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Pakistan sells sikh Gurudwara Land to its Army

yes because in punjab after partition most sikhs/hindus were driven away same in indian punjab side but doesn't mean it should be sold to the army these are still their holy places that belong to the sikhs.I mean lets be honest minorities in pakistan already are not given the same treatment as muslims atleast lets keep our hands off their places of worship :undecided:

huh, yeah, and millions of Punjabi Muslims were driven away from indian Punjab, hundreds of thausands were killed/raped, by sikhs/hindus.

And i understand what the big deal is in this. There are not even any Sikhs in Pakistan's Punjab, so what's the point of just keep these Gudwaras, someday they will be demolished anyways.
Keep dreaming Khalistani. Our part of Punjab is almost all Muslim. Christians are the largest minority in our province.

lolll.... who says sikhs need to be majority to rule? look at history.. sikhs were smallest minority yet they made kingdom from delhi all the way to Jamrud right at gate of Kabul.. ;)

but that is not what I meant though.. loll.. so don't be too jumpy.. :lol:

Sikhs are largest minority in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Good Luck taking that province from Pathans.

We already took that province from Pashtuns.. that is why today those guys are part of Pakistan, not Afghanistan... go to Jamrud in NWFP and see the Sikh army forts where Sikh army crushed the Afghanis.. ;)
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@pakizeeshan: who said sikhs are not there pakistan, they are a minority and btw you added a new feather to your cap after statements like 'i hate sikhs',' pakistanis have fair skin colour and are taller than indians in height' you are justifying demolition of a holy place, this speaks volumes of your religious tolerance.
And i understand what the big deal is in this. There are not even any Sikhs in Pakistan's Punjab, so what's the point of just keep these Gudwaras, someday they will be demolished anyways.

i would like to see Pakistan government touch a single historic Sikh gurdwara.. Indian army knows now very good never to touch Sikh gurudwaras after 1980s.. don't think pakistan would want to learn same lesson.. because honestly i think pak government already knows... but if they don't than all i can say is.. they can make that mistake and learn the hard way...
lolll.... who says sikhs need to be majority to rule? look at history.. sikhs were smallest minority yet they made kingdom from delhi all the way to Jungarh right at gate of Kabul.. ;)

but that is not what I meant though.. loll.. so don't be too jumpy.. :lol:

We already took that province from Pashtuns.. that is why today those guys are part of Pakistan, not Afghanistan... go to Jungarh in NWFP and see the Sikh army forts where Sikh army crushed the Afghanis.. ;)

That is all history.

Today we Muslims are ruling most of Punjab and all of NWFP.

Today even hindus grabbed some of your land in the indian side of Punjab.

You keep living in past and dreaming about our side of Punjab while our Pak Fauj will grab your land from your Gurudwaras.

I'm sure Pak Fauj dont hate you guys but they need and deserve extra land.

If Pakistani Sikhs are patriotic Pakistanis they shouldn't have a problem with this.

Pakistan comes first.


I amazed by ignorence of some Pakistani memers. They are usually the first one cry and whine when even a brick is stollen from muslim land and now they fully supports stealing land from other minorities. They are hypocrets at best. By thier method muslime mosques in some countries should be closed than.
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@pakizeeshan: who said sikhs are not there pakistan, they are a minority and btw you added a new feather to your cap after statements like 'i hate sikhs',' pakistanis have fair skin colour and are taller than indians in height' you are justifying demolition of a holy place, this speaks volumes of your religious tolerance.

I made those comments because i felt pissed off. Because that hindu posing as a Sikh, was laughing at bombings in Pakistan. only hindu low-lifes laugh at bombings in Pakistan.
Even hindus on that "Sikh genocide" thread were joking about the Sikh genocide.

I don't have anything against Sikhs at all.

Sikhs in my opinion are better than hindus.

Sikhs are more loyal/trusworty/honourable, and Sikhs have much more pride than hindus.

But the truth is that those Gudwaras will be demolished one day.. i don't care if you guys demolish Mosques in india.. it's your country and your land.
That is all history.

Today we Muslims are ruling most of Punjab and all of NWFP.

yaa.. now say thank you to English Queen... loll...

Today even hindus grabbed some of your land in the indian side of Punjab.

nope they didn't.. if you had any bit knowledge to know before you talk you would know that to separate Indian Punjab into 3 states was a Sikh demand.. not Hindu.. Sikhs wanted a Punjabi speaking majority Sikh state.. yeaa we are actually proud of our Punjabi culture and heritage.. unlike you (though i still doubt if you are real punjabi lol)..

You keep living in past and dreaming about our side of Punjab while our Pak Fauj will grab your land from your Gurudwaras.

I'm sure Pak Fauj dont hate you guys but they need and deserve extra land.

haan... as i said.. vekha ge... ajj ni tah kall... :whistle:

If Pakistani Sikhs are patriotic Pakistanis they shouldn't have a problem with this.

Pakistan comes first.



Religion over nationalism.. Sikhs are Sikhs.. no matter if they from Afghanistan.. living in Khyber region or Pakistani mainland orr homeland Punjab... Sikhism always comes first!
Sikhs are more loyal/trusworty/honourable, and Sikhs have much more pride than hindus.

I think same thing about Muslims.. atleast you guys are honest and show however you are on your face... unlike Hindu leaders.. who act as your best friends only to stab you in the back...

But the truth is that those Gudwaras will be demolished one day.. i don't care if you guys demolish Mosques in india.. it's your country and your land.

than sorry.. but youre gonna have to live with a different truth.. thats never going to happen... heck.. when whole Pakistani zillas get re-named to Sikh names.. what makes you think government will even think about demolishing those gurudwaras??
@pakizeeshan: well, so you wanna say that hindus have less dignity and cant be trusted ?
yaa.. now say thank you to English Queen... loll...

No. Thanks to Muslim Punjabi Chaudhry Rahmat Ali, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal, and Liaquat Ali Khan.

nope they didn't.. if you had any bit knowledge to know before you talk you would know that to separate Indian Punjab into 3 states was a Sikh demand.. not Hindu.. Sikhs wanted a Punjabi speaking majority Sikh state.. yeaa we are actually proud of our Punjabi culture and heritage.. unlike you (though i still doubt if you are real punjabi lol).

Oh yea. You Sikhs were always easily manipulated by Hindus. From 1947 to even today. And why would I lie about being Punjabi. We Punjabis are majority in Pakistan. People think we are rulers and western media calls us Punjabi elite. We are not only ruling most of Punjab but also most of Pakistan. But we Punjabi Pakistanis are Pakistanis and Muslims first. You Sikhs killed enough of our fellow Muslim Punjabis in 1947, why the hell would we want to be associated with you guys. If living under hindu rule makes you happy go be it. We are more than happy with Pakistan.

haan... as i said.. vekha ge... ajj ni tah kall... :whistle:

And who is going to help you sikhs take over Punjab Province of Pakistan? your fellow hindus? Remember 1965 when your indira gandhi ordered your indian army to invade Lahore and we kicked you indians out the same day. You people have been dreaming since 1947 but got not an inch of Punjab from Pakistan since partition.

Religion over nationalism.. Sikhs are Sikhs.. no matter if they from Afghanistan.. living in Khyber region or Pakistani mainland orr homeland Punjab... Sikhism always comes first!

What homeland Punjab do you Sikhs have? We made our side of Punjab, Muslim land, part of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Your homeland is in india occupied punjab. Well, whats left of it :lol:
Iqbal Brar,

If you ever met any Punjabi-speaking Pakistani Punjabis (not Urdu-speaking Punjabis) then you would know we are proud of our Punjabi identity, most people in my family (cousins/aunties/uncles) don't like speaking Urdu at all, heck, even my Grandad doesn't like to speak Urdu :lol:

Most Pakistani Punjabis are not arabrized as you think. Most Pak Punjabis are followers of suffi traditions, we are not strict mullah Muslims. Suffism mixes well with Punjabi culture!
Iqbal Brar,

If you ever met any Punjabi-speaking Pakistani Punjabis (not Urdu-speaking Punjabis) then you would know we are proud of our Punjabi identity, most people in my family (cousins/aunties/uncles) don't like speaking Urdu at all, heck, even my Grandad doesn't like to speak Urdu :lol:

Most Pakistani Punjabis are not arabrized as you think. Most Pak Punjabis are followers of suffi traditions, we are not strict mullah Muslims. Suffism mixes well with Punjabi culture!

Yes but Punjabi Pakistanis are much more diverse and theres more of us than Indian Punjabis.

You can not generalize 90 million Pakistani Punjabis.

And most of our people, the Pakistani Punjabis, see ourselves as Pakistani and Muslim first.
No. Thanks to Muslim Punjabi Chaudhry Rahmat Ali, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal, and Liaquat Ali Khan.

yeaa.. those type of people flourished under British I know.. loll... some warriors they were.. :lol:

you really should be thanking British Queen.. ooo and the backstabing Kashmiri Hindu Dogra Kings who helped the British...

Oh yea. You Sikhs were always easily manipulated by Hindus. From 1947 to even today. And why would I lie about being Punjabi. We Punjabis are majority in Pakistan. People think we are rulers and western media calls us Punjabi elite. We are not only ruling most of Punjab but also most of Pakistan. But we Punjabi Pakistanis are Pakistanis and Muslims first.

Yeaa.. yeaa... u always repeat same lines... a so called punjabi who doesnt know a single lafz of punjabi... :lol:

You Sikhs killed enough of our fellow Muslim Punjabis in 1947, why the hell would we want to be associated with you guys. If living under hindu rule makes you happy go be it. We are more than happy with Pakistan.

those killings were sad dot on Punjabi history.... but now you're not associated with that... so run alongg now...

(and why u always talk of associating with Sikhs?? lolll.. is this some sort of pipe dream of yours?? because I don't know who ever has said they wanna be associated with you... lolll but u love to repeat those lines.. does it make you feel important or something? lol.. if soo.. carry on.. :lol: :lol: )

And who is going to help you sikhs take over Punjab Province of Pakistan?

What? you thinks sikhs are like you? always need other people's help? :disagree:

Remember 1965 when your indira gandhi ordered your indian army to invade Lahore and we kicked you indians out the same day. You people have been dreaming since 1947 but got not an inch of Punjab from Pakistan since partition.

must not have been Sikh regiment operating in that sector.. :lol:

What homeland Punjab do you Sikhs have? We made our side of Punjab, Muslim land, part of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

what a Punjabi homeland you made where your people don't even know how to speak Punjabi.... Punjabi elite... good joke... more like UP/Bihari elite in Pakistan.. :lol:

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