Before we come up with suggestions of replacing frigate with PC-3’ or reducing the number of submarines; we must try to understand what the staff at the PN GHQ have in mind.
Given the limited financial resources allocated to Pak Navy and the overwhelming quantitative superiority of the Indian Navy; a good guess about the future shape pf Pakistan Navy appears to be that surface warship acquisition is geared towards defence of the littoral waters and the economic zone only.
In other words, future PN surface fleet would primarily comprise of missile equipped FAC, anti-submarine & anti-aircraft frigates and mine hunters supported by PC-3 Orion LMR platforms & a squadron of fighters armed with anti-ship missiles. Blue water offence to be carried out almost entirely by the sub-surface fleet with no warships of the destroyers or larger class.
I am only guessing and would appreciate anyone with inside info about PN modernization plans can elucidate us on this subject. Until such time we have this info; meaningful discussion, comments and /or suggestions on PN acquisitions, is not possible.
We must also remember that beggars can’t be choosers and as long as we don’t have a strong economy; our armed forces will have to make do with whatever is being hand-out to us.