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Pakistan sells sikh Gurudwara Land to its Army

what is Pakistan government reaction on this?
just because few islamic terrorist blew themselves up one should kick muslim across half the way across the globe.

Does this make any sense.

Every thing and all thing revolved around reverse effect. India is huge nation with Hindu majority so when you guys show your muscle power over minority Muslims then don't expect us to be angle. There are hard headed people in every country and society. :)
Every thing and all thing revolved around reverse effect. India is huge nation with Hindu majority so when you guys show your muscle power over minority Muslims then don't expect us to be angle. There are hard headed people in every country and society. :)

well first you have nothing to do with India so you are not supposed to interfere in Indian matters.

Secondly go ahead break away Gurudwara, will only give us political mileage across the globe to show across the globe about your so called tolerance...:lol:

And you have a rich history of doing that starting from Somnath temple to Bamiyan Budha, nothing new.
Some kid ranting about demolishing sacred places?Buhahha.... u on drugs pal?

I bet no religious places would be damaged by GOP.... but here its a matter of sarkari land or govt land alloted to some gurudwara which wasnt in use and army bought it from the govt..... same stuff happened to other mosques but its not a big deal frankly! its just some piece of unused land purchased.
Some kid ranting about demolishing sacred places?Buhahha.... u on drugs pal?

I bet no religious places would be damaged by GOP.... but here its a matter of sarkari land or govt land alloted to some gurudwara which wasnt in use and army bought it from the govt..... same stuff happened to other mosques but its not a big deal frankly! its just some piece of unused land purchased.

If thats the case:tup:
Sorry mate, the Sikh empire never extended beyond the Sutlej river and delhi is too far from sutlej river and yes sikhs were defeated at Jamrud where the tribes gave them fierce battle. The Sikhs were defeated and retreated in 1837. It was here that they lost their renowned General Hari Singh Nalwa, So the sikh never occupied any tribal area or part of puktunkhwa except peshawar valley.

Sikhs never lost at Jamrud.. the Afganis (Durranis) attacked Sikhs at Jamrud and got crushed.. why do you think Jamrud is today Pakistani territory? Ever see the tall Sikh forts at Jamrud? Yes, in one of the battles there they lost General Hari Singh Nalwa. Otherwise, their rule wouldn't end at Jamrud, it would extend over Kabul also.. The only thing which saved the Afghans was death of Hari Singh Nalwa which made Sikhs stop at Jamrud temporarily.. and than arrival of British which made Sikhs focus on their eastern border... otherwise, the summer capital of Afghanistan, Peshawar would not be only one to fall.. even Afghani winter capital Kabul would have fallen in Sikh hands... and later Pakistani lands.. Afghanistan should be thankful to British... even Pakistan...

And whats with small minority, muslims were also minority and ruled 1000 years and their empire was 30 times bigger than 10 year rule of Sikh empire

Nope.. Muslims were majority in Punjab not minority.. yet they never ruled.. they were always ruled by foreigners.. either by Chagtai Mughals.. Persians.. or Afghanis... Sikhs were only rulers to come out of Punjab.. there were only some brave Muslim warriors like Abdullah Bhatti who were lions in all respect.. they made life hell for Mughals... otherwise most others were subjects to foriegn rule...

Sorry to bust your bubble dude, you didn't take province from pushtun, The Sikhs’ rule was restricted around Peshawar and was not stable. They “possessed but little influence in the trans-Indus tracts, and what influence they had was confined to the plains. Even here they were obeyed only in the immediate vicinity of their forts which studded the country”. The tribesmen checked the advance of Sikhs and safeguarded their independence as always in the past

just before you said Sikhs only got to Sutlej.. now you saying they were restricted at Peshawar in their forts... all I need to know is take one look at historic Gurudwaras in tribal belt built during Sikh rule to see that they even left behind their religious monuments all over tribal belt... tribesman were mere spoilsport hit and tun type of people.. they never once stopped Sikh army... with exception of death of Hari Singh Nalwa at Jamrud and arrival of British.. Durranis were being steamrolled over... tribesman were a joke by the way.. real power of Afghanistan was Durrani army.. not rag tag militia tribesman.. they are only good today because of geneva conventions and all that... back in those days... those guys were salughtered en mass.. there was no thing as geneva convention to save them... they were as brutally beheaded and mutilated than hanged in open villages as they hang other people now..

Final note: The sikh were only able to occupy peshawar bannu of pushtun and nothing more, Mere 10 year rule of peshawar doesn't makes this history to remember

1818-1849 (when British took Peshawar and tribal belt from Sikh hands) is a little more than 10 years by my counting.. nevertheless fact is Afghanis haven't got back their summer capitol nor their lost tribal belt even today.. Jamrud which was last outpost of Sikhs in Afghani lands today remains in Pakistani lands... so Sikhs effectively changed Afghanistans history forever.. ;)

Tribal areas were included in British Raj after the establishment of Durand Line, No power in the world has been able to occupy Tribal areas of Pakistan, British Empire who was Superpower fought there for 60 years and they were not able to occupy Waziristan, it was one of the most militarised zone of the world and what makes you think ranjith’s mercenary army could have occupied even an inch of waziristan. Except Peshawar valley they were not able to occupy any pushtun land

Durand line was signed in 1890s... long after British took over rule from Sikhs... it was signed due to constant attempts by Afghani rulers to take those lands back... so British invaded Afghanistan.. fought a bloody war... and brought Afghans to negotiating table...
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Do you really think the sikhs would have continued to rule a region where 70% population was muslim and half of its army was muslim, even if british had not destroyed sikh empire, it was bound to be disintegrated after the death of ranjith,

don't know.... though after Ranjit Singh's death.. the power struggle was only within Sikhs... no Punjabi Muslims even than were part of this struggle or power vacuum..

The Punjabi literature and poetry were written by punjabi sufi saints it is a muslim language not a sikh language, it arose way before sikhism arose so the sikh doesn't have any right to lecture muslim punjabi whether he speaks punjabi or not, Sikhs are just the speakers of our language.

Nope... those Sufi saints like Baba Farid.. Hazrat Mian Mir.. Sant Kabir... and numerous others belong to Sikh culture.. their works are written in Sikh holy book... Hazrat Mian Mir even put the first stone of Golden temple... they belong to Sikhs.. not the Muslims who call them Sufi Kafirs and blow up their dargas in name of Wahabbi extremism...
If the land is unused I don't see any problem in using it in development works, I'm not sure what use Army will do with the land though.

Same applies to Mandir, Masjid etc.

Abir first of all NO Gurdwara land has been misused or sold.

Earlier when unused land was tried to be utilised for some purposes to collect revenue, The Pakistani Court intervened and it was blocked right away.

Now in this case too the Government of Pakistan has initiated the probe and trust me any land adjacent to Gurdwara if belongs to Pakistani Sikhs then its not going anywhere it will remain here.

2. Indian Orange media has gone further saffaroni because Defence housing societies though called defence housing but these colonies are residential areas occupied by civilians as well as retired personnel so in reality ARMY Is not using this land for any military purpose

Babri Mosque was handed over to Hindus
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