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Pakistan signs deal with Sri Lanka to sell Initial order of 8 JF-17s

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As I have repeatedly pointed out, JF 17 went from first flight to production in 2 years. That's not the kind of jet you should expect much from.

They're hating or liking doesn't make a difference. It ultimately is about what deal we're ready to offer.
is that your criteria to judge a fighter jet? just to let you know pretty much all 4th gen fighters in USA went from 1st flight to production within 4 years.... And as for JF17 its first flight was in 2003 and went on production in 2007..
is that your criteria to judge a fighter jet? just to let you know pretty much all 4th gen fighters in USA went from 1st flight to production within 4 years.... And as for JF17 its first flight was in 2003 and went on production in 2007..

I have given details where the design finalization and year of production are the same...more importantly you aren't America.
As I have repeatedly pointed out, JF 17 went from first flight to production in 2 years. That's not the kind of jet you should expect much from.

How is it 2 years exactly ... the first flight took place in august of 2003 ...The aircraft was introduced in march of 2007 when it was flown on 23rd march (Pakistan day) ... Only 2 SBP's (small batch production) were delivered that year. This would mean that from the first prototype to the SBP's we had almost a time frame of 3.5 years ... From the last prototype (PT-04, on which PAF's JFT is based on) to the delivery of the 2 SBP's we had a time frame of more than 10 months ... (April 06 to March 07) The serial production started from 2009 onward ... and 60+ examples are serving the PAF today ...So from prototype testing to serial production the JFT project took around 6 years ...

But ofcourse this doesn't make sense to you after all it's unlike a certain fighter project whose history dates back 3 decades .. whose first flight was 1.5 decade ago. An aircraft so safe that the operator carries it by truck for a display at republic day. The confidence in the project being so great that after 14 prototypes, 30 years of development and 15 years of testing, the company responsible for the project only has one thing to say "it's made in India" unlike ofcourse that other jet across the border serving with 60 + examples ... but who cares about that right ... atleast its "Indian" ... ofcourse a report by CAG broke that myth up as well and some other myths ... which pretty much expose the reason as to why the project is unable to replace a fighter jet nicknamed the "flying coffin" ... Such a quality project and a marvelous aircraft, whose supposed operator is already talking about an upgraded version even before it raises a squadron of the current variant ....

Oh so you did search for the info :lol:. what a loser. In any case cut that by 6 months because the units delivered in March 2007 were at least 6 months in the making. Now as I said the final design for Jf 17 was frozen only in 2006. How was it 'introduced' in 2007? and then the loser starts making excuses, ushes it to 2010 and so on. 13 years after 1st flight...no trainer...nice going.

Tum logon ka yahi chalta rahta hai din raat. 'because of this, because of that'. :lol:


Do tell us, how you you came across the figure of "6 months" to make 2 SBP that were flown at 23rd march .... or is it that your just dishing out random estimates ... after being totally owned at your claims .... :cheesy:

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Yea its a mistake to think Pakistan is their strongest ally..what a joke.

It's a fact based statement. Sri Lanka's strategy from a military's standpoint, revoles a lot more towards Pakistan than India. Being next door, they will still buy some products from India (like India does herself to keep the business channels open with others). But that doesn't mean they are strategically align with India.

In fact, there are some serious discussions going on, for a future trade pact between Sri-Lanka and Pakistan. Call it a future off-shoot of the trade corridor through Pakistan. Sri Lankan labor and businesses may be utilized in some manners in the future.
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How is it 2 years exactly ... the first flight took place in august of 2003 ...The aircraft was introduced in march of 2007 when it was flown on 23rd march (Pakistan day) ... At that point only 2 SBP's (small batch production) were delivered that year. This would mean that from the first prototype to the SBP's we had almost a time frame of 3.5 years ... From the last prototype (PT-04, on which PAF's JFT is based on) to the delivery of the 2 SBP's we had a time frame of more than 10 months ... (April 06 to March 07) The serial production started from 2009 onward ... and 60+ examples are serving the PAF today ...So from prototype testing to serial production the JFT project took around 6 years ...

But ofcourse this doesn't make sense to you after all it's unlike a certain fighter project whose history dates back 3 decades .. whose first flight was 1.5 decade ago. An aircraft so safe that the operator carries it by truck for a display at republic day. The confidence in the project being so great that after 14 prototypes, 30 years of development and 15 years of testing, the company responsible for the project only has one thing to say "it's made in India" unlike ofcourse that other jet across the border serving with 60 + examples ... but who cares about that right ... atleast its "Indian" ... ofcourse a report by CAG broke that myth up as well and some other myths ... which pretty much expose the reason as to why the project is unable to replace a fighter jet nicknamed the "flying coffin" ... Such a quality project and a marvelous aircraft, whose operator before even a formal squadron is raised, is talking about an upgraded version ....


What BS. Go back to my posts and re-read what I wrote and explained the major points. I can see that you too don't call it fighters but examples. Ans yes, good proper jets take time to develop. Jf 17 is not really a fighter plane.
What BS. Go back to my posts and re-read what I wrote and explained the major points. I can see that you too don't call it fighters but examples. Ans yes, good proper jets take time to develop. Jf 17 is not really a fighter plane.

Well I suppose by that "time frame" scale of yours, LCA should be rivaling the raptor, last I checked it was struggling to replace the flying coffin ...
What BS. Go back to my posts and re-read what I wrote and explained the major points. I can see that you too don't call it fighters but examples. Ans yes, good proper jets take time to develop. Jf 17 is not really a fighter plane.
Yes you are right.. jf17 is not a fighter plane jf17 is a LCA and MKI butcher!
It's a fact based statement. Sri Lanka's strategy from a military's standpoint, revoles a lot more towards Pakistan than India. Being next door, they will still buy some products from India (like India does herself to keep the business channels open with others). But that doesn't mean they are strategically align with India.

In fact, there are some serious discussions going on, for a future trade pact between Sri-Lanka and Pakistan. Call it a future off-shoot of the trade corridor through Pakistan. Sri Lankan labor and businesses may be utilized in some manners in the future.

Actually there is a major error here. Sri Lanka's strategy did revolve around Pakistan. There were earlier leaders who thought they'll join hands with pak and play a great game to 'break' India. So in 1971 they made the historic blunder of letting Pak ships refuel. War ended but India never forgave that act. Indian agencies drowned the Sri Lankan state in decades of civil war as retaliation. More recent governments in SL have understood that folly and want better relation than screw around. The port in Humbantota for instance. Most people don't know that it was first offered to India and it was only after we rejected it that it went to China. Rjapakse was very clear. He said 'I need money for the war. either you take the port and give me the cash or we'll have to go elsewhere'. India obviously couldn't take it because of the Tamil issue and instead focussed on political outcomes. Pakistan of course was 'Paraye Shaadi me Abdullah Deewana' as usual.
Sri Lanka has not forgotten how India played a double game with them and Tamil tigers. Poor attempt to show how good the relations are, outwardly they maybe.

and they came and told you that? you should become a politician. when somebody tells you something you don't like, like the politician will go '....people of this great land have not forgotten and want....bla bla bla...'
Yes you are right.. jf17 is not a fighter plane jf17 is a LCA and MKI butcher!

Now did you feel good about yourself for a moment right there...that's called therapy. Strangely for a jet that's supposed to be counted to 200 more than a decade after 'induction' no trainer and only 60 (including prelim prototypes). What an amazing career it's having. Meanwhile pak is scouting for other mid range jets too including strident calls for more F 16s. WOOOOWWW!! Neither you nor china (confirmed) seem to be interested in inducting in large numbers. I wonder why?
So you want to learn how to paint your 6th Generation Tejas ? But isn't it already going to be stealthy ? :lol::lol:

it became so stealthy that even the pilots can't find it! so with Pakistan's supercalifantabulatory painting technology (especially the eismartincan turbo additive) may be they can salvage the Tejas and what not
@Myth_buster_1 at the rate of 60 every 10 years you'll have thr projected 200 jets in 24 years. Nice going, we can see how serious you are about inducting the Thunder :lol:
Actually there is a major error here. Sri Lanka's strategy did revolve around Pakistan. There were earlier leaders who thought they'll join hands with pak and play a great game to 'break' India. So in 1971 they made the historic blunder of letting Pak ships refuel. War ended but India never forgave that act. Indian agencies drowned the Sri Lankan state in decades of civil war as retaliation. More recent governments in SL have understood that folly and want better relation than screw around. The port in Humbantota for instance. Most people don't know that it was first offered to India and it was only after we rejected it that it went to China. Rjapakse was very clear. He said 'I need money for the war. either you take the port and give me the cash or we'll have to go elsewhere'. India obviously couldn't take it because of the Tamil issue and instead focussed on political outcomes. Pakistan of course was 'Paraye Shaadi me Abdullah Deewana' as usual.

I have no idea how to respond to a post filled with Indain movie like stories and events!!!! I am glad I didn't spend three hours reading your post, as that's how long an Indian movie lasts :enjoy:!!

Back to reality, "IF" Sri Lanka had offered the port to India first, and China was a secondary player, India, JUST to keep the Chinese a few more hundreds miles away, would've LOVED to run this port, even at a loss for the next 100 years. The benefits and the ability to keep the Chinese away from the Indian waters is priceless.

But allow me to surprise you if you forgot the reality.......the Pakistanis actually brokered the deal between Sri Lanka and the Chinese :enjoy:!! Next time you write propaganda, just know that there are people who know what happens in the world too, its not just you knowing the past and the current news :rofl:
I have no idea how to respond to a post filled with Indain movie like stories and events!!!! I am glad I didn't spend three hours reading your post, as that's how long an Indian movie lasts :enjoy:!!

Back to reality, "IF" Sri Lanka had offered the port to India first, and China was a secondary player, India, JUST to keep the Chinese a few more hundreds miles away, would've LOVED to run this port, even at a loss for the next 100 years. The benefits and the ability to keep the Chinese away from the Indian waters is priceless.

But allow me to surprise you if you forgot the reality.......the Pakistanis actually brokered the deal between Sri Lanka and the Chinese :enjoy:!! Next time you write propaganda, just know that there are people who know what happens in the world too, its not just you knowing the past and the current news :rofl:

What looks like movie stories are stories that Sri Lankan leader make a point to emphasize. Including their president himself. You just wasted a lot of Lols purely out of ignorance. How sad. Pakistanis are like little attention seeking (fill in the blanks). No one really cares about them but Chinese will definitely font them to troll India.

India refused to build Hambantota port: Lanka - Rediff.com India News

Now did you feel good about yourself for a moment right there...that's called therapy. Strangely for a jet that's supposed to be counted to 200 more than a decade after 'induction' no trainer and only 60 (including prelim prototypes). What an amazing career it's having. Meanwhile pak is scouting for other mid range jets too including strident calls for more F 16s. WOOOOWWW!! Neither you nor china (confirmed) seem to be interested in inducting in large numbers. I wonder why?

One thing is for sure, you certainly qualify for certification in jealousy which also explains your syndrome of pathological lying.
Each Air Force has its own requirements, like PAF chose JF over J-10 and Chinese chose J-10 over JF. Because of PAF limited budget JF-17 will come in different blocks like I and II are operational and then will arrive block III with next gen tech compared to older models..
Where as India even after LCA design provided by France, avionics provided by Western Europe and Israel and engine from US it is still taking India more then 3 decades to induct the reason for that? their is a saying, letting Indian fly a plane is like letting monkey fly a plane... Your LCA is not even affordable anymore, it is expensive as F-16 and yet performs worst then PAF Mirage-III.. great going.
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