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Pakistan shakes off US shackles

Missed the Think Tanks conclusion:

But most of all, it was the Americans who were most surprised over this Presidential defiance. For the first time, he has openly and categorically played against the US interests and now this is an open declaration of war between him and United States. US is still hoping that he will not delay the polls, take off his uniform after taking oath as civilian President and hold “free and fair” elections as promised. If he does that, the present emergency would be accepted by the US as necessary evil and they are cautious not to push him further. They are horrified and angry but very cautious. UK and EU were more open to express their disappointment.
How is he trying to shake of US shackles/influence through this act, i just cant get it.
Well if he goes onto rejecting US demands to pulverize villages for a few suspected AQ then we will know.

The day he stood up to the Americans the Americans would go onto support the already strong opposition but not if the opposition's nullified.
One thing we know this was obviously not a one man show. The entire Core-commanders must have backed him up on it. The army's rep had taken a big hit. Army needs to reclaim it back and the obvious thing to do is to stand up to the Americans where necessary.

However we have to wait and see if this happens.
in my view, 1st thing ,gen mushrf should do , is too, prmote himslf as FILD. MARSHAL,because tht is need of the hour, it will bring down all the carazy politics, which is in placed , because of his unifrm issue, he should show all the opponent, parties including CIA, tht he is more stonger thn ever before?and belive me these arogant americans,only under stand the launguge of power, it is very important ,because gen.musharf really was now under a lot of streess, by the americans. once he showed them tht he is strong, USA , WILL come once again for pakistans support on so called war on terror. which is actully the (war to caputure the OIL AND GAS resourses of MUSLIM STATES) AND it was waged on muslim, states only, becuse they r not united, they dont have powerfull defence, and mostly it belongs to CIAs theory of( NEW WORLD ORDER). pakistan and gen. musharf are the BIGGEST HURDLEs, in tht dream of CIA.:pakistan::china::enjoy::sniper::usflag:;)
One thing we know this was obviously not a one man show. The entire Core-commanders must have backed him up on it. The army's rep had taken a big hit. Army needs to reclaim it back and the obvious thing to do is to stand up to the Americans where necessary.

However we have to wait and see if this happens.

Just simply cant understand American interests in this. How is declaring an emergency going to affect US-Pakistan relation. Americans just want to be sure whoever is in power is on their side and historically civlian or dictator, they all have sided with the americans.

And i feel this emergency declaration would help americans the most if prolonged as NWFP can be given the bloody nose it deserves under complete media blackout and even with direct US intervention.
Just simply cant understand American interests in this. How is declaring an emergency going to affect US-Pakistan relation. Americans just want to be sure whoever is in power is on their side and historically civlian or dictator, they all have sided with the americans.

And i feel this emergency declaration would help americans the most if prolonged as NWFP can be given the bloody nose it deserves under complete media blackout and even with direct US intervention.
America has been playing the double game all throughout. Mush ally, BB ally. Two were incompatible to begin with. Mush had to comply because the situation at home was so uncontrollable that if it pissed off America it would side with Mush's opposition.

Of course what u say is also true. It just depends upon what Mush does from now on.

He can easily go both ways now, the choice is his now.
Gentlemen and ladies,

I sent this letter to the editor L A times

Editor latimes,

Musharraf should have done this a long time ago, but he has been more democratic than any other elected prime ministers o pakistan. My country pakistan has never had so much freedom of speech, free movement, free expression of ideas against the sitting govt since he came to power. All the so called previous, democratically elected prime ministers acted more like dictators than liberals and now thy are crying about democracy. Benazir and Nawaz looted and plundered the country with both hands and have billions of dollars in their accounts. They have assets which are beyond their means and resources before they got elected for the prime minister spot in pakistan. Now, the U S and great britain are trying to enforce Benazir Bhutto upon pakistan and it will not sit well with the pakistanis. There was no freedom of speech, there were more prisoners of conscience, nobody could make a statement againsted these democratically elected prime ministers. It was woeful.

Pakistan's supreme court judge Justice Chaudhry has done immense damage to the judiciary when he starting interfereing in the every day management of the govt's internal affairs, security related issues and management, by taking suo moto actions each and every thing. His worst decision came when the judge ordered the govt to re-appoint the nephew of the known terrorist of the red moque incident as the assistant preacher at that mosque. He also ordered the govt to re-appoint the wife of that terrorist preacher to be re-instated as the principal of the grils school attached to the red mosque.

This newly appointed assistan preacher at the mosque justified the actions of the terrorists against killing and be-heading the soldiers and civilians that they had captured in the frontier province. He also justified suicide bombings. His interviews are in the print media as well on the tv.

Secondly, the politicians of the opposition parties were openly justifying suicide bombings against the govt through their interviews on the national tv channels. The justification the politicians gave was that if the govt takes a police action in a certain area and people are killed, they family members have a right to retaliate against the govt force by any means available to them and if they resort to suicide bombings, that is ok too. These interviews were made on tv channels like GEO TV , ARY DIGITAL, AAJ TV and many other channels. The culprits included politicians of the right wing party Qazi Hussain Ahmed and his affiliate partners, Imran Khan, members of the previous prime minister Nawaz Sharif's party and also some of the members of Benazir's party as well.

I don't see this type of criticism here in the U S of A. I don't see this kind of suggestion made by anyone to take action against the law enforcement agencies regarding police brutality. If someone is killed by the law enforcement agencies here, nobody comes on the american tv channels and instigates people against the management and asks them to take up suicide bombings. How would you americans feel if a member of the democrats came on the air and said it was ok to take up suicide bombings because someone's family member has been killed?

It makes me really sad that the supreme court justice Chaudhry had a great oppurtunity to take the pakistani judicial system to the next level of success and freedom after he had won the court judgement filed against him. He should have worked for better pay and benefits for judges ( that he already got ), better job security for judges, more judges to decide the case some of which have been pending for 40 to 50 years. Yessirs---40 t0 50 years old cases.

Another of the worst decision that the supreme court made was the release of 61 terrorists held by the govt intelligence agencies. These people were being held and interrogated for terrorist activities against the govt. Would any american want the U S supreme court to order the freedom of all the terrorist held at guantanamo bay. I don't think so.

Some of the hosts of private tv channels in pakistan have been stating openly to the public that the 9/11 was managed by the U S. Most of these politicians whose names I have mentioned above have made the same kind of statements about 9/11 and these statements and interviews have been aired on local pakistani channels and have also been showed through their services here in the U S, great britain, europe, middle east and all other places where their services are available. These are the same people who have been lighting a fire in the minds of people and creating hatred against america.

Musharraf has been the only one who has been fighting these maniacs openly. Americans and america must support Musharraf at all costs. Musharraf has stood with the U S through thick and thin and he needs all the support from the americans at this moment.

Editor---thanks for your time.

Mastan Khan
Excellent letter.

Were the opposition parties really supporting the use of suicide bombs on TV? Are there any videos on it?
Hi asghar,

Imran Khan, Qazi Hussain, gen Hameed Gul and other mma leaders have been openly stating it on GEO tv that 9/11 was the U S conspiracy. Also they have stated many a times openly on the tv" if somebody's family is killed what do you expect them to do ". This was regarding suicide bombings.

With the justification given by these people, the suicide planners had a hay day. Here were the leaders of the community saying it was ok for these people to do what they were doing.
Honestly the only thing that makes sense, at this point, is that he was trying to save his kursi, but that doesn't jive with his personality and reputation of not being corrupt. He hasn't amassed billions, or constructed mansions in Europe, so if it is Kursi, then he genuinely believes that the direction the country was going in was dangerous, and that BB would have been Pakistan's downfall.

I personally think the reaction from DC was one of surprise, since it was toned down initially, and a lot sharper later (which could just be for domestic consumption- their actions will speak louder), so is it possible that the US was attempting to pull another Iran? There was an article in the news that what acted as the catalyst for this emergency wa a taped conversation of the CJ in which he claimed that he knew that 8 judges would rule against Mush, and who they were - 8 judges also signed the order, in record time, after the coup, declaring it illegal.


I staunchly support Musharraf.

However, apart from his genuine concern for Pakistan, his staying in power was also, if only a minor one, a point in issue.

The US was aware of what he was about to do. But they had no option. Should they have opted for a person who understands realpolitik or a looney like the CJ who has no clue about reality of existing in the comity of nation.

Democracy is fine. But people must understand democracy does not mean licence!
Honestly the only thing that makes sense, at this point, is that he was trying to save his kursi, but that doesn't jive with his personality and reputation of not being corrupt. He hasn't amassed billions, or constructed mansions in Europe, so if it is Kursi, then he genuinely believes that the direction the country was going in was dangerous, and that BB would have been Pakistan's downfall.

I personally think the reaction from DC was one of surprise, since it was toned down initially, and a lot sharper later (which could just be for domestic consumption- their actions will speak louder), so is it possible that the US was attempting to pull another Iran? There was an article in the news that what acted as the catalyst for this emergency wa a taped conversation of the CJ in which he claimed that he knew that 8 judges would rule against Mush, and who they were - 8 judges also signed the order, in record time, after the coup, declaring it illegal.


I staunchly support Musharraf.

However, apart from his genuine concern for Pakistan, his staying in power was also, if only a minor one, a point in issue.

The US was aware of what he was about to do. But they had no option. Should they have opted for a person who understands realpolitik or a looney like the CJ (power had gone to his head and he thinks he is a messiah!)who has no clue about reality of existing in the comity of nation.

Democracy is fine. But people must understand democracy does not mean licence!
America has been playing the double game all throughout. Mush ally, BB ally. Two were incompatible to begin with. Mush had to comply because the situation at home was so uncontrollable that if it pissed off America it would side with Mush's opposition.

Of course what u say is also true. It just depends upon what Mush does from now on.

He can easily go both ways now, the choice is his now.

Politics, geo-politics, geo-strategy = double game.

Nothing new.

China has stated:

Chinese ambassador: Pakistan, China should push bilateral ties forward
"We are concerned about the situation in Pakistan, and believe the Pakistani government and people are capable of solving their problems," Liu said, expressing the hope that the country could maintain stability and development.

What exactly does that mean?

It means double talk. On the sides of both and very advantageous depending on whoever wins!

India states:

The Ministry of External Affairs in a circumspect statement said that it “regretted the difficult times Pakistan is passing through”.

“We trust that conditions of normalcy will soon return permitting Pakistan’s transition to stability and democracy to continue,”
said MEA spokesperson Navtej Sarna.

At least India recognises that things are not normal, but is careful not to upset by using a "trust that conditions of normalcy will soon return permitting Pakistan’s transition to stability and democracy to continue".

Everything is double talk!

I staunchly support Musharraf.

However, apart from his genuine concern for Pakistan, his staying in power was also, if only a minor one, a point in issue.

The US was aware of what he was about to do. But they had no option. Should they have opted for a person who understands realpolitik or a looney like the CJ who has no clue about reality of existing in the comity of nation.

Democracy is fine. But people must understand democracy does not mean licence!

Dear Salim,

It was not one CJ it was a bench of 11 judges who are probably as patriotic as Gen M. Eight of them agreed that Gen M's election was illegal and they were just doing their job so why call them illiterate. Does not the constitutional bench of Supreme Court in your country work the same way ? In your country the Supreme Court has refused to pass the reservation law even though all politicians are ready to make it into a law and by all accounts required. So does your Parliament impeach the CJ ? They can do it if they want.

Those eight want to prove that they are great champions of democracy and go down in history!

And maybe praised by the US as great champions of "Freedom and Democracy".

Check it out and you will find half their folks are in foreign lands soaking in "F&D"!

Our Parliament can impeach the CJ.

Fortunately our CJ has so far has not been a political hack!
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