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Pakistan signs deal with Sri Lanka to sell Initial order of 8 JF-17s

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What looks like movie stories are stories that Sri Lankan leader make a point to emphasize. Including their president himself. You just wasted a lot of Lols purely out of ignorance. How sad. Pakistanis are like little attention seeking (fill in the blanks). No one really cares about them but Chinese will definitely font them to troll India.

India refused to build Hambantota port: Lanka - Rediff.com India News

I can pay 5000 RUPPEE (like fifty - hundred dollars? and get a story on Rediff. Using Rediff, IBN and other sources is like asking an Indian Hindu about the Vedic times. Do you think he'll ever deny it? Hell no.

Next time you quote rediff or some crappy Indian propaganda site, make sure to ALSO list a Western, unbiased reference too!! Reading and believing in rediff or IBN or other Indian site's stories is like believing that Tom and Jerry actually existed and a Cat and a Mouse really fought that much over Cheese :rofl: :angel: :lol: :hitwall:
One thing is for sure, you certainly qualify for certification in jealousy which also explains your syndrome of pathological lying.
Each Air Force has its own requirements, like PAF chose JF over J-10 and Chinese chose J-10 over JF. Because of PAF limited budget JF-17 will come in different blocks like I and II are operational and then will arrive block III with next gen tech compared to older models..
Where as India even after LCA design provided by France, avionics provided by Western Europe and Israel and engine from US it is still taking India more then 3 decades to induct the reason for that? their is a saying, letting Indian fly a plane is like letting monkey fly a plane... Your LCA is not even affordable anymore, it is expensive as F-16 and yet performs worst then PAF Mirage-III.. great going.

But you aren't answering the question bud. :lol:. I don't mind if induction is delayed. But there is no commitment to actual numbers only :lol: I'm not jealous- only very very particular.

I can pay 5000 RUPPEE (like fifty - hundred dollars? and get a story on Rediff. Using Rediff, IBN and other sources is like asking an Indian Hindu about the Vedic times. Do you think he'll ever deny it? Hell no.

Next time you quote rediff or some crappy Indian propaganda site, make sure to ALSO list a Western, unbiased reference too!! Reading and believing in rediff or IBN or other Indian site's stories is like believing that Tom and Jerry actually existed and a Cat and a Mouse really fought that much over Cheese :rofl: :angel: :lol: :hitwall:

Lolzz the president of that country says something and this guy says not valid. Good going. India is a country that has had 1000s of troops as boots on ground in SL. That should be enough indication of the strength of our influence there. But this guy says 'no, that distant country called Pakistan has influence'. Nice logic.
Lolzz the president of that country says something and this guy says not valid. Good going. India is a country that has had 1000s of troops as boots on ground in SL. That should be enough indication of the strength of our influence there. But this guy says 'no, that distant country called Pakistan has influence'. Nice logic.

You are welcome to continue to make fun of my real-life, factual post. While the IN Navy's fleet facing that side, is pissing in their pants as they know a larger contingent of the PLAN will be placed there on "rotational" basis.

And you can call SL's President then and see if he can "remove" the Chinese for you :rofl: :angel: :tup:
You are welcome to continue to make fun of my real-life, factual post. While the IN Navy's fleet facing that side, is pissing in their pants as they know a larger contingent of the PLAN will be placed there on "rotational" basis.

And you can call SL's President then and see if he can "remove" the Chinese for you :rofl: :angel: :tup:

excepting that there is no PLAN coming to that port, it is only a commercial shipping port for which the license to build and operate has been given. Your post does not have any facts at all.
I have given details where the design finalization and year of production are the same...more importantly you aren't America.
dude we arnt america but we alone didnt made this jet its a joint venture for ur kind info what a biased/troll propagandist u are:disagree::disagree::disagree:

How is it 2 years exactly ... the first flight took place in august of 2003 ...The aircraft was introduced in march of 2007 when it was flown on 23rd march (Pakistan day) ... Only 2 SBP's (small batch production) were delivered that year. This would mean that from the first prototype to the SBP's we had almost a time frame of 3.5 years ... From the last prototype (PT-04, on which PAF's JFT is based on) to the delivery of the 2 SBP's we had a time frame of more than 10 months ... (April 06 to March 07) The serial production started from 2009 onward ... and 60+ examples are serving the PAF today ...So from prototype testing to serial production the JFT project took around 6 years ...

But ofcourse this doesn't make sense to you after all it's unlike a certain fighter project whose history dates back 3 decades .. whose first flight was 1.5 decade ago. An aircraft so safe that the operator carries it by truck for a display at republic day. The confidence in the project being so great that after 14 prototypes, 30 years of development and 15 years of testing, the company responsible for the project only has one thing to say "it's made in India" unlike ofcourse that other jet across the border serving with 60 + examples ... but who cares about that right ... atleast its "Indian" ... ofcourse a report by CAG broke that myth up as well and some other myths ... which pretty much expose the reason as to why the project is unable to replace a fighter jet nicknamed the "flying coffin" ... Such a quality project and a marvelous aircraft, whose supposed operator is already talking about an upgraded version even before it raises a squadron of the current variant ....

Do tell us, how you you came across the figure of "6 months" to make 2 SBP that were flown at 23rd march .... or is it that your just dishing out random estimates ... after being totally owned at your claims .... :cheesy:

u ave busted him badly dude JazakAllah
Yea right....all thing Pakistan contributed was limited $$$ and begging China to be a part of it. China threw you a bone.
lol begging china lol for this jet mou was signed decades ago by both china and pakistan to side line mirages and f7s etc and do u realy thing only thing we (a country containing citizens rated 4th top intelligent and wast experiance in fourth gen jets f16s/Mirages/F7/pgs and dominated ur airforce in defence of 1965 etc etc) contributed was only dollers then i can only laugh on ur silly trolling comments
see the thing is we gave finances as well as our experties on what we need and avionics etc and used there experties on materialy building jets and contributed too to builed a perfect killer in less then 1/3rd of the price of a fourth gen jet
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200 jets in order. 4 variants including 2 trainers. as of today one of the most successful fighter programs in it's category worldwide. Laughing stock is your jet which is still called 'prototype' after squandron service and doesn't have a trainer a decade after flight. If India has made the offer then I'm sure well do a lot to weigh in. All the best selling your jet without a trainer.

Please keep going. This is the best entertainment I have had for a while. Please tell us more about how super duper the laughing stock LCA is, how it's taken as a model of jet development around the world :D

... All the while we finalise actual deals :D
You really can't comprehend why? A close first hand look at your enemies's fighter jets gives your several advantages. Why else would the US/Israel comb thru the Mig 29 with close inspection? To know its strengths and weaknesses. :coffee::no:

Don't overrate India too much. India don't have the capacity to become a world super power. So better stick with ****-Sino issues rather than the entire world.
Don't spit more BS and run round and round again on a single thing....The Jet was "Introduced" meant it was Okayed to Induct after all flight testing and these prototypes were old, first squadron was delivered late in 2010..3.5-4 years is a lot of time for testing a prototype...ou are sounding like a new jet with new design was made in 2006 and then induct it in 2007...BS...Don't pollute this thread more with your jealousness...!
As all people told you here, infact insulted you here that its not a criteria to judge even F-16 has 3.5 years flight testing and induction gap...and besides as stated it was just a ceremonial show to mark 23rd March celebrations...If LCA is breaking the barrier of 20 years gap then its not our problem kid..Dont be a jealous butthurt and make lame excuses....what a true poor soul you are...! Oh yeah at last, if it was that junk jet no one is stupid in world to going to buy it but a lot of countries shows their interest in it such as Sri lanka as OP mentioned...So you know more than their AF and their planner/evaluaters? What a poor jealous kid you are really...!
Oh so you did search for the info :lol:. what a loser. In any case cut that by 6 months because the units delivered in March 2007 were at least 6 months in the making. Now as I said the final design for Jf 17 was frozen only in 2006. How was it 'introduced' in 2007? and then the loser starts making excuses, ushes it to 2010 and so on. 13 years after 1st flight...no trainer...nice going.

Tum logon ka yahi chalta rahta hai din raat. 'because of this, because of that'. :lol:

excepting that there is no PLAN coming to that port, it is only a commercial shipping port for which the license to build and operate has been given. Your post does not have any facts at all.
India didn't allow US at the height of cold war to get a naval base in sirilanka & an insignificant country like Pakistan think there daddy gonna get one :lol:
India didn't allow US at the height of cold war to get a naval base in sirilanka & an insignificant country like Pakistan think there daddy gonna get one :lol:

If Pakistan was no insignificant, your so called military thinkers would not be sweating day and night over it.

You are welcome to continue to make fun of my real-life, factual post. While the IN Navy's fleet facing that side, is pissing in their pants as they know a larger contingent of the PLAN will be placed there on "rotational" basis.

And you can call SL's President then and see if he can "remove" the Chinese for you :rofl: :angel: :tup:

Yes it is quite common for India to use its imbecile children to use online propaganda during serious discussion, because it may help their egos in thinking that the problem will go away itself.
Sri Lanka is trying to remain neutral between Pakistan and India, which is a good place to be. They'll buy from both sides, and in the event of a major incident, they can play as a mediator, which would increase their regional standing. It's actually quite smart of them.
Sri Lanka is trying to remain neutral between Pakistan and India, which is a good place to be. They'll buy from both sides, and in the event of a major incident, they can play as a mediator, which would increase their regional standing. It's actually quite smart of them.

There is a model of JFT in the CAS of SLAF. I don't see even a tabletop model for LCA.

Wishful thinkers can remain, just that.
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