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Pakistan Should Bomb Illegal Indian Dams

More sweet Water will be need of both the nations as our population is growing. we have to share it ,
If Jordan Lebanon Syria and Israel can share waters why not us ?

We already are, arent we? Have we stopped all the water from flowing into Pak side? And what ever percentage has been decided is decided mutually and are being respected by India ever since
Yes we understand the language of Danda, but do you have that DANDA?

And the fact does not change by what you believe or not. The facts are driven by what can be done or not. I seriously doubt who ever wrote, whether he has any credibility.

About LCA, dont try to derail, post in the appropriate thread.

Yes he has a big credibility.

Some bharatis started comparing JF-17 with Sukhoi in this thread so i thought why not i ask them abt their grabage LCA..:lol:
I accept this joke of yours, JF-17 flying anddistroying Indian dams, Sukhoi 30 MKI is equal to 10JF-17's. and Jf-17 has thrust vectoring systems as that of sukhoi, I doubt so.... and as far as the dams are concerned, Do what you can, U will be paid accordingly....

---------- Post added at 12:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 PM ----------

Hey you are forgetting that it's your own govt who is doing a wrong thing by building dams on the Pakistani waters as it was being set to deal between two countries in Shimla agreement.

And still you guys dont accept the unappropriate act of your govt ?. What a shame and what a big looser you are all.
Yes he has a big credibility.

Some bharatis started comparing JF-17 with Sukhoi in this thread so i thought why not i ask them abt their grabage LCA..:lol:

Please go through my post about the consequences if thats achieved
Dontyou think the author to discuss those? Aggression does not help, the consequences matter.

Do you think if you break those dams we cant rebuild them? What/who will stop us?

'Illegal' Dams ? how are dams legal or illegal ?

Bombing them is an option .. but then who will be left downstream to ' use' the water ?

.. and I am not referring only to the effect of large volumes of water that will sweep the regions.

On a side note .. wonder how many of us have seen an old movie called ' The Dam Busters'- on the allied attacks on dams in Rhur.

Here is one recent(2008) news item that talks of Pakistan having no objections with Baglihar Dam...after the suggested changes have ben made.

Pak no longer at loggerheads with India over Baglihar project

Now the controversy is just in the media to satisfy some egos.
Hey you are forgetting that it's your own govt who is doing a wrong thing by building dams on the Pakistani waters as it was being set to deal between two countries in Shimla agreement.

And still you guys dont accept the unappropriate act of your govt ?. What a shame and what a big looser you are all.

about the water treaty India always respects it.
about dams, then they are legal and within our own rights.
remember, you went to the 'court' and they said dams didn't violate the treaty.
you can goto 'court' again but hire a better lawyer this time.;)
My friend, with utmost respect to ur comment , We also feel the same when, Pakistan is not listening to us, like pakistan is pushing terrorists into our territory, Take measures to stop it....


Pakistan doesn't send any terrorist into India. Pakistan was never involve and any attack in India. India needs to stop blaming Pakistan for every single event that take place in India.

India is the terrorist state and it's government is involving in massacre of thousands of Innocent Muslims in Gujrat, killing and raping of Innocent Kashmiri women, destruction of Babri Masjid, burning Churches, killing of innocent Christians, mistreatment of Dalits, Illegal occupation of Kashmir and Khalistan. India is plagued with violent riots against its religious minorities (Muslims, Sikhs and Christians)

Indian government thought by "staging Bombay attack" they will put more pressure on Pakistan. India wanted to show the world that India is a victim of terrorism and Pakistan and Pakistani base terrorists are the culprit. But India was wrong, running dirty politics to kill it's own people. I guess India is learning from their daddy Israel who doesn't want peace with Palestine.

The biggest democrazy in the world with the best defense, best navy and best army and airforce , with SU-30MKI and all the f* gadgets in the world they couldn't stop the terrorist.:rofl::rofl:
India biggest mistake was that Indian government didn't investigate Bombay attack properly and let Indian media run wild with fictional stories about how Pakistani came to Bombay via Gujarat to attack. Indian existence depends upon hating Pakistan. BJP and Congress party both gain political ground by making hateful statement about Pakistan.

The whole world know that Pakistan is the victim of terrorism and India needs to stop supporting BLA and "Paid to hire Taliban Terrorist" in Pakistan.

Just see this video
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Pakistan doesn't send any terrorist into India. Pakistan was never involve and any attack in India. India needs to stop blaming Pakistan for every single event that take place in India.

India is the terrorist state and it's government is involving in massacre of thousands of Innocent Muslims in Gujrat, killing and raping of Innocent Kashmiri women, destruction of Babri Masjid, burning Churches, killing of innocent Christians, mistreatment of Dalits, Illegal occupation of Kashmir and Khalistan. India is plagued with violent riots against its religious minorities (Muslims, Sikhs and Christians)

Indian government thought by "staging Bombay attack" they will put more pressure on Pakistan. India wanted to show the world that India is a victim of terrorism and Pakistan and Pakistani base terrorists are the culprit. But India was wrong, running dirty politics to kill it's own people. I guess India is learning from their daddy Israel who doesn't want peace with Palestine.

The biggest democrazy in the world with the best defense, best navy and best army and airforce , with SU-30MKI and all the f* gadgets in the world they couldn't stop the terrorist.:rofl::rofl:
India biggest mistake was that Indian government didn't investigate it properly and let Indian media run wild with fictional stories about how Pakistani came to Bombay via Gujarat to attack. Indian existance depends on hating Pakistan, BJP, Congress party all gain political ground by making hateful statement about Pakistan.

Pakistan is the victim of terrorism and India needs to stop supporting BLA and "Paid to hire Taliban Terrorist" in Pakistan.

The attack on Mumbai which GOI ' staged' seems to have worked well. 7 men have been indicted in a Pk terror court for the attacks ' staged 'by India. Arre.. even the UN declared lakhvi as an offender ( terrorist) based on the ' staged ' Indian attack.
when'll our people evre learn????
Our enmy ids the taleban and not indiens. Look at the no. of pakistanis kiled these days by suicide bombers.More then with the war by India.We have to match India's financial might to play on world stage. BTW, a popular joke on pakistani's by e-mail chain .......

A Pakistani US citizen goes to the doctor
because he just simply doesn't feel good. He's tired, his stomach is upset,
& he has a headache. Just feels terrible. The doctor checks him over and
can't find any medical reason for him to feel the way he does.
He offers a Naturotherepy approach that he has seen work before. The
Pakistani man is stunned, though, that the treatment means he has to go
home, ++++ and piss into a bucket and leave it in his basement for a week.
Trust me," the doctor says, "I have seen this work." The man goes home and
follows through on the instructions. Within a day, though his house smells
terrible and by the end of the week, it is an overwhelming stench. His eyes
water every time he walks in the door, but he feels no better.
He calls to yell at the doctor who calmly says," Go down and take three big
deep breaths directly from the bucket and you will be cured." "You're
crazy!" comes the reply. "Trust me." says the doctor. Down he goes into the
basement and he takes the first breath. Gagging and choking, he does it
again. Then, on the third breath, he feels the headache leave. His stomach
settles and he feels amazingly well. The stench is even tolerable.
He calls the doctor to tell him the good news.
"I told you I've seen this work with people from Pakistan before," says the
Quaid-e-azam zindabad

Pakistan doesn't send any terrorist into India. Pakistan was never involve and any attack in India. India needs to stop blaming Pakistan for every single event that take place in India.

Wow, isnt it in a over drive here :D completely cleansing your hand

India is the terrorist state and it's government is involving in massacre of thousands of Innocent Muslims in Gujrat, killing and raping of Innocent Kashmiri women, destruction of Babri Masjid, burning Churches, killing of innocent Christians, mistreatment of Dalits, Illegal occupation of Kashmir and Khalistan. India is plagued with violent riots against its religious minorities (Muslims, Sikhs and Christians)


For a moment I thought I am hearing Zaid hamid here, or are you his script writer for his drama shows?

BTW whats your point and significance of your post in this thread? Lets talk of water and rights violations
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