and play a great game to 'break' India. So in 1971 they made the historic blunder of letting Pak ships refuel. War ended but India never forgave that act. Indian agencies drowned the Sri Lankan state in decades of civil war as retaliation. More recent governments in SL have understood that folly and want better relation than screw around. The port in Humbantota for instance. Most people don't know that it was first offered to India and it was only after we rejected it that it went to China. Rjapakse was very clear. He said 'I need money for the war. either you take the port and give me the cash or we'll have to go elsewhere'. India obviously couldn't take it because of the Tamil issue and instead focussed on political outcomes. Pakistan of course was 'Paraye Shaadi me Abdullah Deewana' as usual.
So you are admitting India destabilized Sri Lanka, now you think they are your best friends? Typical
India's problem with Pakistan selling JF-17 to Sri Lanka isn't so much the commercial factor as it is the reality that with those jets, Pakistani personnel will be stationed in SL to help the SLAF with training and integration.

That immediately sets up the risk of an expanded Pakistani presence on India's southern tip, and while Pakistan won't necessarily pursue it right now, it is possible in the future (if and when a hawkish establishment were to rise in Pakistan, to call Modi-like characters on their rhetoric).

And then there's the fact that the SLAF would have a fighter platform equipped for BVR and possibly even stand-off strike, assuming SLAF is able to pick up GB-6 SOW and C-802 from China.

That said, in terms of pride busting, it would be nice if Pakistan can secure JF-17 orders from not just Sri Lanka, but also Tajikistan, maybe displace India of their air base there.
India's problem with Pakistan selling JF-17 to Sri Lanka isn't so much the commercial factor as it is the reality that with those jets, Pakistani personnel will be stationed in SL to help the SLAF with training and integration.

That immediately sets up the risk of an expanded Pakistani presence on India's southern tip, and while Pakistan won't necessarily pursue it right now, it is possible in the future (if and when a hawkish establishment were to rise in Pakistan, to call Modi-like characters on their rhetoric).

And then there's the fact that the SLAF would have a fighter platform equipped for BVR and possibly even stand-off strike, assuming SLAF is able to pick up GB-6 SOW and C-802 from China.

That said, in terms of pride busting, it would be nice if Pakistan can secure JF-17 orders from not just Sri Lanka, but also Tajikistan, maybe displace India of their air base there.
That is not Pakistan intent, let us show maturity here
That is not Pakistan intent, let us show maturity here
Look at it from India's point of view, not Pakistan. According to the people sitting in Delhi, why wouldn't Pakistan try to build a presence in Sri Lanka? Why wouldn't it try to remove India's presence in Tajikistan?
India was helping Tamils directly and indirectly through Israel. Get your facts just do not say things. Read if you are not aware. By Way of Deception Was a book which opened world's eyes.

One point i have to disagree on is the mention of the role played by Israel, On the contrary it was the Palestinians that trained Tamil militants in it's early days on the auspicious of Indians.. And this was before LTTE came in to prominence, Organizations like PLOTE,EPRLF which were later eliminated by the LTTE were trained in the West Bank by the PLO ironically.. LTTE was the baby of Indira Gandhi

Tamil Tiger Links with Islamist Terrorist Groups | Asian Tribune


Israel on the other hand played both parties in thier interests but post 80's were actually instrumental in support of Sri Lanka.. They were one of the main arms suppliers including SLAF Kafir's (Equivalent to the f-15) and UAV's and intelligence
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One point i have to disagree on is the mention of the role played by Israel, On the contrary it was the Palestinians that trained Tamil militants in it's early days on the auspicious of Indians.. And this was before LTTE came in to prominence, Organizations like PLOTE,EPRLF which were later eliminated by the LTTE were trained in the West Bank by the PLO ironically.. LTTE was the baby of Indira Gandhi

Tamil Tiger Links with Islamist Terrorist Groups | Asian Tribune


Israel on the other hand played both parties in thier interests but post 80's were actually instrumental in support of Sri Lanka.. They were one of the main arms suppliers including SLAF Kafir's (Equivalent to the f-15) and UAV's and intelligence
So according to you India did nothing to help your country ,losing a PM & thousands of Indian soldiers fighting LTTE was nothing , even if India did something intentionally during late 70s was direct result of you leaders anti Indian as well as anti tamil activities in early 70s up to late 80s , it wasn't Indira who used to talked about great scheme of breaking India etc
So according to you India did nothing to help your country ,losing a PM & thousands of Indian soldiers fighting LTTE was nothing , even if India did something intentionally during late 70s was direct result of you leaders anti Indian as well as anti tamil activities in early 70s up to late 80s , it wasn't Indira who used to talked about great scheme of breaking India etc

The role of IPKF and blowing in to smithereens of Rajiv Gandhi by the same terrorist breast fed by his mother C.O.M Indira Gandhi was a result of India over playing their hand and over estimating their influence and ability in the immediate region, Sadly it seems PDF Indians such as yourself have never learnt from history

After that bitter lesson India had to change it's policy viz a viz Sri Lanka, It was a personal agenda for the Congress against Prabhakaran after that, And it was not because India had a special affiliation towards Sri Lankans, But yes India was indeed instrumental in the elimination of the LTTE in 2009, Because the snake that India fed and bought up became too poisonous for India to handle themselves

30 years of blood shed caused by India is seeped deep in every Sri Lankans consciousness, Now that doesn't mean that Sri Lankans go around hating Indians 24/7, .. That is the role of Tamil Nadu politicians and certain sections of it's population regarding Sri Lankans, Sri Lankans have a indifferent attitude for Indians just like they would for any others but when it comes to bilateral relations and strategic interests Sri Lanka will never fully trust Indian motives.. Does'nt matter which government that is power

There is hope though with Modi's foreign policy not been influenced by the TN constituency too much, But seems like the Doval's hawkish behavior may be a turning point once again
The role of IPKF and blowing in to smithereens of Rajiv Gandhi by the same terrorist breast fed by his mother C.O.M Indira Gandhi was a result of India over playing their hand and over estimating their influence and ability in the immediate region, Sadly it seems PDF Indians such as yourself have never learnt from history

After that bitter lesson India had to change it's policy viz a viz Sri Lanka, It was a personal agenda for the Congress against Prabhakaran after that, And it was not because India had a special affiliation towards Sri Lankans, But yes India was indeed instrumental in the elimination of the LTTE in 2009, Because the snake that India fed and bought up became too poisonous for India to handle themselves

30 years of blood shed caused by India is seeped deep in every Sri Lankans consciousness, Now that doesn't mean that Sri Lankans go around hating Indians 24/7, .. That is the role of Tamil Nadu politicians and certain sections of it's population regarding Sri Lankans, Sri Lankans have a indifferent attitude for Indians just like they would for any others but when it comes to bilateral relations and strategic interests Sri Lanka will never fully trust Indian motives.. Does'nt matter which government that is power

There is hope though with Modi's foreign policy not been influenced by the TN constituency too much, But seems like the Doval's hawkish behavior may be a turning point once again
Yes go ahead blame India for your leaders incompetence who used boost about breaking India ,colluded with foreign countries for anti indian activites way before India even get involved in your country mess which was again the result of your leaders incompetence with dealing with your own Tamil minority which you people marginalized to extent they took arm against you, but the issue is dead long gone ,India will have some reservation on your dealing with Pakistan no matter you like it or not cause that country in past & still uses your land for anti Indian activities ,latest being this case


Amir Zubair Siddiqui | New Pakistan
I think this is the most reasonable Ans in this thread why India had objection for JF, otherwise I dont see any other reason as stated by Other pakis and Indians .

There is also if Sri Lanka buys the JF-17 the aircraft will receive more attention from Potential customers and it will also be a huge propaganda defeat for India. So thats some more reasons why India is against SL buying JF-17s
Not surprising at all. SL is one of the proxies Indians use to acquire stuff that they don't want to publicly buy themselves. And then they re-engineer the heck out of it and share the spoils with the proxy. Pakistan knows this well by now so I doubt if they will sell such advanced technology

Yes just like Russian Sukhoi tech fell in US hands when IAF did exercise with USAF ??
According to Russian agreement, their Radars were not used to avoid USAF to know about their characteristics. obviously Pak will limit its tech so that it doesnt fell in India's hand
Yes go ahead blame India for your leaders incompetence who used boost about breaking India

For such a huge country to have such insecurity and such a inferiority complex, It's not surprising why non of India's neighbors have any high regard or respect for it.. Another reason why it will never gain the status of a global power outside your Bollywood fantasies

colluded with foreign countries for anti indian activites way before India even get involved in your country mess which was again the result of your leaders incompetence with dealing with your own Tamil minority which you people marginalized to extent they took arm against you, but the issue is dead long gone ,India will have some reservation on your dealing with Pakistan no matter you like it or not cause that country in past & still uses your land for anti Indian activities ,latest being this case

You need to learn your own countries history.. The break up of Sri Lanka was just a part of a larger project of greater Dravida Nadu envisaged by your own southern brethren was before India even gained independence.. Tamil separatism movement was the first ask for the breakup way before Kashmiri's, Khalistanis, Assamese, Naga's, Maoists, Naxalites or dozen other North Eastern people took up arms against the British created entity now called India.. Periyar's separatist cause came to a halt in India temporarily in the 60's thanks to the Chinese invasion of North India and they saw a opportunity in a relative peaceful and prosperous Sri Lanka, That C.O.M Indira Gandhi used that to destabilize the country that was well on it's way to become a highly developed state in the early 80's .. It's a lame excuse being used that Sri Lanka was hostile to India's sovereignty, Pakistan was a friendly nation and ally, And letting them refuel their airlines was not a provocation in any sense

Oh and please keep your condescending remarks about incompetence in dealing with minorities, Every post colonial nation takes its own cause in time to resolve such issues, Especially considering the divide and rule policy of the colonists.. But it does'nt give the right for external players to use those discords to wreck havoc in countries for their own hegemonic ambitions how ever misplaced they are.. Would like to have seen the situation if India's neighbors from Bangladesh to Sri Lanka and Pakistan training, Funding and arming those dozen or so separatist militants fighting the Indian regime .. That would have been a blast

India is trying to play the same dirty game in Nepal these days, Overestimating her capabilities.. Hope you would have learnt a historical lesson before it's too late
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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: pakistan + their jf17 thinking
Pakistan and its jf17 both are flying high, but the question is your lca only move on a truck what a joke of the century. No wonder 1.4 billion indiots still think that that junk lca is worth it.
There is also if Sri Lanka buys the JF-17 the aircraft will receive more attention from Potential customers and it will also be a huge propaganda defeat for India. So thats some more reasons why India is against SL buying JF-17s
Now this is small mentality !! India has lot of more imp. things to look after this is individual peoples thinking like your but not Govt. of India.
Everything in this world depends upon our own Interest Including giving an Aid to other country. SriLanka feels JF is best among available then nobody can stop it same with other countries. Indian propaganda can not make any difference and Govt. know much better then us.
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