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Pakistan should persuade world to sign nuclear deals

Pak not on par with India, so no nuke deal: US - Express India

Pak not on par with India, so no nuke deal: US

Posted: Sep 09, 2008 at 03:52 hr

New Delhi, September 9: The US on Tuesday ruled out the possibility of entering into a civil nuclear deal with Pakistan, rejecting apparent demands by China in this regard.
"I don't think there is one," US Ambassador David C Mulford said when asked about the possibility of Washington having a civil nuclear deal with Islamabad on the lines of Indo-US agreement.

Ever since negotiations started on the Indo-US nuclear deal in July 2005, Pakistan has been pleading for a similar agreement citing parity with India.

China has lately started taking up Pakistan's case in a veiled manner.

At the meeting of Nuclear Suppliers Group in Vienna last week to consider waiver for India, a Chinese representative had said the 45-nation grouping should address similar ‘aspirations’ of other countries too.

Though Mulford did not elaborate, the US feels that Pakistan cannot be treated on par with India in the civil nuclear field considering its bad track record in this area.

Pakistan is known to be a source of nuclear proliferation, with even its former chief scientist A Q Khan being found guilty of indulging in this act.

To a question on China's negative role at the NSG, Mulford refused to comment, merely saying ‘In the end, they did the right thing’.

China, which had assured India that it will not create problems for the waiver at NSG, had tried to block the initiative during the grouping's meeting in Vienna last week before coming around on the issue.
Great discussion guys - but please conduct the India Nuclear deal discussion on the relvant thread - I'll move the posts over.
:crazy: I dint say that the Deal is a crazy idea! I said that asking for such a deal when the country is swaying like a house of cards is crazy! Dear girl! Read the lines and between the lines!

Nonsense! Nuclear energy is the answer to energy crisis in Pakistan and its our right to have it. Why should we wait longer..??
Nonsense! Nuclear energy is the answer to energy crisis in Pakistan and its our right to have it. Why should we wait longer..??

Yes pakistan should push its cause among the NSG as India has done it, but it needs some one to push the deal, which china is going to do. But does china carries the clout to make the deal happen remains to be seen. All we can do is wait and watch.
Pakistan must understand that India and Pakistan are not in the same league anymore. The world is now looking to completely finish the nuclear programme of Pakistan and take away its nuclear weapons, let alone giving it a nuclear deal, ...right now, Pakistan must play its cards very carefully, being over ambitious, it may gather more attention and risk loosing what ever it hasin its hands!!!
I disagree with your contention that campaigning for a nuclear deal for Pakistan will in fact pose more of a risk to Pakistan;'s nuclear program.

Yes there will be criticism of Pakistan's proliferation record, but the more we raise the need for a nuclear deal , the more we talk about the safeguards and controls we have put in place, the more we talk about Pakistan's energy requirements, the more we pursue nuclear reactors and diversify our nuclear fuel supplies, the more the world comes to accept Pakistan as a nuclear state.

So campaigning for our own 'nuclear deal' will only serve to cement our status, not undermine it.

Bush is a straight guy does not believe much in explaining, He would have said
do you agree to waiver or should I open can of worms ;).

(Newspaper Articles: China tested nukes for Pakistan in ’90)
There are various spurious articles on the web claiming all sorts of crazy things - I think that the threads on Pakistan's nuclear tests and programs refute any argument that China conducted the tests.

The seismic readings from most international observers confirm that Pakistan carried out its tests, though there are differences on what the yields were. So lets not raise such flawed arguments again please - it serves no purpose but to inflame.
Yes pakistan should push its cause among the NSG as India has done it, but it needs some one to push the deal, which china is going to do. But does china carries the clout to make the deal happen remains to be seen. All we can do is wait and watch.

China has already helped Pakistan construct the Chasma plants - I fail to see why cooperation along those lines could not continue. The major issues for India, as I understood them, were reprocessing technology and uninterrupted supplies of uranium.

Pakistan has tremendous potential when it comes to Uranium reserves, and while getting access to Western reprocessing technology woudl be helpful for Pakistan's nuclear program and R&D, it is not essential in terms of meeting its energy requirements.

So I don't necessarily see a huge issue in terms of civilian nuclear cooperation between China and Pakistan, along the lines of what has already occurred.
The other reason for tests would be if Pakistan tests and if that happens than Pakistan will face severe sanctions which would again be beneficial to India.


No, it won't be beneficial for India nor Pakistan, both will be severly hit by new sanctions with India losing much more on diplomatic ground than Pakistan. It will be tough for India to swallow since India's next test will put all NSG members "who wholeheartedly believe in India's good intensions" into the catagory of nuclear proliferators. No need to tell how these governments will defend or explain this to their populace.

Please keep in mind that we've already warned the world that this onesided deal will trigger new arms race in the region and we'll do all possible to maintain current status quo including nuclear option.
China has already helped Pakistan construct the Chasma plants - I fail to see why cooperation along those lines could not continue. The major issues for India, as I understood them, were reprocessing technology and uninterrupted supplies of uranium.

Pakistan has tremendous potential when it comes to Uranium reserves, and while getting access to Western reprocessing technology woudl be helpful for Pakistan's nuclear program and R&D, it is not essential in terms of meeting its energy requirements.

So I don't necessarily see a huge issue in terms of civilian nuclear cooperation between China and Pakistan, along the lines of what has already occurred.

China has helped because the deal were signed before being the member of NSG, same as russia is helping India but getting new reactors will trigger a storm.
No, it won't be beneficial for India nor Pakistan, both will be severly hit by new sanctions with India losing much more on diplomatic ground than Pakistan. It will be tough for India to swallow since India's next test will put all NSG members "who wholeheartedly believe in India's good intensions" into the catagory of nuclear proliferators. No need to tell how these governments will defend or explain this to their populace.

Please keep in mind that we've already warned the world that this onesided deal will trigger new arms race in the region and we'll do all possible to maintain current status quo including nuclear option.

The point is does India need to test? This reports seems to be suggesting something else

10 years down the line even if India physically tests than I doubt the NSG will raise a finger and hence its a bad deal for the world and good deal for India.

I would be worried what message this send out the worlds commitment to NPT.


:) dear agree with you that is the problem this deal is bad for the world if honestly the world wants to clean the earth of nukes but i failed to understand how would it benefit US ????

Pluse even if India couduct a test and the deal is called off India is not going to lose anything.
China has helped because the deal were signed before being the member of NSG, same as russia is helping India but getting new reactors will trigger a storm.

:) why it should trigger a storm in the first place when US is already violating NPT.
China has helped because the deal were signed before being the member of NSG, same as russia is helping India but getting new reactors will trigger a storm.

thats correct china became part of the NSG in 2004 and russia and India signed the deal before 90s in soviet era
China has helped because the deal were signed before being the member of NSG, same as russia is helping India but getting new reactors will trigger a storm.

Yes, whether a storm is triggered is what we have to see now..
AS muse said Indian media gone crazy to portray Pakistan and China as bad boys but what can one say :) after getting own nuke deal now they are trying to pressurize the world regrading hypothetical Pak-China nuke deal.

We're helping Pak make use of nuke energy: China
9 Sep 2008, 1954 hrs IST, Saibal Dasgupta,TNN

BEIJING: Chinese foreign ministry has said that it will conduct its dealings with Pakistan on the nuclear issue in a responsible manner and continue to fulfil its international obligations on nuclear non-proliferation.

Foreign ministry spokesperson Jinag Yu said China is cooperating with Pakistan in order to help it make use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes but Beijing will stick to its international obligations on non-proliferation in its dealings with Pakistan.

"We accept IAEA supervision," Jiang said. It remained unclear whether she was suggesting that China will be ready for supervision of its activities in Pakistan by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
:lol: (Indian Media )

It is also possible she mentioned IAEA supervision to stress China's commitment to the nuclear non-proliferation regime.

Jiang, however, refused to comment on reports that China may have helped Pakistan test a nuclear device. She did not deny or confirm a report that Pakistan was pushing China to sign a nuclear deal similar to the one inked between India and the United States.
China has also claimed that it played an important role in bringing about a consensus in favour of India at the recent meeting of the Nuclear Suppliers Group in Vienna. It has contributed to the discussions at the NSG in a "responsible and construction manner," said Yu.

She said the consensus decision taken at the NSG in favour of India was possible "thanks to the joint efforts of all parties". She did not directly challenge claims from the Indian government that China had done what it could to sabotage the deal before finally going along with other NSG members seeking consensus.

"The situation can't be clearer," she said while hinting that there should be no confusion over China's role at the NSG, which was both responsible and constructive.

She said Chinese foreign minister Yang Jiechi and his Indian counterpart, Pranab Mukherjee have agreed to ensure that the two governments are able to "properly handle each other's concerns about bilateral relations". Yang, who is visiting India, met Mukherjee on Monday.

The two leaders also agreed to keep up the momentum of high-level exchanges between the two countries and expand people to people exchanges particularly among the youth, she said. On Monday, Yang opened the Chinese consulate office in Kolkata, which is expected to help enhance the friendly relationship between China and West Bengal besides the whole of India, she said.

Jiang said the two nations were involved in preparations for holding two cultural festivals showcasing India and China in each other's countries in 2009 and 2010.

We're helping Pak make use of nuke energy: China-India-The Times of India
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