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Pakistan should be a Secular State

It is definitely a failure in India.

Sure 84 riots,gujrat,orissa etc all prove tht..

Not really.. But yes, in a muslim majority nation, its difficult to establish secularism on a long term, since Islam by nature refuses to recognize the validity of any other religion.. Surely there are exceptions, but not too sure how long they would last in their present form

Which religion does? hinduism?sikhism?judaism?christianity?
Which religion does? hinduism?sikhism?judaism?christianity?

Not too sure of Christianity, but other religions do not specifically call for a war against people not believing in that particular religion. Hinduism and Sikhism for sure dont..

Sure 84 riots,gujrat,orissa etc all prove tht..

Do you really want to compare minority deaths between India and pakistan in last 20 years?
Not too sure of Christianity, but other religions do not specifically call for a war against people not believing in that particular religion. Hinduism and Sikhism for sure dont..

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Albert Einstein

Do you really want to compare minority deaths between India and pakistan in last 20 years?

Go ahead...
What does this prove ?

It clearly means religions must take a back seat when it is the affairs of governing a state. Religion comes to the fore when a man is in his home and with his friends and relatives, as well as when he prays or pays Zakaat etc.

Any religious Moulvis/Padres tend to think themselves as Messiahs and they want to impose their personal will on the society, all in the name of religion. This is also against the spirit of democracy.

A country must be run by a secular system and shall not allow the fanatics to interfere in the affairs of the state.

The education system must also be allowed to follow a secular curriculum. A theology centered education is a regimentation of people's minds. They are not allowed to think other than the scripts have written many centuries before. If the students do not accept every line written in the old time scriptures they are regarded as Munafiq.

Laws which have been introduced during British time are secular in character. These must not be allowed to be taken over by laws that are just fuzzy in nature. What was good in the middle age is no more good today.
So shias are a minority now and terrorist groups = hindu rioters who massacre thousands of non hindus in a few days?

Yes..Shias are a minority sect in Pakistan. And do give me the instances of thousands of non hindus massacred in a few days in India in last few years?
I was a Marxist-Lennist in my youth & I still have warm feelings towards a certain kind of Socialism ! :)

Allow and encourage the rich people to invest in industries and service sectors. This expands the wealth base of the country. Then, after a certain lapse of time, create a system that imposes taxes on them, use the tax money in the public and construction sectors. This is how people get the benefit of a capitalist system.

It is also a kind of socialism that has been successfully practiced in the industrially developed countries when they created a mass consumer society in this way. Eveyrone gets a part of the pie when the pie keeps on getting larger. Well, until certain period of time.
Yes..Shias are a minority sect in Pakistan. And do give me the instances of thousands of non hindus massacred in a few days in India in last few years?

In short 1 bs claim gone ... 1 left..

As for shias unlike systematic discrimination against "real minorities" and untouchables... we shia muslims dnt face anything like tht..

Also according to you acts of terrorism in 2 years are comparable to thousands of hindu goons massacring,raping n looting thousands of muslims,christians,sikhs etc?

And for your "instance"... try "anti christian riots in orissa-2008".
In short 1 bs claim gone ... 1 left..


So according to you acts of terrorism in 2 years are comparable to thousands of hindu goons massacring,raping n looting thousands of muslims,christians,sikhs etc?

As for your "instance"... try "anti christian riots in orissa-2008".

Its an easy cover up for Pakistan to label the results of its basic religious intolerance as terrorism. The terminology is changed but violence related to Pakistan's religious extremism has been going on since decades. You guys talk of 1984, Godhara and Orissa, which are all but scattered events in Indian history, but Pakistan has a mini Godhara almost every week in one form or the other.
Nope Pakistan should stay an Islamic state, hopefullt a true Islamic state, and not a fake one like it is right now. My prayers are with TTP to liberate Pakistani Muslims with the true version of Islamic Govt, and overthrow the current Govt :angel:

Islam waging war.

Its an easy cover up for Pakistan to label the results of its basic religious intolerance as terrorism. The terminology is changed but violence related to Pakistan's religious extremism has been going on since decades. You guys talk of 1984, Godhara and Orissa, which are all but scattered events in Indian history, but Pakistan has a mini Godhara almost every week in one form or the other.

Your trying really hard to prove ur bs.. has there ever been a religous riot resulting in death,rapes,arsons,lootings of thousands of people of minority communities in our country unlike india? acts of terrorism by banned terrorist organisations cannt be compared to average hindus butchering people during riots.

Nope Pakistan should stay an Islamic state, hopefullt a true Islamic state, and not a fake one like it is right now. My prayers are with TTP to liberate Pakistani Muslims with the true version of Islamic Govt, and overthrow the current Govt :angel:

A hinduvta goon praying for a terrorist organisation.. what has the world come too.. :lol:
Islam waging war.

That claim has gone nowhere... Doesnt Islam call all other religion as untrue?

Your trying really hard to prove ur bs.. has there ever been a religous riot resulting in death,rapes,arsons,lootings of thousands of people of minority communities in our country unlike india? acts of terrorism by banned terrorist organisations cannt be compared to average hindus butchering people during riots.

:lol: What history and current affairs are you guys taught ?

2009 Gojra riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
717 people dead in Pakistan religious violence in past 1.5 years: USCIRF
Rioters Arrested After 150 Christian Homes in Pakistan Were Burned Over 'Blasphemy'

and these are just a few out of thousands of cases. I have not even gone into atrocities against Ahmadiyas and Shias
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