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Pakistan Sharia Court Approves Test Tube Babies with Conditions


Feb 21, 2012
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Pakistan Sharia Court Approves Test Tube Babies with Conditions



Pakistan’s Federal Shariat Court, in a landmark ruling, has approved test tube babies in the country while saying that babies can only be made through male sperms and female egg of legitimate married couples only.

A full bench, headed by Chief Justice, Federal Shariat Court, Mr. Justice Riaz Ahmed Khan, was hearing the case relating to test tube babies and its acceptance in Islam.

Ruling said that while development of babies can be carried out in an external environment, but both the male and female — used to conceive the baby — will have to be married as per Islamic law.

According to this new ruling, if any partner — male of female — has inability to conceive the pregnancy, then they can not have test tube babies by getting support from third-parties in shape of sperm or female egg.

Court said that all third-party assistance for making test tube babies is not allowed in Islam.

Ruling said that if both the partners are legitimately married to each other then modern machines, medicines and science can be used to make babies even .

Court ruling also asked Government of Pakistan to make legislative changes in the law to incorporate this new ruling that allows test tube babies in certain cases only.

Court said that anyone involved in making babies through test tubes, while not following above defined procedures, will be actually committing a crime.

Order also said that doctors, surrogates, sperm banks and egg banks are also not allowed to operate after this and that any violation should be dealt according to the law.
Does sharia court exist in Pakistan? is it a recognized?
Wonder what possible basis did they arrive at this issue from Shariat!??

There is NOTHING in Shariat that addresses an issue that is to be tackled with ijma and qiyas

Shariat is literally based on the interpretation of the Quran and its commandments analogies

And if so, the story of Hazrat issa is proof enough that third party donors and ivf is permissible

Although in all fairness that example would leave all less educated or less aware Mullahs or even semi mullah justices perplexed on whether it then implies that Hazrat issa was the son of god anaozubillah

Better to leave the ignorant to their own devices
Wonder what possible basis did they arrive at this issue from Shariat!??

There is NOTHING in Shariat that addresses an issue that is to be tackled with ijma and qiya

Shariat is literally based on the interpretation of the Quran and its commandments analogies

And if so, the story of Hazrat issa is proof enough that third party donors and ivf is permissible

Although in all fairness that example would leave all less educated or less aware Mullahs or even semi mullah justices perplexed on whether it then implies that Hazrat issa was the son of god anaozubillah

Better to leave the ignorant to their own devices

Islamic law is based upon four main sources:
1) Quran
2) Sunnah
3) Ijma (consensus)
4) Qiyas ( analogy)

and the basis on which they arrived at this conclusion, we will have to study the complete judgement.
And if so, the story of Hazrat issa is proof enough that third party donors and ivf is permissible
how so? please clarify.

Wonder what possible basis did they arrive at this issue from Shariat!??

There is NOTHING in Shariat that addresses an issue that is to be tackled with ijma and qiyas

Shariat is literally based on the interpretation of the Quran and its commandments analogies

And if so, the story of Hazrat issa is proof enough that third party donors and ivf is permissible

Although in all fairness that example would leave all less educated or less aware Mullahs or even semi mullah justices perplexed on whether it then implies that Hazrat issa was the son of god anaozubillah

Better to leave the ignorant to their own devices
looks to me that you have a problem with each and every sort of non-western interpretation of Islam and rulings.
And if so, the story of Hazrat issa is proof enough that third party donors and ivf is permissible

Although in all fairness that example would leave all less educated or less aware Mullahs or even semi mullah justices perplexed on whether it then implies that Hazrat issa was the son of god anaozubillah

Better to leave the ignorant to their own devices
Will love to hear the rest.if can't be explained here pls share them in a conversation or my profile.
how so? please clarify.

looks to me that you have a problem with each and every sort of non-western interpretation of Islam and rulings.

As for how so in the first question, my opinion is that the miraculous birth of Hazrat issa without a father signifies that his entire gestation was carried out artificially and without any defined donor. There was no marriage or anything of that sort involved yet she was permitted to carry this child of essentially undefined and unclassified parentage to birth.

In all other aspects of the Quran, there is no mention of artificial gestation and the creation of Hazrat Adam is not clarified in terms of natural human life cycle.
As @shah_123 suggests, I am very curious as to how they even came to this judgement using steps 1&2- as 3&4 might be subjective but they cannot ccontradict the Quran

Id ask the same from your second paragraph on how so?

It seems that a bit of research would help you before giving out judgements just, it is part of your title description. Or have you considered research as meaning only accepting ideas that you propose as correct and rejecting everything else under "western" or "kufr"; let's not set a standard of fearing any other opinions just because they contradict with our own.

If you have any further objections on my moral character, raise it up with the admin team rather than openly accusing me or any other member of "western" ideals
As for how so in the first question, my opinion is that the miraculous birth of Hazrat issa without a father signifies that his entire gestation was carried out artificially and without any defined donor. There was no marriage or anything of that sort involved yet she was permitted to carry this child of essentially undefined and unclassified parentage to birth.

In all other aspects of the Quran, there is no mention of artificial gestation and the creation of Hazrat Adam is not clarified in terms of natural human life cycle.
As @shah_123 suggests, I am very curious as to how they even came to this judgement using steps 1&2- as 3&4 might be subjective but they cannot ccontradict the Quran

Id ask the same from your second paragraph on how so?

It seems that a bit of research would help you before giving out judgements just, it is part of your title description. Or have you considered research as meaning only accepting ideas that you propose as correct and rejecting everything else under "western" or "kufr"; let's not set a standard of fearing any other opinions just because they contradict with our own.

If you have any further objections on my moral character, raise it up with the admin team rather than openly accusing me or any other member of "western" ideals

BHENSA Spotted!
BHENSA Spotted!
Considering I helped counter Bhensa

Shows how pathetic the level of tolerance truly is when you cannot even dispute what I wrote without going bhensa or kafir.

You are actually the other Bhensa
The "kill everyone" mullah type
Also to be taken down, the other side of the Bhensa coin
As for how so in the first question, my opinion is that the miraculous birth of Hazrat issa without a father signifies that his entire gestation was carried out artificially and without any defined donor. There was no marriage or anything of that sort involved yet she was permitted to carry this child of essentially undefined and unclassified parentage to birth.

In all other aspects of the Quran, there is no mention of artificial gestation and the creation of Hazrat Adam is not clarified in terms of natural human life cycle.
how did you come to this conclusion that it was carried out artificially? the account in Quran does not mention anything about any artificial gestation, it was clearly a miracle, until and unless you believe that Allah does not have the power to do so.

secondly, you do not clarify whatsoever how Hazrat Isa's birth is a proof of third party donation?

She said: “How can I have a son, when no man has touched me, nor am I unchaste?”

Quran (Surah Maryam, Verses 20).

He said: “So (it will be), your Lord said: ‘That is easy for Me (Allah): And (We wish) to appoint him as a sign to mankind and a mercy from Us (Allah), and it is a matter (already) decreed, (by Allah)’”

Quran (Surah Maryam, Verses 21).

Both of these signify nothing "artificial" happened and no third party donor was involved, unless like I said, you believe that Allah cannot create something out of nothing.
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As for how so in the first question, my opinion is that the miraculous birth of Hazrat issa without a father signifies that his entire gestation was carried out artificially and without any defined donor. There was no marriage or anything of that sort involved yet she was permitted to carry this child of essentially undefined and unclassified parentage to birth.

In all other aspects of the Quran, there is no mention of artificial gestation and the creation of Hazrat Adam is not clarified in terms of natural human life cycle.
As @shah_123 suggests, I am very curious as to how they even came to this judgement using steps 1&2- as 3&4 might be subjective but they cannot ccontradict the Quran

Id ask the same from your second paragraph on how so?

It seems that a bit of research would help you before giving out judgements just, it is part of your title description. Or have you considered research as meaning only accepting ideas that you propose as correct and rejecting everything else under "western" or "kufr"; let's not set a standard of fearing any other opinions just because they contradict with our own.

If you have any further objections on my moral character, raise it up with the admin team rather than openly accusing me or any other member of "western" ideals

Ahem. Regarding your views on Hazrat Isa (Peace be upon him), the Holy Quran has clarified in multiple places about his origin:

Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was.


Please tell me where the 'third party sperm or ovum' came from for Adam? If it was not available for Adam, it was not available for 'Isa (Peace be upon them). They are a manifestation of Allah's Command, His Power by which he says 'Be', and the thing comes into reality. The birth of Hazrat 'Isa (Peace be upon him) in no way provides a basis for allowing test tube babies.

It is immoral (and against the fundamental principles of Islam) for a woman to use sperm of a stranger for pregnancy; this is as bad as zina. If her husband is infertile then it is better for her to either divorce him and marry someone who is healthy (or) adopt a child with consent of her husband.

The case of Prophet Isa suggests virgin birth (scientifically speaking) or a miracle (faith-wise). Google the term "virgin birth" for more clarity.

It is immoral (and against the fundamental principles of Islam) for a woman to use sperm of a stranger for pregnancy. If her husband is infertile then it is better for her to either divorce him and marry someone who is healthy (or) adopt a child with consent of her husband.

The example of prophet Isa suggests a case of virgin birth. Google it.
I am less on the donor sperm and more on the donor egg, immorality would require adulterous acts

Zinah( nikah outside of the marriage pact- the breaking of the "veil" outside marriage)

A sperm can actually be compensated for using stem cells so there is no longer that compulsion of the donor sperm
It is the donor egg that has potential as that cannot be replicated

The virgin birth is also possible with ivf today
It is practically doable

Unless you meant for me to google a specific ayat on the subject I am not sure what googling will achieve

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