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Pakistan Seeks Helicopters from US to Boost its COIN Operations

Why should we worry where they get the money, don't you think this thread was started as wish list? It's their wish and their right. I do not like this kind of argument about money, that is their problem to find it.
nice wish list .. does anyone know what 16b in foreign reserves mean for a country with our population?
ras..No country exports the best they can build or have for themselves unless they are totally desperate...

So is us desprate (F-35/f-18E/F/F-16 blk 60)
Unsubstantiated..there were some reports but nothing confirmed that the J-10 was offered.

Why don't you use Google and see the references for yourself.

The J-17 does not have the same radar or the same avionic suite as the J-10...similar but inferior in performance.

Radar offered was KLJ-7 and fitted into some of them, first eight as reported, but current ones have the KLJ-10 radars though antenna size is smaller compared to the original KLJ-10, but specifications are much improved compared to the older KLJ-7 series.

Yes the FC-10 will be sold...but only 10 years after the J-10 was inducted by the Chinese.By then the J-XX would be the advanced Chinese plane.

After ten years, because PAF did not wanted them at the time in their current form, plus engine was the big issue. FC-20s will come by 2014-15 and by that time, J-XX would not be operational nor is the status known for now.

All the rest of the stuff you listed were exported years after the induction by the Chinese...just what I was talking about. WZ 10 will be offered by only after a long time. At least a decade.

After years becoz we are more inclined towards western stuff, but after their Chinese tech was tested and found to be worth, we inducted them and Chinese are also using the same stuff right now, so it was not that China did not gave the tech, rather it is more related to Pakistan, who bought it when and why.

As said, if China doesn't wants to sell, we already have a better, efficient & effective more then WZ-10 solution, in the form of T-129s.

No country exports the best they can build or have for themselves unless they are totally desperate...

You will find numerous examples of countries except for the US, having sold latest tech manufactured by them to others. In US case also, i believe F-16 Blk 60 is the only system to have been exported to a country which is superior to their own F-16 Blks, just one system in whole US arsenal.

AEW&C is one platform which you missed and don't say again that we are getting it after decades, even though we had signed the agreement way back and PAF has asked them to make it better as per their requirements thus clearly meaning that their tech is not as per our standards thus not as advanced as we want and we are making them that much advanced which in the end will help their own tech also, even in case of J-10 vs JF-17, many goodies which PAF got first in its JF-17s which are not being put in the J-10Bs.

So Pakistan has no issue in getting the latest what Chinese have to offer, but problem for Pakistan is, having been using western equipment, it needs the same standards from the Chinese and reliability also, which the Chinese have achieved in the last one decade only and are doing currently, thus for China it has itself latest tech for and in last 5-10 years only, and their tech is still in the maturing stage and not combat proven also.
Because this is a Defense Forum:tup:

just analyze the defense budget of both country...u will find pak is no where in the front of india...

Now are you not behaving like you won the war against...
Yar again USA i don't understand why our government don't realize that USA is not a sincere country and will never give these items om wish list. So they must give a kick to US products and must go for Turkish, Chiness and german products...

There should be no question to spend even a penny to get anything from US instead it should be free plus we should get some extra money from US for using their equipments with the Thanks....:woot::cheesy:
why pak members r commenting on Indian member in every where in thread. they r behaving like they won war against india by buying helicopter...just analyze the defense budget of both country...u will find pak is no where in the front of india...

sorry for off-topic post.....

Problem in this thread is with Indian members, who came into this thread and as per typical & past attitude started trolling and started to comment that from where will Pakistan get the money for such purchase.

So that is why members are attacking the Indian members who trolled and derailed the thread with their nonsense posts, which have been posted numerous times and answered also.
ras..No country exports the best they can build or have for themselves unless they are totally desperate...

So is us desprate (F-35/f-18E/F/F-16 blk 60)

US never gives better stuff than theirs to outside even they are desperate ..cuz thats their official policy ...even if they declare they are giving better stuff means they are trying to fool...:woot:
That's great man that we are buying or may be getting in EDA program these choppers. But they should keep the nos of choppers to right level like:
a) AH-1W : 50
b) Apache-64-D: 50
c) armed helicopters such as the AH-6 and MD-530 Little Bird??? Can post pics with name??!!
d) UH-60 Black Hawk: 50-60 armed ones, other than Mi-17s
e) CH-47 D Chinook: 20-30
f) UH-1Y Huey: 50

Hopefully i didn't go with the wrong nos.Although the PA has About 40 ***-550 Fennec, 40 Bell-204, 50 Bell-214, 46+24 Mi-17 & 25 Puma(that's going to replace by Black-Hawk). But in future if U.S is allowing to make a contract like i won't stop the supply of spares in any circumstances then we should try to buy more Black-Hawks like 100 Black-Hawks,50 Ch-47 Chinooks and try to maintain 40 ***-550 Fennec, 40 Bell-204, 50 Bell-214 & 50 UH-1 Huey.
every person has a wish list but a shallow pocket.. even mighty A merica had big wish list to induct several 100s of f22.. but capped it with few 100s .

So Pakistan will maturely select what it needs with what money it has.. Aim for the stars and shoot at the trees..

So other people need not worry about Pakistan's budget and future .. it is them who will take care..

My opinion too many platform might give higher life time cost.. so have to restrict the number of platform.
wow...just wow...

anyway AH-2 Rooivalk is out of the question,sicne the production line is already closed

and if one would ask me about the best general utility transport helos,i would say UH-1Y
Why not pakistan buy Apache AH-64D for $2.2bn? We are having trials of it in India, so they can just fly over to pakistan and then you can also conduct the trials. Say yes, pay them and here you go, shining Aphache AH-64D is all yours.
Dont post crap here. You are a senior member here act like one. Post reported

I do not, but If you think I did then it is your poragative!!!

Anyways, the Article clearly states that Pakistan is INVESTING 2.5 Billion in Helicopters, blah blah, But Just a year ago Zardari went to China to Ask for 2 Billions dollars of not defaulting on the Loan (Do I have to explain that also).

This Article is not making an sense to me so I have to ask questions, I understand clearly the allocation of Defense spendings and the upgrades based on GDP's. This Article shows no proof of where the money is coming from?

So, Mr. Icecold being a senior member here. Can you Explain that the money that is allocated (2.5 billion dollars) based on the article given, Where is it coming from? From the defense budget of Pakistan, borrowed money, From IMF, From China????????

And please answer with proof because that really shows some seniority from you also!!!

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