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Pakistan should not accept Indian aid even through UN: Pak media Read more: Pakistan

media, blogs, analysts and people can only suggest things, it depends on official Govt to decide according to scenario keeping in view all diplomatic norms and international moods as well as consequences viz a viz media publicity, positivity and negativity.

so dont burn your blood what people say wait for official response
In another thread you associated bad things with Islam but no body got irritated.
I did not get personal to you or any one!
Now.... if you disagree with me than put your point of view forward.
rest i leave my case with mods.....
Do you trust our govt... if i'm not mistaken few moments ago i have replied to Indian post which says Pakistan govt. is lier.

If you look above posts..... Indian posters are questioning top priorities of Pakistan govt. at this time. Why you ignore our priorities few moments later?
We talk about news and stats... news media have said loudly quoting our officials of related department that flooding is engineered by Indians

Proofs plz.

Unusually Intense Monsoon Rains

The first week of August 2010 brought extreme flooding and landslides to many parts of Asia. By August 11, floods in the Indus River basin had become Pakistan’s worst natural disaster to date, leaving more than 1,600 people dead and disrupting the lives of about 14 million people, reported Reuters. Across the border in northeast India, flash floods killed 185 with 400 still missing, reported BBC News. Floods in North Korea and northeast China buried farmland and destroyed homes, factories, railroads, and bridges. And in northwest China, rain triggered a massive landslide that left 702 dead with 1,042 missing, reported China’s state news agency, Xinhua. All of these disasters occurred as a result of unusually heavy monsoon rains, depicted in this image.

Made with data collected by NASA’s Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite, the image shows rain rates (the intensity with which rain was falling) between August 1 and August 9, 2010, compared to average rain rates for the same period. Blue reveals areas where rain was much more intense than normal, while brown points to less intense rain.

pic is here: Unusually Intense Monsoon Rains : Natural Hazards

Dark blue spots cover the regions of Pakistan, India, and China where the floods and landslides occurred. These regions received as much as 24 millimeters of rain per day above normal daily rainfall. A broad swath of very intense rain also covers Indonesia and parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

All of this rain comes as part of the Asian Monsoon. The Asian Monsoon occurs because of the temperature difference between the Eurasian continent and the ocean. In the summer, the land warms much more than the ocean. Heated air over the land rises, and cool, humid air from the ocean moves in to replace it. As the humid air warms over the land, it too rises and the water condenses into rain.
Asia’s summer monsoon varies in intensity from year to year for a variety of reasons. One of the strongest influences on the Asian Monsoon is the El Niño–La Niña oscillation. During La Niña years, the Eastern Pacific is cooler than average, while the western Pacific Ocean (by Asia) is warmer. Air over the ocean is warmer, more buoyant, and more humid. It rises higher and forms more intense storms.

La Niña usually enhances the Asian Monsoon, and it may have been a factor in shaping the intense 2010 monsoon. In July 2010, La Niña conditions had developed. Ocean temperatures in the western Pacific were warmer than normal. The patterns of unusually heavy rain seen in this image are similar to rainfall patterns caused by La Niña.
Additional factors may also have influenced the 2010 monsoon rains. The northern Indian Ocean was also warmer than normal. In particular, waters off the coast of Pakistan (the Arabian Sea) were much warmer than normal in satellite-based sea surface temperature measurements taken in July 2010. These enhanced temperatures are indicative of a shorter-scale weather pattern that also enhances monsoon rains.

your govt. have not rejected it

Why should we explain anything when we are not responsible for that, we are not guilty conscious............you are free to live in your wornderland.:argh:

as long as there are 'no strings attached' which i think are not, it is ok - we shd be grateful to India for their gesture of goodwill !:cheers:it is little steps like these which can turn the 'tide' in our relationship!

After first goof up by both, both sides officially are behaving mature but seems some people and media from both sides are acting childishly
sorry bro got irritated in above posts posted by batman.
BTW how to delete my post?

The option for delete is available after a certain number of posts. You are relatively new so you cant delete you own post however you can always request a mod to do so on your behalf.
The option for delete is available after a certain number of posts. You are relatively new so you cant delete you own post however you can always request a mod to do so on your behalf.

Or you can edit your post and blank out the bad part ...
I dont think we Indians should be unduly excited about Pak not accepting our aid. Its their situation and they have a right to decide if they need our help. We made an offer and showed our will to help. Thats what counts. Rest is Pak's prerogative.
Sure Sir, it can be, but what about initiating cold war and water war?

Any how, my point is we can have the statistics of rain in Pakistan from concerned departments and can easily calculate the amount of water and can compare it with flood water.

It is just logical way of thinking.


Current flooding is blamed on unprecedented monsoon. rain.
Link: Extreme Weather Causes Massive Flooding in Pakistan, Wildfires in Russia Ecology Today: Ecology News, Information & Commentary Blog

The rainfall anomaly map published by NASA shows unusually intense monsoon rains attributed to La Niña.
Link: Unusually Intense Monsoon Rains : Natural Hazards

On 21 June, the Pakistan Meteorological Department cautioned that urban- and flash flooding could occur from July to September in the north parts of the country.
Link: Monsoon Forecast (2010)

The same department recorded above-average rainfall in the months of July and Aug 2010, and monitored the flood wave progression.
Link: Rainfall Data
Link2: http://www.pakmet.com.pk/FFD/index_files/sindh.htm

Interestingly, some of the discharge levels recorded are comparable to those seen during the floods of 1988, 1995, and 1997.

Link: Flood page

An article in the New Scientist attributed the cause of the exceptional rainfall to "freezing" of the jet stream, a phenomenon that simultaneously also caused an unprecedented heat wave and wildfires in Russia as well as the 2007 United Kingdom floods in the past.
Link: Sign in to read: Frozen jet stream links Pakistan floods, Russian fires - environment - 10 August 2010 - New Scientist
Link2: IRIN Global | GLOBAL: Fire, water, air and earth | Asia East Africa Global Great Lakes Horn of Africa Latin America and Caribbean Middle East Southern Africa West Africa | Afghanistan Angola Bangladesh Burkina Faso Burundi Benin Botswana DRC Central

In another thread you associated bad things with Islam but no body got irritated.
I did not get personal to you or any one!
Now.... if you disagree with me than put your point of view forward.
rest i leave my case with mods.....

firstly, i apologies for personal attack on you. :D
secondly, i didnt post anything about islam in anyother thread. if so plz notify.
After first goof up by both, both sides officially are behaving mature but seems some people and media from both sides are acting childishly

wow..... finally something I can agree with you on:partay:
sorry bro got irritated in above posts posted by batman.
BTW how to delete my post?

Go to Edit post and Just type "Self Delete." Easiest way to delete bad posts.:yahoo:

You can modify your post by editing it and removing indecent part.

Most important............keep your head cool. There are many other ways to protest than using something like that. Enjoy:pdf:

Do you have data to suggest otherwise? If not then shut up.

Good one. You made BATMAN into JOKER ;)

BATMAN, seriously dude, how do you come up with these allegations?Just out of curiosity.

Now by logic he has to accept that he made a mistake or at least shut up. But i doubt it. My friend, you cant fight an illogical battle with logic :disagree:
Talking of people suffering... which is due to India using its illegal dams as weapons of war.

Your brain will be priced very highly in second-hand organ market...........as it is unused - can be considered as good as new!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


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