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Pakistan should be closer friend to Russia if Pakistanis appove Russia's reemergence!



New Recruit

Aug 5, 2008
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Most Pakistanis seem to be very happy that atleast there is some great power to challenge USA's global hagemony and that is Russia. If most Pakistanis approve Russia's reemergence on the global geopolitical landscape as a counter weight to America, Pakistan too should set aside past bitterness and become a close friend to Russia, at least as close as it is to China. Since Pakistan was born, there had been some mistakes by our leaders to keep the balance between the then superpowers USSR and USA contrary to India which kept the balance. We blindly fell in love with the USA and ignored USSR which was also our immidiate neighbour at that time thus we lost any sympathy from the leaders of Moscow. Anyway its never too late. We can cultivate a closer friendship with Moscow even now if we forget the past bitterness and look toward the future. China and Russia too had much bitterness and disputes during the cold war but they managed to resolve their issues and are now allies. As for Russo-Indian relations, no power would like to limit its options just to one country in a region. Russians could be very close friends to Pakistan if circumstances permit. Also Russia must be upset with the fact that India is getting closer to Washington day by day, to counter China. This is high time our leadership show wisdom and cultivate good relations with Moscow. In this may be China could help Pakistan and pave the way for a closer relationship between Islamabad and Moscow.:pakistan:
Most Pakistanis seem to be very happy that atleast there is some great power to challenge USA's global hagemony and that is Russia. If most Pakistanis approve Russia's reemergence on the global geopolitical landscape as a counter weight to America, Pakistan too should set aside past bitterness and become a close friend to Russia, at least as close as it is to China. Since Pakistan was born, there had been some mistakes by our leaders to keep the balance between the then superpowers USSR and USA contrary to India which kept the balance. We blindly fell in love with the USA and ignored USSR which was also our immidiate neighbour at that time thus we lost any sympathy from the leaders of Moscow. Anyway its never too late. We can cultivate a closer friendship with Moscow even now if we forget the past bitterness and look toward the future. China and Russia too had much bitterness and disputes during the cold war but they managed to resolve their issues and are now allies. As for Russo-Indian relations, no power would like to limit its options just to one country in a region. Russians could be very close friends to Pakistan if circumstances permit. Also Russia must be upset with the fact that India is getting closer to Washington day by day, to counter China. This is high time our leadership show wisdom and cultivate good relations with Moscow. In this may be China could help Pakistan and pave the way for a closer relationship between Islamabad and Moscow.:pakistan:

:tup: could not have said it any better.
totally agree
Most Pakistanis seem to be very happy that atleast there is some great power to challenge USA's global hagemony and that is Russia. If most Pakistanis approve Russia's reemergence on the global geopolitical landscape as a counter weight to America, Pakistan too should set aside past bitterness and become a close friend to Russia, at least as close as it is to China. Since Pakistan was born, there had been some mistakes by our leaders to keep the balance between the then superpowers USSR and USA contrary to India which kept the balance. We blindly fell in love with the USA and ignored USSR which was also our immidiate neighbour at that time thus we lost any sympathy from the leaders of Moscow. Anyway its never too late. We can cultivate a closer friendship with Moscow even now if we forget the past bitterness and look toward the future. China and Russia too had much bitterness and disputes during the cold war but they managed to resolve their issues and are now allies. As for Russo-Indian relations, no power would like to limit its options just to one country in a region. Russians could be very close friends to Pakistan if circumstances permit. Also Russia must be upset with the fact that India is getting closer to Washington day by day, to counter China. This is high time our leadership show wisdom and cultivate good relations with Moscow. In this may be China could help Pakistan and pave the way for a closer relationship between Islamabad and Moscow.:pakistan:

Yeah but then again who will support such strong ideas, Mr 10% i dont think so. He'll be too damn busy filling up his pockets. NS well his head is too sucked up his *** to see anything other then his interests which lie with the disposed CJ. Musharraf, well he did but hes history now. So we can only sit and watch while leaders of other countries use the situation to their advantage.:cry:
yes it,s good for pakistan. but what about indians crying like they did for the jf/17 engine issue:cry::cry: :pop:
Most Pakistanis seem to be very happy that atleast there is some great power to challenge USA's global hagemony and that is Russia. If most Pakistanis approve Russia's reemergence on the global geopolitical landscape as a counter weight to America, Pakistan too should set aside past bitterness and become a close friend to Russia, at least as close as it is to China. Since Pakistan was born, there had been some mistakes by our leaders to keep the balance between the then superpowers USSR and USA contrary to India which kept the balance. We blindly fell in love with the USA and ignored USSR which was also our immidiate neighbour at that time thus we lost any sympathy from the leaders of Moscow. Anyway its never too late. We can cultivate a closer friendship with Moscow even now if we forget the past bitterness and look toward the future. China and Russia too had much bitterness and disputes during the cold war but they managed to resolve their issues and are now allies. As for Russo-Indian relations, no power would like to limit its options just to one country in a region. Russians could be very close friends to Pakistan if circumstances permit. Also Russia must be upset with the fact that India is getting closer to Washington day by day, to counter China. This is high time our leadership show wisdom and cultivate good relations with Moscow. In this may be China could help Pakistan and pave the way for a closer relationship between Islamabad and Moscow.:pakistan:

Seems like an option.

Is there a necessity for a crutch always? Changing partners now would amount to denigrading all the hard work done earlier by so many rulers.

Also, it would be worth remembering Russia is not USSR, it can barely make ends meet & its strength is restricted to either its immediate vicinity or the security council.

What if russia has not forgotten what happened to it in afghanistan coz of pak ? & what if Russia ditches you after a few decades...?

Instead, why not focus upon within & make ur self so strong & vibrant that people should want to take you along & not the other way around.

Whats that .." Khud hi Ko kar buland itna....".
Yeah but then again who will support such strong ideas, Mr 10% i dont think so. He'll be too damn busy filling up his pockets. NS well his head is too sucked up his *** to see anything other then his interests which lie with the disposed CJ. Musharraf, well he did but hes history now. So we can only sit and watch while leaders of other countries use the situation to their advantage.:cry:

That's true Mr.10% is there to destroy even what we have.
He will destroy our relations with Turkey and China too.
In my opinion Mr. 100% would make Pakistan a stronger country. May be making more friends for Pakistan is his first priority.:undecided:
yea it is good for PAK if this happens. But Its cant happen due to present political and geographic sistuation.

How can Russian forget that ISI help in Afgan agaisnt Russia which Russia Lost. Relation with India with Indian Doller Business is also taken into consideratoin. India Provided Russia with more Billion Business then PAK Provide.

i think so Pakistan is great power and do every thing in Universe Pakistan Zindiabad:pakistan :pakistan:
yea it is good for PAK if this happens. But Its cant happen due to present political and geographic sistuation.

How can Russian forget that ISI help in Afgan agaisnt Russia which Russia Lost. Relation with India with Indian Doller Business is also taken into consideratoin. India Provided Russia with more Billion Business then PAK Provide.

I think we need to convince Russia on this that Pakistan’s role against Russia in Afghanistan was due to their role in 1971 war and since we now have all the accounts closed hence we need to start a new era of friendship.

Russians must also have some reservations on Indo-US nuclear deal and this will build mistrust between India and Russia.
I would love to see pak have closer relations with russia it'd be awesome to have more options other the the U.S maybe as india movies closer to the U.S we might even be able to buy russian planes one day.
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